本书精选100首国内外广为流传的经典儿歌,选材遵循符合孩子认知发展、传唱度高、贴近孩子日常生活三大原则。根据主题分为科普儿歌、游戏儿歌、教育儿歌、思维启蒙儿歌、语言启蒙儿歌、故事儿歌六个单元;每首儿歌均有 早教提示 板块,帮助家长明确早教方式,并提供亲子互动的建议;专业的朗诵音频让孩子能随时随地聆听,感受儿歌的韵味。
《和布奇一起唱套装》包括4册图书及8张DVD,包括114首原创儿歌。儿歌的创作完全从孩子出发,旋律朗朗上口,易于传唱,内容按主题分类,寓教于乐,促进孩子在语言、认知、社会性、健康等领域的全面发展。 全套共包括:《诚实好宝宝——好习惯,好性格》,《妞妞和牛牛——唱儿歌,学拼音》,《一起来跳舞——唱儿歌,做游戏》,《动物起床歌——唱儿歌,长智慧》。
《四季儿歌故事.春天》为原创儿歌绘本。本书以春天为主题,讲述了主人公丽丽和弟弟在春季里看到的各种景象,并且书中还特别设计了游戏环节,通过增加亲子间的互动,帮助孩子了解春天生活的一些小常识,非常适合0至3岁幼儿亲子阅读。 《四季儿歌故事.夏天》为原创儿歌绘本。本书以夏天为主题,讲述了主人公丽丽和弟弟在夏季里看到的各种景象,书中还特别设计了小实验、画图、走迷宫等游戏环节,通过游戏环节增加亲子间的互动,帮助孩子了解夏天生活常见的一些小常识,非常适合0至3岁幼儿亲子阅读。 《四季儿歌故事.秋天》为原创儿歌绘本。本书以秋天为主题,讲述了主人公丽丽和弟弟在秋季里看到的各种景象,书中还特别设计了玩树叶、分月饼、点名等游戏环节,通过游戏环节增加亲子间的互动,帮助孩子了解秋天生活常见的一些小常识,非常
Halloween is a delightful time for children. With everythingfrom spooky songs, silly songs, and pumpkin songs, to fingerplays,circle games, and even tasty recipes, here is the perfectcollection to help with the Halloween festivities.
This collection of children s songs from around the world helps children of all ages feel a little closer to other cultures. Each song is sung first in the native language and then again in English.
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the most modern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are now in a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
Children love to pretend! Whether it’s flying like an airplane or galloping like a horse, the delightful songs in this collection, set to both classical and contemporary music, will encourage every child’s imagination to soar!
This new Wee Sing musical compilation contains new songs featuring favorite nursery rhymes from Mother Goose. Nursery rhyme favorites like Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty, and Simple Simon are set to music with the tried-and-true Wee Sing formula. Wee Sing Mother Goose features one hour of musical sing-along and finger play enjoyment. And best of all, parents and educators can use the suggestions in the book to join in the fun as they develop their child's imagination. No library would be complete without this treasure!
Lets play a game! This lively collection ofmusical and nonmusical games features both old favorites and somenewer ones, too—all guaranteed to be fun!--Book and CD
来自英国的爆款童谣机关书,全球百万妈妈的共同选择。廖彩杏英文启蒙书单推荐,儿童文学作家余治莹精心编译,哈佛跨文化英文启蒙专家吴敏兰微课推荐。60个精巧小机关,锻炼小手灵活力,96幅全景内页图,培养宝宝观察力,12首英文主题曲,提升宝宝语言力。推推拉拉转转,边唱边玩真有趣,我们一起唱吧! 《五只小鸭子》英语启蒙大师廖彩杏 1年52周书单 第9周书目。节奏简单,朗朗上口,配合手指数数游戏。童谣以韵文的方式讲述故事,同时融入数数游戏,给孩子欢快的阅读感受。 《生日快乐》旋律创作于1893年。吉尼斯世界纪录:英语歌中*流行的三首之一。展示小兔子过生日的场景,让小宝宝有熟悉感、亲近感。 《摇啊摇》*早出现在1765年的《鹅妈妈童谣》中。 奶牛跳月 元素被《我爸爸》《逃家小兔》借用。小猫拉起了小提琴、奶牛跳到了月亮上,
Halloween is a delightful time for children. With everythingfrom spooky songs, silly songs, and pumpkin songs, to fingerplays,circle games, and even tasty recipes, here is the perfectcollection to help with the Halloween festivities.
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the most modern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are now in a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the mostmodern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are nowin a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the mostmodern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are nowin a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
《小铃铛,你藏在哪里》 你知道为什么小兔子叫做“小铃铛”么?因为他和所有的小朋友一样,有强烈的求知欲和好奇心,它总会独自跑开去发现或者探索些什么。为了防止小兔子走失,兔妈妈就给他在脖子上系了一个铃铛,这样即使小兔子跑开了,妈妈听到铃铛声就能找到小兔子了。这就是它名字的来历。在每一页的故事中,“小铃铛”都会自己去探索事物,小朋友可以一边读故事,一边跟兔妈妈一起寻找小兔子到底跑到什么地方去了。书中有互动问题:“你听到丁零声了吗?你看到小铃铛了吗?”讲述故事的同时,又融合了寻找功能,并且训练了小宝宝的听觉。兔子耳朵里有个铃铛,家长为小宝宝讲故事的时候,可以让小宝宝自己随着问题摇摇铃铛。 《小熊,丁零零》 圣诞节快到了,小熊戴上有个铃铛的圣诞帽,背上一大袋圣诞礼物出门了。他想在晚上悄
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the most modern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are now in a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!