兰登书屋旗下小金书系列,精选了众多著名的童书。《我是一只兔子》就是其中一本经典。这个版本是为了庆祝小兔子尼古拉斯诞生50周年而发型的纸板书,由著名插画师Richard Scarry亲自绘制书中插画。书中小兔子穿着红色的衣服,向人们讲述着它眼里四季的故事:春天,它采撷花儿;夏天,它与青蛙为伴;秋天,它和伙伴们一起准备冬季的到来;而冬天,他看着雪花纷飞,一边躲在自己的小树屋,悠扬地做起冬日的美梦。 I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree. This classic Golden Book, illustrated by Richard Scarry, celebrates its 50th anniversary with the story of Nicholas, a bunny clad in red overalls. In the spring, he picks flowers, and in the summer, watches the frogs in the pond. In the fall, he sees the animals getting ready for winter. And when winter comes, he watches the snow falling from the sky... then curls up in his hollow tree to dre
ANIMALANTICSATOZ系列(《幼儿园里的26个开心果》)共26册,名字从A到Z的26个小动物是每册故事的主角;文字中融入了大量包含同一字母的单词,既扩充了词汇量,读起来又朗朗上口;每个故事围绕一个主题,解决小朋友生活中遇到的各种问题:分享、交友、独立、合作、养成好习惯 有用又有趣;每册后面还有主角小动物的科普知识。适合幼儿园至小学低年级孩子阅读。 本册YokoYak'sYaketyYakking(《话匣子停下来》)讲的是:不是引吭高歌,就是叽里呱啦,Yoko好像是停不下来的话匣子。可是忽然间她安静下拉,这让同学们抓了狂,这个絮絮叨叨的话匣子怎么了?
Nina lives with her aunt Dora in the middle of the Robbers Woods surrounded by her animal friends and robbers Niek, Viek, and Riek. The robbers, though wild and savagelooking, are actually nice and kind and only steal weapons from hunters who would hurt forest animals. Everyday holds a new adventure for Nina and her woodland friends. One day while walking through the forest Nina notices that everybody is busy with something and acting suspiciously. She is disappointed to find that Sparrow, the Mouse Family, Crow, Miss Weasel, Grandpa Badger and even the robbers have no time to stop and chat. When she arrives back home, however, she gets a delightful surprise: all her friends were busy because they were throwing Nina a birthday party. A perfect birthday gift for young readers, this is a sweet story that celebrates friendship.