专业儿童故事编剧策划,全书精选 1300个字词组合,每个主题1个完整的小故事,温馨有趣,囊括了生活常识、情绪管理、社会科学、历史文化、性格培养和习惯养成等方面,将故事性和知识性融为一体,同时配资深儿童插画师绘制图片,打造出一幅幅精美的画面,满足孩子不同阶段的识字需求。翻开标题栏可获得主题故事线索,充满趣味性,帮助家长进行亲子共读,翻开书中的隐藏位置,可以探寻新的故事剧情,既吸引了孩子探索的好奇心,又增加了亲子互动的乐趣,培养孩子的自我表达力和社交能力。
《宝宝视觉激发挂挂卡》共分为婴儿版( 2册)和婴幼版(2册)。婴儿版适合0~6个月宝宝使用,婴幼版适合3个月~3岁宝宝使用。根据宝宝黑白期、彩色期视觉发育特点,选取了轮廓鲜明、对比强烈的黑白卡和彩色卡,让宝宝在不同阶段接受不同的视觉激发训练,以此促进宝宝视觉神经系统和大脑的发育。帮助宝宝顺利度过视觉敏感期。
《宝宝视觉激发挂图(套装共 4册)》以婴幼儿视觉发展规律的相关科学理论为基础,分阶段设置不同的视觉激发内容,包括《黑白视觉1》《黑白视觉2》《彩色视觉1》《彩色视觉2》共4册。所选图形都经过严格挑选,符合宝宝视觉认知特点,图片饱满清晰,组合变换多样,颜色丰富,色彩明丽,能够促进宝宝视觉神经的发育,增强宝宝双眼注视能力,进而促进宝宝脑的发育,有利于宝宝的智力发展。同时,挂图在其中两册中设置专业的色盲色弱检测图,方便家长对宝宝的视觉能力发育状况进行检测,方便贴心。 挂图外观设计朴素大方,制作精良,绿色印刷,安全无异味,是宝宝成长路上的好朋友、家长的好帮手。
《必知篇》: 《必知篇》所选内容是宝宝在日常生活中经常接触到的内容,遵循由简单到复杂的规律设置,包括颜色形状、玩具、生活用品、水果、蔬菜、动物、食品和饮品、交通工具、世界名车、标志、国旗、花卉、自然、四季、时间、身体认知、动作练习、眼保健操、家庭关系等。 《必学篇》: 《必学篇》所选内容是宝宝在学习认识过程中所接触的基础知识,从简单的拼音、数字学起,逐渐向知识点更丰富、有难度的内容学起,是宝宝领先掌握的必要内容,包括汉语拼音、英文字母、国际音标、数字百位表、数字与符号、加减法、乘法口决、看图识字、无图识字、童谣、儿歌、唐诗、绕口令、三字经、弟子规、千字文等。
What do you know of Zimbabwe's glorious 11th-centurycivilization? The idealistic founding of Liberia and itslong-standing democracy? What do you know of apartheid, Timbuktu,the gorillas of Malawi, Rwanda, the slave trade, Congolese rainforests, the Olduvai Gorge? An important addition to the "Fandex"line, "Africa" is the easy, one-hour encyclopaedia for school kids,political junkies, readers intrigued by history and culture, andespecially for African Americans. Combining the irresistible,accessible die-cut "Fandex" format, dozens and dozens of full-colorillustrations, and the cultural and natural marvels of 54 diversecountries, "Africa" is a wonder-filled addition to the series thathas over 3.2 million copies in print. Here is the Asante people'sGolden Stool - an object so sacred that, when the British demandedit in 1896, the Asante handed over their chief instead. The GreatMan-Made River, one of the world's most ambitious engineeringprojects to green the desert of Libya. Ethiopia's ancient SolomonicDy
认数卡:数字0-100,符号,数字组合分解,数学基础概念 计算卡:加减法(5以内、10以内、20以内、50以内、100以内、100以内整十)、10以内连加、10以内连减、混合运算(10以内、20以内、100以内) 拼音卡;韵母、声母、整体认读音节、字母比较、拼读练习、拼写练习、音调歌、标调歌、趣味练习 英文卡 :26个英文字母(1个例词、书写)、48个国际音标、19个单词卡、日常用语 识字卡(4册) : 基础篇:身体部位、人物称谓、表情动作 起步篇:学习用品、日常物品、食物玩具、形容词 入门篇:自然景物、自然现象、动物植物 启蒙篇:空间方位、数字钱币、反义词组、交通建筑 本套卡片卖点: 专业学前教育专家的指导下研发 内容根据义务教育课程标准和幼儿园教育指导纲要研发 无图卡片,不
A celebration of America's #1 pet, breed by breed, from thefriendly neighborhood Silver Classic Tabby to the exotic Korat, theCornish Rex Cat to the Somali, the Chartreux and the Egyptian Mau,once worshipped in ancient Egypt as the living form of thecat-goddess Bastet. Learn all about their mysterious ways,fascinating and often legendary history, unusual quirks--one breed,the Norwegian Forest Cat, has special claws allowing it to climbrocks; another the La Perm, is a face-kisser--appearance,temperament, and more. 50 individually die-cut cards, full-colorthroughout.
A favorite subject of kids, nature lovers, scientists, andcollectors, Butterflies takes full advantage of Fandex's uniquefull-color die-cut format to celebrate 50 butterfly species, fromthe enormous Queen Alexandra Birdwing, with its 11-inch wingspan,to the Blue Morpho, whose stunning metallic-blue color is caused bytiny prisms in its wings. Each entry includes the Latin name,range, plants used for laying eggs and drinking nectar, migrationand mating habits, and how to recognize the species in itscaterpillar, pupa, and adult stages. Includes 50 die-cut cards.