我们的世界是如此美好! 昆虫,仿佛我们这个世界的精灵,在树林间,在草丛里,或振翅飞舞,或浅吟低唱…一它们的生命大多短暂,但它们的故事却很精彩。孩子们是多么喜爱昆虫啊!他们追逐着夏夜的萤火虫,跟着可爱的蜻蜓奔跑;他们观察圣甲虫团粪球,倾听蝉的欢唱。 真的要感谢法布尔先生。这位伟大的昆虫学家,用细致入微的观察,用细腻恬淡的文笔,将神秘的昆虫世界呈现在我们面前。他是那么热爱那些小精灵,与其说他是在研究昆虫,倒不如说他倾尽所有的爱,呵护着那些小生命。厚厚一部《昆虫记》是法布尔先生留给我们的最宝贵的遗产,这就是爱——爱生活,爱自然,爱生命。《昆虫记》是一部百年经典,多少年来深受中国读者喜爱。据了解,目前国内图书市场上各种版本的《昆虫记》不下百种,我们这套注音版《法布尔昆虫记绘本》,从严
本书1969年在日本出版,至今仍不衰,是1979年国际儿童纪念特别安徒生奖作品,被选为日本全国学校图书馆协会选定图书。 妈妈要去九洲采访,直树和未满三岁的妹妹裕子被托付给住在古城花浦的外公外婆。到达花浦的当天傍晚,直树碰到了一件奇怪的事情:他在护城河边看到了一把小椅子,小椅子像小矮人一样在路上咯噔咯咯地行走,一边走一边说话。 第二天,直树发现妹妹裕子不见了。当他在椅子所在的那座老房子里找到裕子时,他几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛;裕子骑在小椅子上面,兴高采烈地在屋子里兜着圈,就像是在自己家里一样。直树和小椅子交谈后得知,这房子里原来住着一位老爷爷和小姑娘伊达,可他们一直没有回来。小椅子整天寻找伊达,而裕子平时最爱称自己为伊达,所以小椅子认定裕子就是小伊达。 这是一个讲述战争与和平的故事。
Alone in a new country, wealthy Sara Crewe tries to makefriends at boarding school and settle in. But when she learns thatshe'll never see her beloved father again, her life is turnedupside down. Transformed from princess to pauper, she must swapdancing lessons and luxury for drudgery and a room in the attic.Will she find that kindness and generosity are all the riches shetruly needs? With deeply poignant introduction written bybestselling author of "Chinese Cinderella", "A Little Princess" isone of the twelve wonderful classic stories being relaunched in"Puffin Classics" in March 2008.
Heathcliff, an orphan, is raised by Mr. Earnshaw as one of hisown children. Hindley, Mr. Earnshaw’s son, despises him, but hissister, wild Cathy, becomes Heathcliff’s constant companion, and hefalls violently in love with her. When Cathy will not marryHeathcliff, his terrible vengeance ruins them all and carries overto a second generation— but still their love will not die.
From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deepforests, the Brothers Grimm collected a treasury of enchanting folkand fairy stories full of giants and dwarfs, witches andprincesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics suchas "The Frog-Prince" and "Hansel and Grettel" to the delights of"Ashputtel" or "Old Sultan", all hold a timeless magic which hasenthralled children for centuries.