This title contains six of the best-loved nursery tales,retold with surprising and sometimes disgusting twists! Wickedbeasts, brazen crooks and a ghastly giant star in these hilariousnursery rhymes with BITE.
From Jack in the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears toLittle Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs, wicked beasts,brazen crooks and a ghastly giant star in these hilarious nurseryrhymes with Bite, now brilliantly adapted for listeningpleasure.
This is a collection of the fifty all-time favorite Mother Goosenursery rhymes including Simple Simon, Georgie Porgie Pudding Pie,Little Miss Muffet, Old Mother Hubbard, Peter Piper and JackSprat. Richard Scarry's bright and humorous animal characters have beencharming children for decades. Always inventive in the world ofanimal fashion, Scarry shows the cow jumping over the moon inpearls and a pink dress, and the little dog who "laughed to seesuch sport" sports a sailor suit. You won't hear "I can't see thepictures!" with this book; its large size makes it a good choicefor group story hour. This collection of 50 Mother Goose rhymes isespecially appropriate for toddlers; most of the two-page spreadscontain only one illustrated rhyme. (Many children younger thanthree can focus better on one simple verse than on many rhymes oneach page.) Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever has stood thetest of time for more than 25 years and is still a hit with youngreaders. (Ages 1 to 4)
0in 0in 0pt" Have yourself a merry, musical Christmas!Richard Scarry brings holiday joy to children everywhere with asongbook featuring the best-loved carols—and a real keyboard toplay them on. Cheerful, holiday illustrations showcaseScarry’s signature adorable characters romping in wintrylandscapes, along with the music and lyrics for songs like “SilentNight” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” Best of all, kids caneasily play a song by just matching the letters written beneatheach note with the letters on the keyboard; they don’t even have toknow how to read music. It’s a great way to celebrate with familyand friends! Carols include:Jingle Bells - Silent Night - We Wish You a MerryChristmas - We Three Kings - Away in aManger - Deck the Halls - Twinkle, TwinkleLittle Star - The First Noel - Ding DongMerrily on High - I Saw ThreeShips
当当自营进口儿童书由中国图书进出口(集团)总公司童书馆供货 鹅妈妈童谣(MotherGoose)是英国民间童谣集。这些民间童谣在英国流传时间相当久,有的长达数百年,总数约有八百多首,内容典雅,有幽默故事、游戏歌曲、儿歌、谜语、催眠曲、字母歌、数数歌、绕口令、动物歌等,英国人称其为 Nursery Rhymes(儿歌),美国人称其为 MotherGoose(鹅妈妈童谣),是英、美人士从孩童时代就耳熟能详的儿歌。 不同的编辑和插画手出版过各种版本的鹅妈妈童谣。本版本是廖彩杏推荐图书,它的插画手是广受儿童欢迎的Max and Ruby系列图书的作者。 推荐购买 My Very First Mother Goose / Here Comes Mother Goose 《我的**本鹅妈妈童谣》/《鹅妈妈童谣来了》两册套装,共124首鹅妈妈童谣,全部由Rosemary Wells 插图创作。 Should we add Mother Goose to the list of endangered species? Possibly. The advent of television
In this variation on an old lullaby, a baby rabbit is promised an assortment of presents from its adoring parent.