《长大之前要看的1001本童书》由雀巢童书奖评委会主席,惠特布莱德童书奖、布兰福 博斯奖评审,依列娜 法吉恩奖获得者朱莉娅 埃克谢尔主持编选。她邀请世界各地三十余位杰出的作家与插画家共襄盛举,对人类历史上的童书进行梳理,甄选了1001种被广泛认可的童书,并加以解读与评介。 本书的撰稿人团队中有6位英国儿童文学桂冠作家,4位凯特 格林纳威奖获得者,6位惠特布莱德童书奖获得者及国际安徒生奖、纽伯瑞奖、卡内基奖、布克奖、卡夫卡奖等获奖者和众多书作家,以及文学评论家和教师。 本书为父母和孩子展现一个丰富多彩的世界:从无字绘本,到识字数数的图画书,一直到或深刻或尖锐的青少年小说。这份书单包括各国经典和当代颇负盛名的成功作家的作品,从适合0~3岁孩子的《好饿的毛毛虫》《花格子大象艾玛》,到5岁以后爱看的《长袜子皮
我们的世界是如此美好! 昆虫,仿佛我们这个世界的精灵,在树林间,在草丛里,或振翅飞舞,或浅吟低唱…一它们的生命大多短暂,但它们的故事却很精彩。孩子们是多么喜爱昆虫啊!他们追逐着夏夜的萤火虫,跟着可爱的蜻蜓奔跑;他们观察圣甲虫团粪球,倾听蝉的欢唱。 真的要感谢法布尔先生。这位伟大的昆虫学家,用细致入微的观察,用细腻恬淡的文笔,将神秘的昆虫世界呈现在我们面前。他是那么热爱那些小精灵,与其说他是在研究昆虫,倒不如说他倾尽所有的爱,呵护着那些小生命。厚厚一部《昆虫记》是法布尔先生留给我们的最宝贵的遗产,这就是爱——爱生活,爱自然,爱生命。《昆虫记》是一部百年经典,多少年来深受中国读者喜爱。据了解,目前国内图书市场上各种版本的《昆虫记》不下百种,我们这套注音版《法布尔昆虫记绘本》,从严
From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deepforests, the Brothers Grimm collected a treasury of enchanting folkand fairy stories full of giants and dwarfs, witches andprincesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics suchas "The Frog-Prince" and "Hansel and Grettel" to the delights of"Ashputtel" or "Old Sultan", all hold a timeless magic which hasenthralled children for centuries.
Jonathan Harker is travelling to Castle Dracula to see theTransylvanian noble, Count Dracula. He is begged by locals not togo there, because on the eve of St George's Day, when the clockstrikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will come fullsway. But business must be done, so Jonathan makes his way to theCastle - and then his nightmare begins. His beloved wife Meena andother lost souls have fallen under the Count's horrifying spell.Dracula must be destroyed. This title is presented with an excitingintroduction by Holly Black, bestselling author of "The SpiderwickChronicles".