In the spirit of 'Goodnight Moon' and 'The Curious Garden' comes a stunning debut picture book filled with whimsy and creativity from brothers Terry and Eric Fan. One day, William discovers that the tree outside his window has been sculpted into a wise owl. In the following days, more topiaries appear, and each one is more beautiful than the last. Soon, William's grey little town is full of colour and life. And though the mysterious night gardener disappears as suddenly as he appeared, William and his town are changed forever. With breathtaking illustrations and spare, sweet text, this masterpiece about enjoying the beauty of nature is sure to become an instant classic.
An entertaining diary format based on this much-loved fairy tale, told from the perspective of Cinderella herself. Pop-ups bring the book to life, perfect for engaging early readers. Multi-media illustrations and handwritten text complete the illusion of a real scrapbook diary.
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