无论是去野餐、睡觉,还是拔萝卜,小小兔一家总是会碰上各种各样的意外。 但是没关系,因为无论发生什么,一家人总是在一起。 爱的真谛,幸福的秘诀,就在三个温馨可爱的家庭故事中。
勇气、智慧 《小蝌蚪找妈妈》 小蝌蚪从水里孵出来的时候,还不知道世上有妈妈这个人呢!可是,当他们看到好朋友小鸡和妈妈快乐地生活在一起时,不禁羡慕起来,想要找到自己的妈妈,于是他们勇敢地出发了。可是一次又一次,小蝌蚪把金鱼、螃蟹、乌龟等认成了自己的妈妈 究竟谁才是自己的妈妈呢?生活会教给他们求真的智慧。 搭配指偶游戏:青蛙妈妈在大拇指,蝌蚪在小指头,小蝌蚪游过无名指、中指和食指,瞧,妈妈就在前头! 诗意、传统 《好乖乖》 脱胎自无锡惠州泥人大阿福的小孩形象,加上文人画的趣味,让田原先生画笔下的孩子个个轻灵如仙境里的金童玉女。瞧,那个骑着大白猪吹着笛子的男孩,多像古典诗歌里描绘的画面。那对汉服打扮的祖孙,看着荷花发呆,不就是陶渊明笔下悠然见南山的意境?全书配24首童诗,内容按四季
Can you stick out your tongue like Frog? Puff up your cheekslike Cow? Scrunch up your nose like Jane the Monkey? Look in themirror and try! This busy book with a mirror on every spread (and apeekaboo finale!) teaches babies and young children parts of theface in a playful way.
This is the perfect book for kids who love trucks. On the big,sturdy board pages, they’ll discover bright, bold photographs ofall different kinds of trucks, from farm trucks to fire trucks toconstruction vehicles. Each has their name written underneath, sothat children can learn what they’re called, build their truckvocabulary, and start to develop word and pictureassociation.
小熊有很多很多朋友 系列是一套幽默、可爱、特别贴近低幼宝宝生活的成长绘本,适合0~3岁孩子阅读。一套共4册,包括《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》《小羊睡着了吗?》《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》。 整个系列以低幼宝宝熟悉的生活内容为主题,比如分享玩具、和小伙伴一起玩、与人打招呼、睡前仪式、平复情绪等,毫无说教痕迹地引导宝宝如何与其他小朋友相处,学会与人交朋友,尊重他人、关心他人。 书里的小动物造型呆萌,生动、传神的动作和眼神让人忍俊不禁,是一套藏着丰富细节和惊喜彩蛋的低幼宝宝成长绘本。 每本书由一个简单的问题开始,引发一系列让人意想不到的趣味答案! 《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》是 小熊有很多很多朋友 系列中的一本,故事讲述了小瓢虫特别爱抱抱,打招呼的时候喜欢抱抱,说再见的时候也喜
Your little one will soon learn some essential first words andpictures with this bright board book. There are 100 colorphotographs to look at and talk about, and 100 simple first wordsto read and learn, too. The pages are made from tough board forhours of fun reading, and the cover is softly padded for littlehands to hold.
小熊有很多很多朋友 系列是一套幽默、可爱、特别贴近低幼宝宝生活的成长绘本,适合0~3岁孩子阅读。一套共4册,包括《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》《小羊睡着了吗?》《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》。 整个系列以低幼宝宝熟悉的生活内容为主题,比如分享玩具、和小伙伴一起玩、与人打招呼、睡前仪式、平复情绪等,毫无说教痕迹地引导宝宝如何与其他小朋友相处,学会与人交朋友,尊重他人、关心他人。 书里的小动物造型呆萌,生动、传神的动作和眼神让人忍俊不禁,是一套藏着丰富细节和惊喜彩蛋的低幼宝宝成长绘本。每本书由一个简单的问题开始,引发一系列让人意想不到的趣味答案! 《小羊睡着了吗?》是 小熊有很多很多朋友 系列中的一本,讲述了小羊玩了一整天,真的好累,但他能马上睡着吗?他先去刷了个牙,然后喝了
小熊有很多很多朋友 系列是一套幽默、可爱、特别贴近低幼宝宝生活的成长绘本,适合0~3岁孩子阅读。一套共4册,包括《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》《小羊睡着了吗?》《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》。 整个系列以低幼宝宝熟悉的生活内容为主题,比如分享玩具、和小伙伴一起玩、与人打招呼、睡前仪式、平复情绪等,毫无说教痕迹地引导宝宝如何与其他小朋友相处,学会与人交朋友,尊重他人、关心他人,迈出社交启蒙一大步! 书里的小动物造型呆萌,生动、传神的动作和眼神让人忍俊不禁,书里还藏着丰富细节和惊喜彩蛋,让你和孩子亲密互动! 《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》这本讲述了长颈鹿平时很爱笑,但这一天心情却有点儿糟。小熊给他表演杂技,小羊给他拧气球玩,小鳄鱼给他表演布偶戏,但他还是开心不起来,这可怎么办呢?朋友
小熊有很多很多朋友 系列是一套幽默、可爱、特别贴近低幼宝宝生活的成长绘本,适合0~3岁孩子阅读。一套共4册,包括《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》《小羊睡着了吗?》《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》。 整个系列以低幼宝宝熟悉的生活内容为主题,比如分享玩具、和小伙伴一起玩、与人打招呼、睡前仪式、平复情绪等,毫无说教痕迹地引导宝宝如何与其他小朋友相处,学会与人交朋友,尊重他人、关心他人,迈出社交启蒙一大步! 书里的小动物造型呆萌,生动、传神的动作和眼神让人忍俊不禁,书里还藏着丰富细节和惊喜彩蛋,让你和孩子亲密互动! 《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》这本讲述了小熊有很多很多好东西,好吃的水果、好看的图画书、好玩的玩具 但她愿意和朋友们一起玩吗?哪些东西可以和朋友分享,哪些东西不能和别人分
Babies will enjoy learning to recognize the adorable farmanimals in this board book with wooden beads. Five beads embeddedinto the book function as a rattle and later as a tool for helpingreaders count the farm animals along with George. Beautifulpatterns and a reasonable price help make this an ideal choice forgift baskets.
《小小爱因斯坦??乐乐学纸板书》包括《奇妙的感觉》《变化的天气》《有趣的形状》《字母ABC》《小小诗歌》《可爱的动物》六本,通过色彩鲜艳的图画,吸引孩子通过自主探索来认识天气、形状、动物以及自己的感官,学习简单的语言,初步学会感受简单文学作品中的美。 书页厚,圆角设计,非常适合低龄孩子翻阅;画面简单清晰,内容针对性强,符合低龄孩子的身心发展特点;理念科学,注重探索,给孩子更科学的早期教育。
Publisher Comments: -Ideal for 0-18 months. -'Soft-to-touch' cover. -Clear photography introduces babies to the world aroundthem. Synopsis: With bright, clear full-color photos, very simple words printedon each page, and a soft-to-the-touch cover, this book encouragesyounger children to beginlearning colors through recognition offamiliar objects. Book Dimension Height (mm) 160 Width (mm) 123
This is the perfect book for kids who love animals. On thebig, sturdy board pages, they’ll discover bright, bold photographsof all different kinds of animals, from pets to farm animals tobirds. Each has their name written underneath, so that children canlearn what they’re called, build their animal vocabulary,
What happens when Pete hatches a sneaky plan for winning theBunny Hop Race? Find out in this eggs-cellent adventure. Thisshaped die-cut board book stars all of your favorite Clubhousefriends!
It’s almost Halloween, and Mickey and the gang are gettingready for their big Clubhouse Halloween party. But will they beable to turn the Clubhouse into the spookiest haunted house intime? Find out with this spook-tacular board book.
This oversized board book is designed to introduce youngstersto the world of numbers and to assist inunderstanding thesignificance of numbers and counting in their everyday world. Withbeautiful illustrations, captivating photographs of familiarobjects all in repetitive sequences, youngsters will begintounderstand numbers! Baby Einstein Books is an imprint of developmentallyappropriate, interactive books designed to introduce children ages0-3 to classic poetry, art, and foreign languages in a fun andaccessible way. A combination of playful images, beautifulphotography, and bold illustrations with multilayered text willcaptivate and stimulate babies and young children. This "humanitiesfor babies" program, based on the award-winning video series, tapsinto the natural learning potential of young children--and theirparents' aspirations for them. The Baby Einstein Company,founded in 1997 by stay-at-home momJulie Aigner-Clark, has produced numerous videos, CDs, cassettes,DVDs, flash cards, and puppets, and h
-Ideal for 0-18 months. -'Soft-to-touch' cover. -Clearphotography introduces babies to the world around them.