幸福是,500件关于快乐的小小事 英文原版 Happiness is . . .: 500 Things to be Happy About ◆治愈系手绘插画,幸福是什么?:500件让你幸福感满溢的小小事,点亮平凡的日常 星期五下班前的一刻、和朋友一起吐槽、一起吃火锅、结账时有意外的折扣、在合影中显得美美哒 还有读这本小书! ◆Facebook粉丝数百万,在微博、微信朋友圈疯狂转发阅读量10万 的手绘插画合集,系列作品畅销英美。 ◆精美可爱的礼品书,小型正方开本,厚度十足,适合全年龄段读者。 意外收到一束花,吃一块美味的乳酪蛋糕,与人击掌,和朋友一起吃好吃的,享受假期 美国著名插画家丽莎 斯沃林和拉尔夫 拉扎尔联手推出了这本关于快乐的绘本。这本迷人的小书中描绘了500件让人开心的小事,这些有趣的、令你会心一笑的插图提醒着我们,生活中处处充满这些微不足道却令人开心
What Was D-Day? 作品简介 In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, an armada of 7,000 ships carrying 160,000 Allied troops stormed the beaches of Nazi-occupied France. Up until then the Allied forces had suffered serious defeats, yet D -Day, as the invasion was called, spelled the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany and the Third Reich. Readers will dive into the heart of the action and discover how it was planned and carried out and how it overwhelmed the Germans who had been tricked into thinking the attack would take place elsewhere.D-Day was a major turning point in World War II and hailed as one of the greatest military attacks of all time. 作者简介 Patricia Brennan Demuth is the author of Who Was Bill Gates?,What Was Ellis Island?,and What Was Pearl Harbor? 基本信息 作者: Patricia Brennan Demuth 出版社: Grosset Dunlap; Dgs (2015年4月21日) 丛书名: What Was...? 平装: 112页
Winning unanimous rave reviews, Mo Willems' Elephant andPiggie series continues to charm readers. Featuring two lovable andfunny characters, an optimistic (and sometimes reckless) pig and acautious, pessimistic elephant, these books make readingirresistible to the beginning readers. Children who sat on theirparents' laps to have Pigeon read to them will eagerly take theplunge with these books to start reading on their own. Each book has been vetted by an early learning specialist (andmany adorable early learners). In Are You Ready to Play Outside?, Piggie can't wait to goplay in the sunshine. But will a rainy day ruin all the fun?
When you're a curious monkey…… there is so much to discover! About the Author Hans Augusto Rey was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1898. As a child, he spent much of his free time in that city's famous Hagenbeck Zoo drawing animals. After serving in the army during World War I, he studied philology and natural science at the University of Hamburg. He then married Margret Rey and they moved to Montmartre for four years. The manu* for the first Curious George books was one of the few items the Reys carried with them on their bicycles when they escaped from Paris in 1940. Eventually, they made their way to the United States, and Curious George was published in 1941. Curious George has been published in many languages, including French, German, Japanese, Afrikaans, and Norwegian. Additional Curious George books followed, as well as such other favorites as CECILY G. AND THE NINE MONKEYS and FIND THE CONSTELLATIONS.
お前なんかに出会わなきゃよかった。もう一度、会いたい。/耳の聞こえる少年?石田将也。耳の聞こえない転校生?西宮硝子。ふたりは運命的な出会いをし、そして、将也は硝子をいじめた。やがて、教室の犠牲者は硝子から将也へと移っていった。幾年の時を経て、将也は、 もう一度、硝子に会わなければいけないと強く思うようになっていた。作者?大今良時先生から】「点と点で生きている人たち。遠く、離れ離れの小島のように生きている人たちを描きたくて、この物語を描きました。みなさまに読んでいただければ、この上ない幸せです」 西宮硝子と再会してから、広がり続ける将也の世界。永束の提案で始まった映画作りに硝子も誘って参加することになった将也。硝子、そして仲間たちと過ごす夏休み。何気ない毎日に幸せを感じる将也だが、
Each page of these useful workbooks contains fun activities to strengthen grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and research skills. Each book also contains a section to improve writing and prepare readers to excel on standardized tests. Harcourt Family Learning Workbooks are a comprehensive line of workbook developed through a partnership with Harcourt, a leading educational publisher. Based on national teaching standards, these workbooks provide complete practice in math, reading, and other key subject areas. ,
Strange new teacher. Strange new toys. Lots of kids and lots of noise! What would Llama like to do? Llama Llama feels so new . . . It s Llama Llama s first day of preschool! And Llama Llama s mama makes sure he s ready. They meet the teachers. See the other children. Look at all the books and games. But then it s time for Mama to leave. And suddenly Llama Llama isn t so excited anymore. Will Mama Llama come back? Of course she will. But before she does, the other children show Llama Llama how much fun school can be!
故事 1 :《好奇猴乔治:赛莉娅和 9 只小猴子》 CuriousGeorge: Cecily G. and the NineMonkeys 这是好奇猴的本故事书,已经风靡世界 70 多年了!当孤独的长颈鹿遇到了 9 只无家可归的小猴子,唉!故事还会有快乐的结局吗?当然啦!因为其中一只小猴子是乔治嘛!这只小猴子太讨人喜欢了,从这本书开始,好奇猴经典手绘版故事被翻译成 14 种语言,让世界各地的小朋友一起分享用想象力和友谊带来的冒险! A lonely giraffe with no playmates meets nine monkeyswith no home. Can there be a happy ending? Of course there can—oneof the monkeys is Curious George! 故事 2 :《好奇猴乔治学字母》 CuriousGeorge Learns the Alphabet 好奇猴在跟“黄帽子”先生学字母:所有的大写和小写字母都被变成了以该字母开头的动物形象或者其他好玩的事物。 In this story,capital and lower case letters are
"van Lindenhuizen s charming, na ve-style illustrations add great appeal." - Kirkus Reviews Florence wants a dog. It doesn t matter what kind of dog. Just any dog. To take care of, and to pet. To run with, and to play with. If she gets a dog, she will NEVER whine again and she ll always be good. That s what she promised Mom. One day there s a little dog in Florence s garden. He came out of nowhere. Mocha it says on his collar. Mocha and Florence become the best of friends. But then Mocha s owner is suddenly at the door. And he is a very nice man. What will Florence do now? An endearing picture book about loving animals and loving people. For pet lovers ages 4 and up.
Contains the complete text of both Secret of the Clans and Code of the Clans . Welcome to the world of ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and SkyClan. . . . Here, the secrets behind the Clans are revealed. Find out how apprentices learn to fight, hunt, and help their Clans. Explore the territories with an insiders-only tour. Discover the origins of the warrior code, which governs how Clan cats live side by side in times of war and peace. ,
A fascinating concept book that will get kids thinking. - School Library Journal
Each page of these useful workbooks contains fun activities to strengthen grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and research skills. Each book also contains a section to improve writing and prepare readers to excel on standardized tests. Harcourt Family Learning Workbooks are a comprehensive line of workbook developed through a partnership with Harcourt, a leading educational publisher. Based on national teaching standards, these workbooks provide complete practice in math, reading, and other key subject areas. ,
出版社: Applesauce Press; abridged edition (2015年5月19日) 精装: 104页 读者对象: 5 岁 及 以上 语种: 英语 商品尺寸: 24.2 x 1.5 x 31.8 cm