在美国,有一位小男孩阿罗,在他天马行空的世界里,凭借着一枝彩色笔,画出了自己的无数梦想。阿罗随心所欲,阿罗心想事成,阿罗在他的世界里涂涂抹抹,描绘着他自己的各种故事。 作者巧妙地运用孩子的逻辑和语言,真切地描画出他们自由想象的历程。作品简洁生动,充满奇异幻想。简单的线条,引领儿童走入奇异的世界,有益于拓展儿童的想象力、创造力,健全儿童情感世界。阿罗梦笔生花的奇妙故事让无数读者着迷,在美国、英国、法国、德国等国家,学龄前儿童及家长几乎都读过阿罗。美国《出版商周刊》将该书评为20世纪有影响力的作品之一。 Purple crayon in hand, Harold draws a tightrope and falls intoa circus [where he has many adventures].As in the previous books,the dauntless Harold is resourceful and loveable.
Until the mid-1800s, no-one really knew what a dinosaur was -let alone what one looked like. So when Victorian artist WaterhouseHawkins built the first life-size models he dazzled the world withhis awe-inspiring creations. For ages 6+.
Pieces of broken pots are scattered over the desert hillsides of the Southwest. The Indians there treat them with respect -- "Every piece of clay is a piece of someone's life," they say. And the children try to imagine those lives that took place in the desert they think of as their own. Clay has its own small voice, and sings. Its song has lasted for thousands of years. And Byrd Baylor's prose-poem as simple and powerful as the clay pots, sings too.
6 In its extraordinary debut, Safari , introduced the world to Photicular technology. The cheetah bounded, the African elephant flapped its ears and readers could not believe their eyes. Now the creators of Safari take their work a step further. Ocean offers not only a refinement of inventor Dan Kainen s Photicular technology, but a subject undulating creatures of the deep perfectly suited to the immersive visual pleasure of the process. Ocean is like being on a dive. Open the book, and the reader is swept into the magic of an underwater world, face-to-face with a floating Yellow-Banded Sweetlips; with a glow-in-the-dark Deep-Sea Anglerfish; with a Sea Horse swaying in balletic motion; with a Sand Tiger Shark gliding along the ocean floor, its gaze haunting, its hook-toothed mouth gulping open and closed. The text by Carol Kaufmann enchants with its de*ions of coral reefs; a journey on Alvin , the 17-ton submersible; and a meditation on our oceans. Then, for each creature, she writes a lively an
"The open-ended quality of the verse and the visual nature ofthe subject create plenty of opportunities for the art. Thestriking scratchboard illustrations use black lines, shapes, andcrosshatched shading on white backgrounds to create strongcompositions, while watercolor washes add subtle warmth andbrilliance. . .There are, of course, many school uses for this, butjust reading it aloud at home will make the everydayfascinating."--"Booklist, "starred review "The observations, from a few words to a couple sentences, aretucked neatly into Krommes's gorgeous scratchboardspreads."--"School Library Journal", starred review "Exquisitely simple and memorable."--"Kirkus", starredreview "From the endpapers that gather together all the spirals depictedto the spiraling text on the title page verso, this book iselegantly constructed, and as poetry, picture book, or nonfiction,a success in every way."--T"he Horn Book, "starred review "This is one of those rare children's books that make you
说到治愈解压,最近从tumblr红过来的liz妹子的蠢萌漫画,也是在治愈界火的不要不要的。这位liz妹子长这样: 别看她现在 逗比开朗 的样子,其实她本人也是挺励志的,高中被老师嫌弃画得太 卡通 ,艺术大学毕业被教务拒绝了她的作品集,直到加入《辛普森一家》动画组才开始对自己有了信心继续画画。 从在网络上走红,她就对网友们的喜爱感到受宠若惊。后来她蠢蠢的漫画被集结成绘本,她表示就算大家把她的书买回去做门档她都会非常开心。 相信你一定在微博上刷到过她的漫画。 书中集结了所有你能想到的各种动物,恐龙、*、兔子、企鹅,甚至还有伞蜥、獾、土拨鼠、狐獴 他们突破底线地展露 天性 ,看完不禁让人觉得温暖又好笑,真的会被治愈一下下呢~ Rory the Dinosaur: Me and My Dad 作者:Liz Climo 出版社: Little, Brown
This gorgeous storybook is full of snapshots of family life,from breakfast to bedtime and from birthdays to walks in the park.All small children will be able to identify with Alfie and AnnieRose, two hugely appealing pre-schoolers who are constantlytackling new experiences and making new friends.
In this classic book, a winsome, winning inchworm is proud ofhis ability to measure anything under the sun.
A gift from a wizard makes Jack's fortune grow by ones andtwos, then threes and fours, then faster and faster, challengingyou to keep track of his riches.
On a gray and rainy day, a boy discovers a rainbow of colorsin the magical world of nursery rhymes. Come along as he delightsin blue with Little Boy Blue, orange in Old Mother Hubbard’scupboard, and purple with poor Humpty Dumpty. This gorgeouslyillustrated, whimsical nursery adventure is just right for childrenlearning their colors. Alison Jay’s uniquely beautiful concept books continue to charmreaders and win fans of all ages.
《我爸爸》这本幽默的图画书里,透过孩子夸张的幻想,塑造了一个让人笑破肚皮的爸爸形象:这个爸爸一天到晚穿着一件长长的睡衣,他不怕狼,一跳就可以跳过月亮,吃得像马一样多,游得像鱼一样灵活 《我爸爸》是可以说是作者对所有父亲的献礼,然而就安东尼 布朗的生平看来,这本图画书也有着纪念自己父亲的意味。安东尼 布朗曾说: 我的父亲是很特别的人,外表强壮、有自信,不过却也有害羞、敏感的一面,有一点像我爱画的大猩猩。除了教我画图外,他还鼓励我做各种运动,像是橄榄球、足球和板球 这位在他眼中高大强壮的父亲,却在安东尼 布朗十七岁那年因病突发过世,使他深受打击,经过多年才走出阴霾。安东尼?布朗表示《我爸爸》里面爸爸身上的黄褐色格子睡袍、睡衣和鞋都是自己父亲的衣物,多年来收在箱子里,上面还留着父亲的味
When two children climb over the garden wall of the big house,they embark on a voyage of discovery. For this uncharted territoryreveals a topiary ship, complete with a wheelhouse that looksrather like a garden shed. It isn't long before the shipowner comesacross the stowaways, but their communal sense of adventure isdestined to see them all through the eye of the storm!
What The Ladybird Heard "Oink!" said the cats . . . With all the MOOing and HISSingand BAAAing and CLUCKing, the farmyard is full of noise. But whenHefty Hugh and Lanky Len hatch a plot to steal the fine prize cow,it's the quietest animal of all who saves the day! The Princess and the Wizard "The princess may try seven times to escape By changing her colour and changing her shape." But each time Princess Eliza changes – into a blue fish, a yellowchick, a red fox or a black cat – the wicked wizard finds her andsets her another horrible task. Will this plucky princess be ableto outwit him and escape back to the palace in time to cut herbirthday cake? Sharing a Shell The tiny hermit crab loves his new shell. He doesn't want toshare it -- not with a blobby purple anenome and a ticklybristleworm. But life in the rock pool proves tougher than Crabthinks, and soon he finds he needs his new housemates in thisrollicking story of sea, shells and friendship
这是一本故事幽默,色彩明媚的绘本,曾获《波士顿环球报》图画书银奖,入选纽约公共图书馆和美国图书馆学会推荐,也是《纽约时报》年度*童书。 这个无声的故事,*会让孩子们笑声不断!母鸡萝丝悠然自得地去散步了。兜了好大一个圈子,它又悠然自得地回来了。可这位乡下傻大姐完全不知道,它身后已经闹翻天了 事情就是这么巧,狐狸的每个举动都落空了;而即使被狐狸尾随,这只母鸡也是有惊无险;仔细观察细节上的巧合吧,狐狸有多么专注,母鸡就有多么散漫 狐狸的滑稽,透露出作者的幽默和冷嘲,让读者的心情就像坐过山车一样,一会儿揪紧,一会儿又放松下来!
女孩朵娜天生是个巨人,镇上的女孩子嘲笑她的 “ 傻个子 ” ;然而当她们上学要迟到的时候,朵娜毫不犹豫地带上她们,三步两步到了学校。朵娜长大之后,自己住在镇子附近的山岗上,有一天镇上的人们被怪物的叫声吓坏了,会是什么样的猛兽呢?朵娜决定亲自去找找看。她可以安抚飓风,也可能在着急地时候跳起来把太阳的眼睛撞青,她尊重动物朋友们的智慧,并终找到了 “ 猛兽 ” 。原来是一只调皮的小豹子,吼声在山谷中回荡被 “ 放大 ” 了 …… 危险消除了,这时候,朵娜发现镇上的人们即使对未知的猛兽心怀恐惧,也手拉着手,在寻找她。人们为这个大个子朵娜担心呢 …… Dona Flor is a giant woman who lives in a puebla with lots offamilies. She loves her neighbors-she lets the children use herflowers for trumpets, and the families use her leftover tortillasfor rafts. So when a huge puma is te
《 Duck on A Bike 》是作者大卫 · 香农的代表作,作者用鸭子骑车的故事告诉我们,任何不平凡的事情都需要有大胆尝试的勇气。 该绘本荣获 : 美国图书馆协会优秀童书奖 入选美国纽约公共图书馆 “ 每个人都应该知道的 100 种绘本 ” 《 Alice The Fairy 》则几乎是《大卫 , 不可以》的女孩版。艾丽斯有无穷无尽魔法,将爸爸的饼干“变”成她的,之后再补偿性地为公爵大人(爸爸)变出新的衣服和王冠;用魔棍指挥树叶飘落下来,并用魔棍在水中画出神奇的图画;让自己隐形,还能将难吃的燕麦粥变成香喷喷的蛋糕……。看完《小仙女艾丽斯》,你或许能从书中找到自己小时候或小女儿的影子。 《 A Bad Case Of Stripes 》用一个不可思议的故事告诉我们,人不能过于背离自己。我们来到这个世界上,注定不是