幼儿阶段,孩子进入了一个学习语言的关键期,在这个特殊的时期里,孩子掌握语言的能力非常惊人,而这个时期学习外语也是关键时期。研究证明,孩子对英文歌谣的学习,不仅可以积累词汇,还可以培养纯正的语感,并激发孩子学习的兴趣。边看书边听歌曲,情景交融,相得益彰,在快乐轻松的氛围中掌握50首经典英文歌曲,您的孩子也会成为英语小达人! 50首经典英文儿歌,扫描即可收听,创设轻松有趣的学习氛围,五线谱记谱方式,权威、科学,适合幼儿园、幼儿培训机构等少儿机构使用。
《英美经典英语儿歌分级唱》系列儿歌书精选多首英美国家*耳熟能详、朗朗上口的英语儿歌,按难度划分为三个级别,非常适合小朋友循序渐进地学习,让他们在欢唱中感受英语学习的乐趣,培养乐感和语感,磨练英文耳朵和嘴巴,逐渐增强英语实力,增进对英美文化的了解。 该系列儿歌书还可以使用新东方点读笔进行点读学唱。点读笔需单独购买,咨询电话:400-169-8377。
In this multicultural version of the traditional song, children from cultures all over the world clap their hands, stomp their feet, pat their heads, and much more. The accompanying singalong CD continues the interactive fun! It includes two full spreads at the end that teach hello - in thirty-six languages, and the names of the children and their countries of origin. It is illustrated by Sophie Fatus, artist of the best-selling "Barefoot Books" yoga range, including "My Daddy is a Pretzel", "Yoga Pretzels" and "Yoga Planet". It joins Barefoot's popular "Singalong Songs" series which also includes "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush", "The Animal Boogie" and "Driving My Tractor".
-A new edition of a Barefoot bestseller with sales to date of over 15,000 copies. -Children will look at their own morning routines in a new way as they learn those of other cultures. -Contemporary multicultural theme: represents children and their homes in the UK, Mali, India and China. -AR Level: 2.3 -Classic song ideal for Early Years music and movement. -Includes a dual-purpose audio and video CD to listen to the singalong on a CD player or listen and watch the video animation on a Mac or PC.
Sing and dance along with a young boy who introduces different members of his family, along with a new farmyard animal and animal baby, on every page of this rollicking early learner, inspired by a Chilean folk tale. About this title: Engaging rhyming text teaches children to count, as well as learn the names of farmyard animals and their babies. Guided Reading Levels: GR: E, GL: 1, RR: 7-8. This title includes a dual-purpose audio and video CD to listen to the audio on a CD player, or listen and watch the video animation on a Mac or PC.
This airborne adventure takes readers ballooning over lands near and far, all the way to the stars. The charming singalong song on the accompanying CD keeps spirits high, while the rhyming and playful text introduces all sorts of settings and vocabulary-building words. Includes singalong CD.
超多大图、精美画面,非一般的视觉享受! 电影之外的赛车故事让小车迷们一次看个够! 双语故事提升语言能力让小车迷们收获多多! 《精彩接力赛》麦坤和雷蒙组队参加接力赛,路霸和黄蜂使出种种花招搞破坏。且看麦坤和雷蒙如何应对。 《甜蜜的家》热闹的水箱温泉镇曾经是个不毛之地,汽车们是怎么陆续来到这里的呢?请听莎莉娓娓道来。 《修理厂保卫战》在决定运动场归属的比赛中,前两局板牙和对手打成了平手。第三局谁会获胜?结局还真是令人吃惊。 《维修队救援行动》朋友们前去赛场为麦坤加油,却发现路霸阴谋对付麦坤。麦坤的前方是福是祸? 《公路旅行历险记》汽车们的旅行一路困难重重,还好遇到神秘人出手相助。你想知道神秘人的身份吗? 《沙漠越野赛》麦坤从未在沙漠里比赛过,幸好有士官长为他
Discover amazing and fascinating sea creatures in the hole in the bottom of the sea! Based on the traditional cumulative song, each verse introduces a new creature and its place in the food chain, with the shark chasing the eel, who chases the squid, who chases the snail. Enhanced CD includes videso animation and audio singalong.
The world.iS yours to take care of,So sing around the planet,from high in themountains to lOW{n the valleys,{il every townand every city!The global singaiong features anenhanced CD with audio and videoanimation of the story,
3-5岁是儿童音乐能力发展的关键期,3-8岁是儿童学习外国语的关键期,新东方推出的《我的本英语儿歌书》和《我的本英语儿歌书2》,充分结合了儿童的发展规律与学习特点,是儿童*英语启蒙读物。两本书一上市便登上各大网站和书店销售排行榜TOP10的位置,成为畅销的英语儿歌书。从定位上来看,《我的本英语儿歌书》以欧美国家广为传唱的经典英语儿歌为主题,侧重从语音、词汇和句型的角度循序渐进地培养孩子的语感,奠定孩子的英语基础;《我的本英语儿歌书2》以礼貌用语及日常生活口语儿歌为主题,侧重培养孩子的英语口语,掌握日常生活常用表达及礼貌用语表达。总之,这是一套能让儿童自然而然开口说英语的神奇英语儿歌书! 《我的本英语儿歌书2》是《我的本英语儿歌书》的续篇。本书在创作形式上沿用《我的本英语儿歌书》的风格
It's time to bring in the animals! Follow a farmer with his tractor and trailer as he goes around his farm - combines simple counting skills with a catchy song and a singalong CD. Education Market: This colourful book combines simple counting skills and fun farm animals to keep early readers entertained. Gift Market: This is a must-have early years picture book for farm shops, transport museums and every outlet whose customers care about the land and where food comes from! It travels through the seasons with illustrations that show the farming year. It includes a section on farm machinery.
A busy family and their friends spend a day working and playing on the farm. From milking the cows in the morning to closing the gate at night, learn about a day in the life of a farming family. Enhanced CD includes video animation and audio singalong.
What can you make with a line, a circle or square? This inspiring book, based on an original song by children's singer SteveSongs, shows how simple shapes can be transformed into anything you can imagine from boats to skyscrapers to a circus. The catchy song and animation will soon have you dancing along, making shapes!