The nasty Swish Train drivers have challenged Duffy and Jackto a race and when the flag goes down, the Swish Train speeds outof sight!
Little Beaver lives all alone by the edge of a pond. He doesn'thave any friends. One day, when he starts to cry, he hears someoneelse crying too. Could he have found a friend at last? Walker Bookshave collaborated with King Rollo Films to create this gentlyanimated DVD packaged together with the classic picture book. Readby Emilia Fox (Silent Witness, Rebecca), with specially composedmusic, this is an innovative combination that will delight andentertain young viewers again and again.
翠西、古纳什小兔,还有爸爸妈妈要一起长途旅行,去往荷兰看望翠西的爷爷奶奶。他们坐了汽车、飞机、火车,终于到达目的地,可谁知,古纳什小兔竟然不见了!翠西的爸爸打电话到航空公司,可是飞机已经飞往了下一站——中国!妈妈抱抱翠西,请她勇敢地面对。长大了就要勇敢地面对和古纳什小兔的分别吗?翠西宁愿自己没有长大…… Trixie is growing up! Knuffle Bunny andTrixie are going on a very exciting holiday abroad to visit "Oma"and "Opa" in Holland. But when they finally get there, Trixie can'tfind her best friend Knuffle Bunny anywhere! With the absence ofher beloved fluffy friend, everyone tries their best to help Trixieenjoy the rest of her holiday. Soon, she realizes that maybe shedoesn't need Knuffle Bunny as much as she thought she did. In fact... maybe it's time to set Knuffle Bunny free! An emotional tributeto the Trixie and Knuffle Bunny saga that parents an