本书精选100首国内外广为流传的经典儿歌,选材遵循符合孩子认知发展、传唱度高、贴近孩子日常生活三大原则。根据主题分为科普儿歌、游戏儿歌、教育儿歌、思维启蒙儿歌、语言启蒙儿歌、故事儿歌六个单元;每首儿歌均有 早教提示 板块,帮助家长明确早教方式,并提供亲子互动的建议;专业的朗诵音频让孩子能随时随地聆听,感受儿歌的韵味。
《四季儿歌故事.春天》为原创儿歌绘本。本书以春天为主题,讲述了主人公丽丽和弟弟在春季里看到的各种景象,并且书中还特别设计了游戏环节,通过增加亲子间的互动,帮助孩子了解春天生活的一些小常识,非常适合0至3岁幼儿亲子阅读。 《四季儿歌故事.夏天》为原创儿歌绘本。本书以夏天为主题,讲述了主人公丽丽和弟弟在夏季里看到的各种景象,书中还特别设计了小实验、画图、走迷宫等游戏环节,通过游戏环节增加亲子间的互动,帮助孩子了解夏天生活常见的一些小常识,非常适合0至3岁幼儿亲子阅读。 《四季儿歌故事.秋天》为原创儿歌绘本。本书以秋天为主题,讲述了主人公丽丽和弟弟在秋季里看到的各种景象,书中还特别设计了玩树叶、分月饼、点名等游戏环节,通过游戏环节增加亲子间的互动,帮助孩子了解秋天生活常见的一些小常识,非常
Halloween is a delightful time for children. With everythingfrom spooky songs, silly songs, and pumpkin songs, to fingerplays,circle games, and even tasty recipes, here is the perfectcollection to help with the Halloween festivities.
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the most modern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are now in a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
This new Wee Sing musical compilation contains new songs featuring favorite nursery rhymes from Mother Goose. Nursery rhyme favorites like Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty, and Simple Simon are set to music with the tried-and-true Wee Sing formula. Wee Sing Mother Goose features one hour of musical sing-along and finger play enjoyment. And best of all, parents and educators can use the suggestions in the book to join in the fun as they develop their child's imagination. No library would be complete without this treasure!
Lets play a game! This lively collection ofmusical and nonmusical games features both old favorites and somenewer ones, too—all guaranteed to be fun!--Book and CD
Halloween is a delightful time for children. With everythingfrom spooky songs, silly songs, and pumpkin songs, to fingerplays,circle games, and even tasty recipes, here is the perfectcollection to help with the Halloween festivities.
Thirty years of silly songs, rhymes, lullabies, classics, and just plain favorite music come together on this reissue of the 25th Anniversary Celebration. Chosen from among the hundreds and hundreds of songs that Wee Sing has collected over the last 30 years, this treasury is a fitting tribute to the best-selling name in children’s music!
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the mostmodern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are nowin a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
What are squishy, slimy, icky, creepy, crawly, and fun BugsRead and sing along with lovable hostsalike the ladybug and theinchwormaas they lead the way through a musical adventure thatteaches as it entertains.