内容简介: 本书是专为6-12岁小朋友打造的英语启蒙读本,分上下两册。 精选 52 首国外经典童诗, 如《Starlight》《Who Has Seen the Wind?》《Auguries of Innocence》等,内容上健康向上、生动有趣,主题上分为日常有我、美味有赏、亲友有情、风雨有季、日月有光、自然有灵、梦想有时,涵盖自我认知、亲情、自然、生活、梦想等不同主题,与孩子们的日常生活息息相关。 版块设置上, 有单词讲解、作者介绍、内容介绍 、游戏板块以及音频朗诵。一方面,通过短小精悍的童诗增加孩子们的单词储备量,掌握常规的英语句式,磨练英语韵律感;另一方面,也希望通过简单、有趣的 游戏 和活动 , 让 孩子 快乐地学习 英语, 实现本书 在玩中学 的策划理念。 编辑推荐: 1. 52 首经典英语童诗,一周一首,让孩子养成英语阅读好习惯! 一周一首英语童诗,让孩子在
北方殖民地 宗教信仰自由 当 五月花号 航行在大西洋上的时候,船上渴望宗教自由的人们并不知道,他们将改变整个世界的历史。北美洲北部的早期定居点或多或少都和宗教有一定的关系,本册讲述的,就是这些为了自己的信仰披荆斩棘开拓异乡的勇敢者的故事。 南方殖民地 寻求财富 与同时期北美北部的殖民地相比,北美南部的殖民地则更多地体现了追求财富的意味。面对未知的土地,欧洲殖民者们希望找到黄金、种植价格不菲的作物,从而发家致富。他们的愿望能否实现,这些殖民地又带来了什么?本册会为您解答这些问题。 美国诞生 经过了多年的发展,北美殖民地已经成为了英国重要的海外殖民地。但与此同时,北美的人们和英国政府的矛盾也越来越严重。崇尚自由的定居者们拒绝宗主国无理的课税,想要在政治上拥有自己的话语
Revised edition! A dictionary written especially for studentsgrades 9 and up, ages 14 and older. More than 100,000 entries.Nearly 1,000 illustrations, many brand new. Abundant word historyparagraphs, synonym paragraphs, and example sentences. Updated toreflect groundbreaking Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary,Eleventh Edition.
《英语字母迷宫》是目前国内惟一一套英语认知游戏迷宫。每本以字母、单词、简单语句进行划分。通过游戏让孩子在强化记忆英文26个字母的同时,记住120多个英文单词、50句简单对话。 主人公大鹏、鲲羽和朵朵会带你在英语字母王国中经历奇妙的冒险之旅。结识可爱的小鼹鼠、美丽善良的春姑娘和美人鱼,穿越神奇的魔法门和颠簸的大吊桥,甚至带你去神话世界中游历一番。 家长如能在孩子游戏时辅以正确字母发音,则会绝佳效果!
Build word power with these 24 ready-to-reproduce, 3-pagelessons. Each lesson includes research-based activities that tapstudents prior knowledge for greater understanding and give themmultiple encounters with new words so they really remember them.Lesson topics include synonyms, antonyms, compound words,homophones, root words, prefixes and suffixes, and much more. Watchreading skills soar! For use with Grade 6.
《国家地理儿童百科》(NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC– Windows on Literacy)是我社引进“国家地理”的儿童英语系列读物,共三套: 入门级—Emergent,提高级—Early和流利级—Fluent。每一级的主要出版内容有学生用书24本、配套练习册24本、《评估手册》1本、《家长指南》1本以及CD25张。另外辅助出版内容有明信片2张、生词卡60张、挂图一幅以及大量拼图。 这三套读物涉及了物理科学、地球 太空科学、生命科学、工艺和技术、地理、历史、文化以及经济等多个方面。培养孩子的听、说、读、写等全面语言技能的同时,也注重孩子的自然、社会百科知识与生活常识的积累以及对孩子交际、生存能力的培养。 学生用书采用大幅图片配上简短句子的形式,儿童可以通过图片获得大量信息,更易于理解句子内容。每册图书通过特定编排的句式推出7-10个主题词和5-8个高频词,便于小读
Build word power with these 24 ready-to-reproduce, 3-pagelessons. Each lesson includes research-based activities that tapstudents prior knowledge for greater understanding and give themmultiple encounters with new words so they really remember them.Lesson topics include synonyms, antonyms, compound words,homophones, root words, prefixes and suffixes, and much more. Watchreading skills soar! For use with Grade 5.
本书专为小朋友制作,让小朋友学会用英语表达自己的需求,包括吃东西、上洗手间和要睡觉等,以及想看电视、想去游乐园、想要玩游戏、想要买玩具等小朋友*做的事,训练小朋友从小用英语思考。书中配有小朋友喜爱的卡通人物,设计了情境式的对话。它先由四个主要人物来介绍自己的各种情况,小朋友可以通过扮演其中的角色,学会所需单词和句子,然后用学到的句子来进行表达。这样的内容设置,可以让小朋友通过角色扮演而产生认同感,可以帮助小朋友先了解到各种不同角色的用语,强化自我的认知能力 ,从而让小朋友更容易用英语表述。 本书共有十二个单元,内容包括:让小朋友用英语说出自己是谁、几岁、性别;用英语认识自己的五官、身体的部位;用英语描述动作如站、坐、走路、跳、蹲、跪和爬;学习如何用英语表达自己的喜怒哀乐;用英
《老鼠记者系列》以老鼠为主人公讲述了一系列惊险刺激、扣人心弦而又妙趣横生的旅行历险故事。 《老鼠记者》系列曾获出版创意奖、安徒生奖、儿童电子书奖等多项殊荣,是全球狂销8600万册的优秀儿童文学桥梁书。 该套状精选4本老鼠记者的故事,可作为独立读本阅读,也可和Geronimo Stilton Academy’s Comprehension Pawbook 1练习册配套使用。 四本读本分别为: Geronimo Stilton #42:THE PECULIARPUMPKIN THIEF 老鼠记者系列42:奇怪的南瓜小偷 Geronimo Stilton #43:I’M NOT A SUPERMOUSE! 老鼠记者系列43:我不是超级鼠! Geronimo Stilton #46:THE HAUNTED CASTLE 老鼠记者系列46:幽灵城堡 Geronimo Stilton #57: THE STINKY CHEESE VACATION 老鼠记者57:臭奶酪之旅
Research shows that some of the most effective words studentscan learn are academic vocabulary. Knowing these words boostsstudents' ability to understand and complete classroom work,homework assignments, standardized tests, and more. Each of these18 ready-to-reproduce, 4-page lessons gives students multipleencounters with the new words to help kids really remember them.Also includes writing prompts and engaging activities.
Research shows that some of the most effective words studentscan learn are academic vocabulary. Knowing these words boostsstudents' ability to understand and complete classroom work,homework assignments, standardized tests, and more. Each of these18 ready-to-reproduce, 4-page lessons gives students multipleencounters with the new words to help kids really remember them.Also includes writing prompts and engaging activities.
Students are sure to succeed in standardized tests, thanks tomeaningful and relevant hints from the "Test Tutor". Designed toresemble various statewide tests, the three practice tests in thisbook offer different levels of scaffolding that help studentsunderstand what to look for in each question and how to answer thequestion. Students can work through the tests with a teacher,parent, or tutor or on their own by reading the Test Tutor'shelpful tips. A detailed answer key identifies correct responsesand explains why the other choices are wrong. A great way to buildstudents' confidence in taking tests!
Students are sure to succeed in standardized tests, thanks tomeaningful and relevant hints from the "Test Tutor". Designed toresemble various statewide tests, the three practice tests in thisbook offer different levels of scaffolding that help studentsunderstand what to look for in each question and how to answer thequestion. Students can work through the tests with a teacher,parent, or tutor or on their own by reading the Test Tutor'shelpful tips. A detailed answer key identifies correct responsesand explains why the other choices are wrong. A great way to buildstudents' confidence in taking tests!
Give children a head start in school! Summer Express includes100 fun-filled activity pages that reinforce skills and alsoprepare kids for the school year ahead. Topics covered includereading, math, writing, vocabulary, grammar, and lots more! A fullpage of colorful incentive stickers will help kids keep track oftheir progress and stay motivated. A summer’s worth of greatlearning! For use with Grades 7-8.