6 In its extraordinary debut, Safari , introduced the world to Photicular technology. The cheetah bounded, the African elephant flapped its ears and readers could not believe their eyes. Now the creators of Safari take their work a step further. Ocean offers not only a refinement of inventor Dan Kainen s Photicular technology, but a subject undulating creatures of the deep perfectly suited to the immersive visual pleasure of the process. Ocean is like being on a dive. Open the book, and the reader is swept into the magic of an underwater world, face-to-face with a floating Yellow-Banded Sweetlips; with a glow-in-the-dark Deep-Sea Anglerfish; with a Sea Horse swaying in balletic motion; with a Sand Tiger Shark gliding along the ocean floor, its gaze haunting, its hook-toothed mouth gulping open and closed. The text by Carol Kaufmann enchants with its de*ions of coral reefs; a journey on Alvin , the 17-ton submersible; and a meditation on our oceans. Then, for each creature, she writes a lively an
说到治愈解压,最近从tumblr红过来的liz妹子的蠢萌漫画,也是在治愈界火的不要不要的。这位liz妹子长这样: 别看她现在 逗比开朗 的样子,其实她本人也是挺励志的,高中被老师嫌弃画得太 卡通 ,艺术大学毕业被教务拒绝了她的作品集,直到加入《辛普森一家》动画组才开始对自己有了信心继续画画。 从在网络上走红,她就对网友们的喜爱感到受宠若惊。后来她蠢蠢的漫画被集结成绘本,她表示就算大家把她的书买回去做门档她都会非常开心。 相信你一定在微博上刷到过她的漫画。 书中集结了所有你能想到的各种动物,恐龙、*、兔子、企鹅,甚至还有伞蜥、獾、土拨鼠、狐獴 他们突破底线地展露 天性 ,看完不禁让人觉得温暖又好笑,真的会被治愈一下下呢~ Rory the Dinosaur: Me and My Dad 作者:Liz Climo 出版社: Little, Brown
The nasty Swish Train drivers have challenged Duffy and Jackto a race and when the flag goes down, the Swish Train speeds outof sight!
Through the mysterious powers of a cherished book of stories, twins Alex and Conner leave their world behind and find themselves in a foreign land full of wonder and magic where they come face-to-face with the fairy-tale characters they grew up reading about.
This rollicking story-in-verse is about a determined young pigwho absolutely refuses to leave her mud puddle--much to the dismayof her family! Charlotte Pomerantz's tongue-twisting nonsenseverse--made even more exuberantly hilarious by James Marshall'sillustrations--is sure to delight both children and adults.
The Quentin Blake Treasury contains: All Join In * Quentin Blake’s Nursery Rhyme Book * Patrick * Angelica Sprocket’s Pockets * Mister Magnolia * Quentin Blake’s ABC * Cockatoos * Angel Pavement * Mrs Armitage Queen of the Road Meet Mister Magnolia, with only one boot! Peer into Angelica Sprocket’s Pockets! Set off with Mrs Armitage Queen of the Road, be whisked away by the music of the extraordinary Patrick and soar into the air on the wings of Angel Pavement. Discover the crazy counting of the mischievous Cockatoos and the most enjoyable alphabet ever in Quentin Blake’s ABC. And finally, join in at the top of your voice with the verse and songs of Quentin Blake’s Nursery Rhyme Book and All Join In! From Quentin’s very first picture book to his most recent adventures, this collection spans and celebrates his astonishing career. There’s inspiration and exuberance, wit and wonder, joy and jollity to be found within these pages; we can’t wait for you to explore them…
While hiking in themountains with his parents, Albert tumbles off a cliff—but is savedby the cloud children who utter magic words that make him verylight and keep him from falling. Albert has a wonderful timejumping, swimming, painting, and racing in the sky with the cloudchildren. That is until he remembers his mother and father and hisown little bed at home. It takes th... (展开全部) While hiking in the mountains with his parents,Albert tumbles off a cliff—but is saved by the cloud children whoutter magic words that make him very light and keep him fromfalling. Albert has a wonderful time jumping, swimming, painting,and racing in the sky with the cloud children. That is until heremembers his mother and father and his own little bed at home. Ittakes the cloud queen, the man in the moon, and a few more magicwords to return Albert to earth.
All Tico the wingless bird wants is a pair of golden wings tocarry him up over the mountaintops. But when Tico's wish isgranted, none of his friends will talk to him. What's so wrong withbeing different? Tico wonders all alone. One day Tico helps acrying man by giving him one of his golden feathers. A blackfeather appears in its place. Each day he gives a feather away tosomeone in need until his golden wings are as black as India ink.When Tico returns to his friends, they are all relieved to see him.and quot; Now you are just like us, and quot; they say. But Ticoknows there is more to him than the color of his wings.
In this gently satiric fable, Ungerer pokes fun atself-important adults who are afraid of anything or anyoneunfamiliar, and reminds us that there is indeed no place like home.On its first publication in the US in 1967, at the height of theSpace Race, Moon Man won the Book Week prize for books for childrenaged 4-8, and Maurice Sendak described it in "Book Week" as 'Easilyone of the bet picture books in recent years'. Since then, it hasbeen translated into 12 languages. "Moon Man" will be the nextclassic Ungerer tale to be turned into a full-length feature film,following on from the success of the award-winning "The ThreeRobbers", which was shown in French and German cinemas in 2007 andis due to be launched on DVD in the English-speaking world in Fall2008. Bored and lonely in his shimmering home in space, the MoonMan watches the people on Earth dancing and having a good time.Justonce, he thinks, he would like to join in the fun. So one night, heholds on to a passing comet and crash lands on Earth. But th
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