Book De*ion The world's funniest kindergartner is back, in her 15thbook! It's almost the end of the school year, and Room Nine is taking afield trip to a farm! There's lots of fun farm stuff there. Like areal actual barn. And a real actual farmer. There's even real aliveanimals you can pet! Only, where's the gift shop? That's what JunieB. Jones would like to know. Surely no one would want Junie B. togo home empty-handed. . . .
序:可爱的任溶溶爷爷(孙建江) 没头脑和不高兴 一个天才杂技演员 奶奶的怪耳朵 小妖精的咒语 小妖精闯祸 当心你自己身上的小妖精 听青蛙爷爷讲故事 采访任溶溶:我与儿童文学的渊源 珍藏相册 产品展示 基本信息 图书名称: 一年级大个子二年级小个子/外国JYB推荐书系 作 者: 古田足日 定价: 18.00 ISBN号: 9787544841641 出版社: 接力出版社 开本: 32
《疯狂树屋》系列全球销量超过1800万册,输出至35个国家和地区,囊括澳大利亚所有童书奖项。每出一本都揽获当年澳大利亚童书协会年度图书奖,也是获澳大利亚书业年度图书的童书作品。《疯狂树屋》帮助全世界上千万的小学生顺利开启自主阅读,“不爱看书的孩子一口气读完4本”! 作者安迪和绘者特里化身书里的主角,带小读者进入树屋宇宙,一边展开不可思议的疯狂冒险,一边完成故事创作,以便按时交稿。安迪负责写故事,特里负责画画。“疯狂树屋”以每年13层的速度加盖,一本已经盖到169层,层层都有新故事,层层都在突破想象极限…… 安迪和特里的疯狂树屋盖到91层了!疯狂树屋空降三个“熊孩子”,他们是出版商大鼻头先生的孙子孙女们,安迪和特里要帮忙照看他们。这是一个充满挑战的任务,三个孩子“天不怕地不怕” ,带着安迪、特里和
Book De*ion Sometimes life isP.U. Junie B.'s having a rough week. First she got punishment forshooting off her mouth in kindergarten. And now she's in bigtrouble again! 'Cause Monday is Job Day, and Junie B. told herclass that she's got the bestest job of all. Only, what the heck isit? From Booklist Gr. 2-4. In another hilarious, easy chapter book about Junie B.Jones, the irrepressible kindergartner veers from catastrophe torapture and back again. This time she has trouble deciding what tobe on Job Day. Older kids will laugh at Junie's mistakes andmisunderstandings, especially with language, and they'll remembertheir own bewilderment and bloopers. She gets punished for shootingoff her big fat mouth ("Punishment is the school word for sittingat a big table all by yourself"). She's frank that the Pledge ofAllegiance is a jumble for her ("I don't know what that dumb storyis even talking about"). She's heartbroken to discover that MickeyMouse isn't real. When she hates, she hates (even her "bestest"fri
Go Room One! It’s time for the first-grade kickball tournament!Only, here’s the problem. Junie B. has hurt her big piggy toe andshe can’t play on the team. So, now what? She definitely doesn’twant to be a cheerleader. But wait! Maybe she could be in Sheldon’shalftime show! Then all eyes would be on her! And she would be thestar! Hurray! Hurray! Junie B. . . . in the spotlight. What couldpossibly go wrong?
Book De*ion It's pooey on B-A-B-I-E-Suntil Junie B. finds out that her new dumb old baby brother is abig fat deal. Her two bestest friends are giving her everythingthey own just to see him. And guess what else? Maybe she can bringhim to school on Pet Day. From Kirkus Reviews The fractious kindergartener of Junie B. Jones and the StupidSmelly Bus (p. 993) has a new baby brother her grandma calls ``thecutest little monkey!'' Junie hasn't seen him yet, but she has toldthe kids in her class that he's ``A REAL, ALIVE, BABY MONKEY,'' andshe's taking bids from her ``bestest'' friends for the first look.So far she's got Lucille's locket, Grace's ring, Lucille's redsweater, Grace's hightops, and Lucille's red chair. But when Junietries to turn in the extra snack tickets that she's also extorted,she finds herself in the principal's office. Kids who like literal-minded Amelia Bedelia's linguistic misadventures will probablyenjoy Junie's. Occasional sophisticated words (``confiscate'';``beauteous'') and Junie's
Only, for Junie B. Jones, things are not actually thatpleasant. ’Cause first grade means having to get used to a wholenew classroom. And a whole new teacher. And a whole new bunch ofstrange children. But here’s the worst thing of all: when Junie B.tries to read words on the chalkboard, she can’t seem to see whateveryone else is seeing! Is it possible she might actually end upwearing glasses?
《嗨!对不起》收录的是“花婆婆”方素珍创作的充满想象力的非常好玩的16篇短篇童话。这些童话好玩在怪兽村里居然没有了彩虹;好玩在用花儿可以做一只钟;好玩在把爸爸叫作“妈妈”,把妈妈叫作“爸爸”;好玩在秘密说给你听,说好要保密的,结果大家都知道了;好玩在平平常常的雨,会变成一首好听的诗。这些说不完的好玩故事,充满了有趣的与众不同的创意。其实,创意并不神秘——关注生活,并在阅读的过程中,汲取更多的养分,获得灵感,头脑中才会迸发出新的思维的火花。 图书请著名阅读推广周益民老师作序,书后 “阅读分享”的栏目,有资深阅读推广人书写的故事解读、设计的阅读游戏、整理的故事中与小学语文学习相关联的词语解释。帮助孩子在轻松愉悦的阅读形式与氛围中,深入地理解故事,快乐地学习语文知识,不拘一格地拓展思路
Three new chapter books feature Arthur and his friends for fans ready to read on their own. Each book features longer Arthur Adventures at a third-grade reading level and has loads of kid appeal. Arthur is in top form as he tries to figure out who Muffy's secret admirer is, enters a poetry contest with all his friends, and attempts to rein in Buster's ego when he becomes a local hero. Arthur fans will want to read and collect all of these new chapter books!
四年级的弟弟石川结和六年级的姐姐石川香,都是父母领养的孩子。但是他们并没有觉得自己不幸福,而是很自然地在潮见街生活着。直到弟弟班转来插班生山口茜,姐姐班转来山口茜的哥哥山口真吾。 山口茜和她的哥哥因父母离异,不得已跟着妈妈来到了潮见街,当他们知道石川姐弟二人是被领养的孩子时,一下子就想到了自己被父亲“抛弃”的悲惨命运。他们通过嘲笑、讽刺石川姐弟来获得自己内心的慰藉。而心智尚未成熟的姐姐石川香遇到这种情况时不知该怎么处理,只能用拳头发泄内心的愤怒。弟弟石川结也开始对养父母领养自己的动机产生了怀疑,他觉得自己就是被领养来继承橘子园的,自己的真正的梦想棒球运动员只能是一个梦想了,他几次想问父亲却总觉得不好意思开口。 经历了姐姐和山口真吾打架事件后,养父母和他们聊了很多——他们虽然
"Park is truly a funny writer. Although Junie B. is a kindergartner, she's sure to make middle graders laugh out loud." -- School Library Journal -- Review
《父与子》是德国著名漫画家埃 奥 卜劳恩创作的一系列漫画故事,漫画将普通民众的生活通过父子间的日常刻画出来,表现了父与子遭遇困难不绝望,获得意外财富不忘本的乐观与善良的美好品质等。《父与子》中充满着生活的智慧与幽默,将人与人之间朴实纯真的情感表现得淋漓尽致,是一部流传很广、经久不衰的经典作品。 《父与子全集 彩图注音版》在原版黑白漫画基础上精心着色,采用对话方式展现故事情节并逐字注音,方便孩子自主阅读,更为识字阶段的孩子扫除阅读障碍。跳动着快乐、智慧光芒的漫画取材于父亲卜劳恩和儿子克里斯蒂安日常生活中的真实体验,充满了人间的温情和幽默。它像一帧帧无声的影片,不管是大人还是孩子,都能在漫画中看到自己的故事、感受到炽热的父子之情。