In this stunning retelling of a phenomenal classic, honor istested, battles of good over evil are waged, and the importance offamily reigns supreme. True to Rudyard Kipling's original story,tree branches literally draw the reader in to this tale of Mowglithe Man Cub exploring the ruins of the Lost City, riding atopthundering elephants, and facing a fierce tiger attack! A must-havefor every family's library, this epic pop-up adventure featurespaper engineering as intricate and magical as the very laws of thejungle.
BABY'S FAVORITE LIFT-THE-FLAP FUN IN ONE BOX! Everybody in Baby's family loves Baby! Four lift-the-flap books about babies and their very special family members. THIS BOX SET CONTAINS: Where Is Baby's Mommy? Daddy and Me Grandpa and Me Grandma and Me
《冬之童话》的灵感来自Robert Sabuda幼年与父亲一同穿越密执安州森林一次美好冬季旅程的回忆。本书延续了RobertSabuda所钟爱的纯净风格,堪称其瑰丽的作品。为了捕捉雪地的印象,书中缀饰了银箔,不时散出星点的反射,正如光与雪的交辉,给您一幅冬季美丽的意象!
Young children will love turning each page and watching as Peter nibbles and munches his way through almost everything in Mr. McGregor’s garden. Each page is a little smaller than the one before, and Peter’s little teeth marks prove he’s not far away! Turn the last page to see if poor Mr. McGregor will be left with anything at all for HIS lunch! A soft learning approach is integrated as the book counts down from 5 to 1.
This updated Peter Rabbit touch and feel book is packed with eleven different textures for little hands to explore. From a rough tortoise shell and crinkly lettuce leaves to the fluffy feathers of Jemima Puddle-duck’s chicks, every page features a different feel.With Beatrix Potter’s original illustrations and a simple text, this is a classic touch-and-feel book that toddlers are sure to love.
Kindergarten-Grade 2-These classic stories are as charming andrelevant today as when they were written decades ago. Youngsterswill identify with the curious little monkey and his understandingfriend, the man in the yellow hat. H.A. Rey's artwork does not feeldated due to its cartoon style. The audiocassettes follow thestandard format, with distinct page-turning signals on one side anduninterrupted reading on the other side. Happy, original music andsound effects enhance the narration, with either a male or femalenarrator used on each cassette. The narration is clear, easy tofollow, and makes for enjoyable listening. Curious George Learnsthe Alphabet is especially good for bilingual students whoseprimary language uses a different alphabet. In this story, capitaland lower case letters are turned into animals and common objectsbeginning with that letter. All three packages are appropriate forlistening stations in early elementary classrooms or for homeuse.
In this adorable tale, Minnie and the rest of the Bow-Tiquegang orchestrate an Easter parade that shows off some of Minnie'smost outrageous and spectacular bows yet! Hats off to Easter! This8x8 also includes a sheet of stickers for even more Minnie Easterfun!
Here is a book babies can really sink their gums into. Builtfor the way babies read, Indestructibles are printed on an amazingpaperlike material that can’t be ripped, torn, or punctured.Indestructibles are 100 percent safe and nontoxic, and if they gettoo funky, just throw them in the washing machine or dishwasher.They’re made for baby to hold, grab, chew, pull, and bend, and aredesigned to create an even more special bond between reader andbaby. Printed without words, the parent gets to make up the story,or just cuddle with baby while they explore together. The creators of Indestructibles are Amy Pixton, a mother oftriplets, and her mother-in-law, Kaaren Pixton, an artist andchildren’s educator. Hey, Diddle Diddle introduces the work of Jonas Sickler, achildren’s illustrator whose paintings, full of detail andpersonality, have a fresh, whimsical sensibility, a pleasure forboth baby and parents. The book gives a new spin on a traditionalnursery rhyme, so parents can really have fun
This very special hardback gift edition includes four bestselling Eric Carle titles: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? and Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? These classic picture books feature favourite animals and themes - colours, actions, sounds and babies - all brought to life in Eric Carle's beautiful and distinctive collage artwork. Also by Eric Carle: The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse; The Very Hungry Caterpillar: The Bad-Tempered Ladybird; Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, Said The Sloth; The Very Bust Spider: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?; The Very Quiet Cricket; Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?; Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
A life lesson that all parents want their children to learn:It’s OK to make a mistake. In fact, hooray for mistakes! A mistakeis an adventure in creativity, a portal of discovery. A spilldoesn’t ruin a drawing—not when it becomes the shape of a goofyanimal. And an accidental tear in your paper? Don’t be upset aboutit when you can turn it into the roaring mouth of an alligator. Barney Saltzberg, the effervescent spirit behind Good Egg,offers a one-of-a-kind interactive book that shows young readershow every mistake is an opportunity to make something beautiful. Asingular work of imagination, creativity, and paper engineering,Beautiful Oops! is filled with pop-ups, lift-the-flaps, tears,holes, overlays, bends, smudges, and even an accordion“telescope”—each demonstrating the magical transformation fromblunder to wonder. The smudge becomes the face of a bunny, a crumpled ball of paperturns into a lamb’s fleecy coat—celebrate the oops inlife.
Who are the three fancy frocks for? Why, the three partycrocs, of course. And the four pairs of pants must belong with thefour wriggly ants. Children will love the satisfaction of fittingall the chunky shapes back in the right places while practicing thenumbers from one to five.