本书分为三册,结合小学六年语文课本中课文涉及的诸多景点,由作者设计研学线路,详细介绍各景点地理知识及文化典故, 业旅行建议。同时辅以课文 点拨,纵横拓展、 罗万象等知识版块,引经据典,谈古论今,凸显图书内容文化性与 业性,鼓励读者以脚步丈量 大好河山,游中学,学中忆,让孩子寓教于乐,增长见闻, 高质量 子互动,是 本为孩子开拓眼界,培养审美,领略祖国大好河山与人文 的 质课外读物,同时也是 本实用性的 子旅行工具书。 每个人在旅行中走过、触摸过、闻到过、品尝过、听到过的,都会在他们身上打下烙印。 《跟着课本去旅行》(全3册)这套书,会让 子旅行更有趣、有料、有收获! 做 个麦田里的守望者, 大手拉小手, 跟着课本去旅行.....
Charlie Bucket loves chocolate - and Mr Willy Wonka, the mostwondrous inventor in the world, is opening the gates of his amazingchocolate factory to five lucky children. It's the prize of alifetime and all you have to do is find one of the five GoldenTickets. Charlie is the last lucky winner to join Willy Wonka in atour of his factory - where some amazing surprises, both good andbad, await the children. This title is an award-winning Roald Dahlfavorite.
This is the classic story of an otter living in the Devonshire countryside, which captures the feel of life in the wild as seen through the otter's own eyes. 《*塔卡》出版于1927年,讲的是一只年轻的雄性*每天如何在恶犬和恶人的世界里挣扎着寻找食物、伙伴和安全的故事。
Twelve-year-old villain Artemis Fowl is the most ingeniouscriminal mastermind in history. His bold and daring plan is to holda leprechaun to ransom. But he's taking on more than he bargainedfor when he kidnaps Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon (LowerElements Police Reconnaissance Unit). This is a truly modernclassic, first published in 2002.
Greg Heffley is not willing to be the odd man out. A dance at Greg's middle school has everyone scrambling to finda partner, and Greg is determined not to be left by the wayside. Sohe concocts a desperate plan to find someone—anyone!—to go with onthe big night. But Greg's schemes go hilariously awry, and his only option isto attend the dance with his best friend, Rowley Jefferson, and afemale classmate as a "group of friends." But the night is long,and anything can happen along the way. Who will arrive at the dancetriumphantly, and who will end up being the third wheel?
Based in part on the author's own life, "David Copperfield" isthe epic story of a young man's journey of self-discovery - from anunhappy and impoverished childhood to his vocation as a successfulnovelist. Among the memorable cast of characters he encountersalong the way are his brutal stepfather, Mr Murdstone; bubbly NursePeggotty; his brilliant, but unworthy schoolmate Steerforth, hiseccentric aunt, Betsy Trotwood, the scheming clerk Uriah Heep, theenchanting Dora and the magnificent Mr Macawber - a character muchlike Dickens' own father. Full of tragedy and comedy in equalmeasure, "David Copperfield" remains one of the most enduring andpopular of Dickens' novels.