幸福是,500件关于快乐的小小事 英文原版 Happiness is . . .: 500 Things to be Happy About ◆治愈系手绘插画,幸福是什么?:500件让你幸福感满溢的小小事,点亮平凡的日常 星期五下班前的一刻、和朋友一起吐槽、一起吃火锅、结账时有意外的折扣、在合影中显得美美哒 还有读这本小书! ◆Facebook粉丝数百万,在微博、微信朋友圈疯狂转发阅读量10万 的手绘插画合集,系列作品畅销英美。 ◆精美可爱的礼品书,小型正方开本,厚度十足,适合全年龄段读者。 意外收到一束花,吃一块美味的乳酪蛋糕,与人击掌,和朋友一起吃好吃的,享受假期 美国著名插画家丽莎 斯沃林和拉尔夫 拉扎尔联手推出了这本关于快乐的绘本。这本迷人的小书中描绘了500件让人开心的小事,这些有趣的、令你会心一笑的插图提醒着我们,生活中处处充满这些微不足道却令人开心
ANIMALANTICSATOZ系列(《幼儿园里的26个开心果》)共26册,名字从A到Z的26个小动物是每册故事的主角;文字中融入了大量包含同一字母的单词,既扩充了词汇量,读起来又朗朗上口;每个故事围绕一个主题,解决小朋友生活中遇到的各种问题:分享、交友、独立、合作、养成好习惯 有用又有趣;每册后面还有主角小动物的科普知识。适合幼儿园至小学低年级孩子阅读。 本册YokoYak'sYaketyYakking(《话匣子停下来》)讲的是:不是引吭高歌,就是叽里呱啦,Yoko好像是停不下来的话匣子。可是忽然间她安静下拉,这让同学们抓了狂,这个絮絮叨叨的话匣子怎么了?
Nina lives with her aunt Dora in the middle of the Robbers Woods surrounded by her animal friends and robbers Niek, Viek, and Riek. The robbers, though wild and savagelooking, are actually nice and kind and only steal weapons from hunters who would hurt forest animals. Everyday holds a new adventure for Nina and her woodland friends. One day while walking through the forest Nina notices that everybody is busy with something and acting suspiciously. She is disappointed to find that Sparrow, the Mouse Family, Crow, Miss Weasel, Grandpa Badger and even the robbers have no time to stop and chat. When she arrives back home, however, she gets a delightful surprise: all her friends were busy because they were throwing Nina a birthday party. A perfect birthday gift for young readers, this is a sweet story that celebrates friendship.
★一套專為培養基礎字彙能力所編寫的讀本。書中所選用的字彙為初學者必識的300字。 ★透過有趣的人物主角故事(Kate, Tom和一隻名叫Sam的狗),引導學生從重複的句子中熟練字彙。 ★全套共16冊,另有一本First Words-A Pre-reader,可做為進入閱讀前的暖身活動。 ★An enjoyable and uncomplicated reading scheme that uses the"look and say" Approach to learning to read. Pronunciation andmeaning are developed through regular introduction and repetitionof essential key words.
What Was D-Day? 作品简介 In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, an armada of 7,000 ships carrying 160,000 Allied troops stormed the beaches of Nazi-occupied France. Up until then the Allied forces had suffered serious defeats, yet D -Day, as the invasion was called, spelled the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany and the Third Reich. Readers will dive into the heart of the action and discover how it was planned and carried out and how it overwhelmed the Germans who had been tricked into thinking the attack would take place elsewhere.D-Day was a major turning point in World War II and hailed as one of the greatest military attacks of all time. 作者简介 Patricia Brennan Demuth is the author of Who Was Bill Gates?,What Was Ellis Island?,and What Was Pearl Harbor? 基本信息 作者: Patricia Brennan Demuth 出版社: Grosset Dunlap; Dgs (2015年4月21日) 丛书名: What Was...? 平装: 112页
“大红狗克里弗Clifford”结合孩子在成长过程中遭遇的种种难题,引导孩子以正确的观念和态度去面对问题、解决问题,在潜移默化中,让孩子们学到知识,并懂得分享、尊敬和善待朋友,这对于孩子的成长有正面而积极的影响。心理素质教育,尤其是孩子成长中遭遇的心理健康等问题,都是家长需要特别留意的。 大红狗把品德和爱心的培养作为要务,一只友善、忠诚、好心、坚强的大红狗身上发生了一个个甜蜜温馨、幽默有趣的故事,给孩子们讲述的,是关于分享、公平、尊重、协作、责任、诚实、善良、自信、友爱、亲情、友谊、正义、规则、助人等成长必须的品质。孩子们爱极了这只“比两层楼还高,比喷火头还红”、巨大无比、可爱至极的大红狗,怎么能不跟着他学、聆听他的故事呢? Clifford Phonics Fun系列-- 1. Clifford's Phonics Fun Box Set #1 (w/CD)
ANIMALANTICSATOZ系列(《幼儿园里的26个开心果》)共26册,名字从A到Z的26个小动物是每册故事的主角;文字中融入了大量包含同一字母的单词,既扩充了词汇量,读起来又朗朗上口;每个故事围绕一个主题,解决小朋友生活中遇到的各种问题:分享、交友、独立、合作、养成好习惯 有用又有趣;每册后面还有主角小动物的科普知识。适合幼儿园至小学低年级孩子阅读。 本册DillyDog'sDizzyDancing(《爱闯祸的 狂舞 》)讲的是:Dilly喜欢跳舞!她舞步疯狂,横冲直撞,一跃插云霄!但有时候,她的狂舞会闯大祸!Dilly怎么才能又满足跳舞的心愿又不闯祸呢?
Based on several episodes of The Cat in the HatKnows a Lot About That! , the new animated series on PBSKids, this Deluxe Paint Box Book features 64 pages of insects topaint! Kids ages 3-7 will love bringing ants, bees, fireflies, andmore to life with 16 different watercolors and a paintbrush.
To celebrate Peter's birthday, Frederick Warne is publishingnew editions of all 23 of Potter's original tales, which take thevery first printings of Potter's works as their guide. The aim ofthese editions is to be as close as possible to Beatrix Potter'sintentions while benefiting from modern printing and designtechniques. The colors and details of the watercolors in the volumes arereproduced more accurately than ever before, and it has now beenpossible to disguise damage that has affected the artwork over theyears. Most notably, The Tale of Peter Rabbit restores six ofPotter's original illustrations. Four were sacrificed in 1903 tomake space for illustrated endpapers, and two have never been usedbefore. Of course, Beatrix Potter created many memorable children'scharacters, including Benjamin Bunny, Tom Kitten, JemimaPuddle-duck and Jeremy Fisher. But whatever the tale, both childrenand adults alike can be delighted by the artistry in Potter'sillustrations, while they also enjoy a very good read.
ANIMALANTICSATOZ系列(《幼儿园里的26个开心果》)共26册,名字从A到Z的26个小动物是每册故事的主角;文字中融入了大量包含同一字母的单词,既扩充了词汇量,读起来又朗朗上口;每个故事围绕一个主题,解决小朋友生活中遇到的各种问题:分享、交友、独立、合作、养成好习惯 有用又有趣;每册后面还有主角小动物的科普知识。适合幼儿园至小学低年级孩子阅读。 本册WalterWarthog'sWonderfulWagon(《爱心小货车》)讲的是:在这个世界上,Walter超想要的就是五金店橱窗里摆的那辆妙极了的白色小货车。他能不能找到赚钱的方式,买下这辆小货车呢?
U can read this, S?S E-Z Vibrant color brings new life toCaldecott Medal-winning "New Yorker" cartoonist William Steig'sclassic puzzle book
Alexander is not going to leave his best friend Paul. OrRachel, the best babysitter in the world. Or the Baldwins, who havea terrific dog named Swoozie. Or Mr. and Mrs. Oberdorfer, whoalways give great treats on Halloween. Who cares if his father hasa new job a thousand miles away? Alexander is not — Do you hearhim? He Means it! — going to move. Alexander's back, facing anotherof childhood's trials and tribulations with Judith Viorst'strademark humor and keen sense of what's important to kids. AngryAlexander refuses to move away if it means having to leave hisfavorite friends and special places.
The beloved story of the adventurous Flopsy Bunnies is now available in a board book format featuring charming original artwork from New York Times bestselling illustrator Charles Santore. Join the adventurous Flopsy Bunnies as they explore Mr. McGregor’s garden and find a heap of trouble in this enchanting edition of Beatrix Potter’s classic tale. Charming illustrations with the finest details from New York Times bestselling artist Charles Santore capture the spirit of this classic tale, printed on sturdy board stock that will withstand years and generations of repeated reading and handling. This edition is a must-have for every child’s library.
“大红狗克里弗Clifford”结合孩子在成长过程中遭遇的种种难题,引导孩子以正确的观念和态度去面对问题、解决问题,在潜移默化中,让孩子们学到知识,并懂得分享、尊敬和善待朋友,这对于孩子的成长有正面而积极的影响。心理素质教育,尤其是孩子成长中遭遇的心理健康等问题,都是家长需要特别留意的。 大红狗把品德和爱心的培养作为要务,一只友善、忠诚、好心、坚强的大红狗身上发生了一个个甜蜜温馨、幽默有趣的故事,给孩子们讲述的,是关于分享、公平、尊重、协作、责任、诚实、善良、自信、友爱、亲情、友谊、正义、规则、助人等成长必须的品质。孩子们爱极了这只“比两层楼还高,比喷火头还红”、巨大无比、可爱至极的大红狗,怎么能不跟着他学、聆听他的故事呢? Clifford Phonics Fun系列-- 1. Clifford's Phonics Fun Box Set #1 (w/CD)
Book De*ion The Farm Book written and illustrated by Jan Pfloog. Book Dimension Height (mm) 203 Width (mm) 202
There iS no one method or technique that iSthe 0NLY way toIearn to read.ChildrenIearn in a variety of ways.Read with me isanenjoyable and uncomplicated schemethat will give your child readingconfidence.