鹅妈妈童谣 (MotherGoose)本来 是英国民间童谣集。这些民间童谣在英国流传时间相当久,有的长达数百年,总数约有八百多首,内容典雅,有幽默故事、游戏歌曲、儿歌、谜语、催眠曲、字母歌、数数歌、绕口令、动物歌等,英国人称其为 Nursery Rhymes( 儿歌 ) ,美国人称其为 MotherGoose( 鹅妈妈童谣 ) ,是英、美人士从孩童时代就耳熟能详的儿歌。 本书包含124首鹅妈妈童谣。
《 You Read to Me 》经典双语韵律绘本 ,引自美国LittleBrown出版公司。本套绘本共6册原版英文读本和6册经典译本,中英双语独立阅读,一书两用,让孩子可以原汁原文地学英文。 这套书精选了伴随孩子成长的经典文学作品,包括鹅妈妈童谣、经典童话、寓言、短篇童话、传奇故事、恐龙故事等等,在难度程度上依次递增,满足各个英语阅读阶段和不同阅读水平孩子的需求,也可以作为英语阶梯阅读。 经典的故事、优美的韵律、生动的画面,这套图书可以作为家庭、学校、机构的阅读读本,不仅适合亲子阅读、分角色朗读,还适合班级齐读,是一套实用性很高的英语读本教材。
《巴士的轮子转呀转》:巴士上的车轮转转转,车上的动物们发生了各种各样好玩儿的事情,饥饿的斑马,喋喋不休的猴子,嗷嗷叫的狮子 各种小动物都在车上表演他们的绝活儿。啊,前面有一个小池塘,大家快乐地跳下车一起玩耍。书后附有乐谱和歌词,便于哼唱。 《老麦克唐纳有个农场》:老麦克唐纳有一座农场,咿呀咿呀哦。农场里有一位妻子,咿呀咿呀哦。 在农场里还有小狗、绵羊、马、鸡、牛、鸭子、猪各种各样可爱的动物陪伴着他们,大家在一起过着幸福的生活。通过不断反复与富有节奏感的语言,唱出了一个快乐的老麦克唐纳的形象。 《妈妈,带着我吧!》:河马妈妈,请抱抱我,让我爬到你的背上,以免被水弄湿了。鳄鱼妈妈,请抱抱我,让我跳到你的嘴里玩一玩。企鹅妈妈,请抱抱我,让我坐在你的大脚上暖一暖。 本书向孩子们
-A new edition of a Barefoot bestseller with sales to date of over 15,000 copies. -Children will look at their own morning routines in a new way as they learn those of other cultures. -Contemporary multicultural theme: represents children and their homes in the UK, Mali, India and China. -AR Level: 2.3 -Classic song ideal for Early Years music and movement. -Includes a dual-purpose audio and video CD to listen to the singalong on a CD player or listen and watch the video animation on a Mac or PC.
This airborne adventure takes readers ballooning over lands near and far, all the way to the stars. The charming singalong song on the accompanying CD keeps spirits high, while the rhyming and playful text introduces all sorts of settings and vocabulary-building words. Includes singalong CD.
The world.iS yours to take care of,So sing around the planet,from high in themountains to lOW{n the valleys,{il every townand every city!The global singaiong features anenhanced CD with audio and videoanimation of the story,
In this multicultural version of the traditional song, children from cultures all over the world clap their hands, stomp their feet, pat their heads, and much more. The accompanying singalong CD continues the interactive fun! It includes two full spreads at the end that teach hello - in thirty-six languages, and the names of the children and their countries of origin. It is illustrated by Sophie Fatus, artist of the best-selling "Barefoot Books" yoga range, including "My Daddy is a Pretzel", "Yoga Pretzels" and "Yoga Planet". It joins Barefoot's popular "Singalong Songs" series which also includes "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush", "The Animal Boogie" and "Driving My Tractor".
It's time to bring in the animals! Follow a farmer with his tractor and trailer as he goes around his farm - combines simple counting skills with a catchy song and a singalong CD. Education Market: This colourful book combines simple counting skills and fun farm animals to keep early readers entertained. Gift Market: This is a must-have early years picture book for farm shops, transport museums and every outlet whose customers care about the land and where food comes from! It travels through the seasons with illustrations that show the farming year. It includes a section on farm machinery.
This new editionof Mother Goose is published for children of the 21st century , illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright , withnotes by Karen L. Smith , the professional Canadianlanguage teacher. Since theoriginal edition published in 1916 , theOld Mother Goose has been delighting thousands upon thousands of boys andgirls, and the magic is as strong as ever. Men and women who loved it in theirchildhood are now buying the book for their children. Teachers and librarianseverywhere acclaim this edition as the standard Mother Goose. Including 305 nurseries , colorful pictures , this book is spreadingfrom generation to generation. 在西方家庭, MotherGoose 跟圣诞老人一样,家喻户晓、幼孺皆知。小宝贝们降临于世,便伴随着这些趣味无穷、朗朗上口的童谣,在大人怀抱中一天天长大。 《鹅妈妈》是一本源自英国民间(有些是从其他国家传入英国)的童谣集,这些童谣在英国流传
A busy family and their friends spend a day working and playing on the farm. From milking the cows in the morning to closing the gate at night, learn about a day in the life of a farming family. Enhanced CD includes video animation and audio singalong.
3-5岁是儿童音乐能力发展的关键期,3-8岁是儿童学习外国语的关键期,新东方推出的《我的本英语儿歌书》和《我的本英语儿歌书2》,充分结合了儿童的发展规律与学习特点,是儿童*英语启蒙读物。两本书一上市便登上各大网站和书店销售排行榜TOP10的位置,成为畅销的英语儿歌书。从定位上来看,《我的本英语儿歌书》以欧美国家广为传唱的经典英语儿歌为主题,侧重从语音、词汇和句型的角度循序渐进地培养孩子的语感,奠定孩子的英语基础;《我的本英语儿歌书2》以礼貌用语及日常生活口语儿歌为主题,侧重培养孩子的英语口语,掌握日常生活常用表达及礼貌用语表达。总之,这是一套能让儿童自然而然开口说英语的神奇英语儿歌书! 《我的本英语儿歌书2》是《我的本英语儿歌书》的续篇。本书在创作形式上沿用《我的本英语儿歌书》的风格
What can you make with a line, a circle or square? This inspiring book, based on an original song by children's singer SteveSongs, shows how simple shapes can be transformed into anything you can imagine from boats to skyscrapers to a circus. The catchy song and animation will soon have you dancing along, making shapes!
Discover amazing and fascinating sea creatures in the hole in the bottom of the sea! Based on the traditional cumulative song, each verse introduces a new creature and its place in the food chain, with the shark chasing the eel, who chases the squid, who chases the snail. Enhanced CD includes videso animation and audio singalong.