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    • DinoMazes 恐龙迷宫 ISBN9780761165750
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Elizabeth Carpenter 著 /2011-11-01/ Workman
    • Created by Elizabeth Carpenter, Mazeology founder and authorof the award-winning "Mummy Mazes", DinoMazes features several newmazes and redrawn original mazes. You can work your way through theskeletons of a Stegosaurus, Velociraptor, T. Rex, Triceratops, plusgiant sloths and a saber-toothed tiger. You can discover theearliest known turtle, Proganochelys - unable to retract its head,it grew fierce spikes on its neck - and Acanthostega, an ancient"fish" with feet instead of fins. The dazzling illustrated mazesare challenging - start at a tail, find your way through the ribcage, and exit at the mouth. Interspersed are miniature speed mazes- how fast can you get through the Styracosaurus head? Each mazecomes with sidebars and captions about the animal, includingmeaning of the name, when the creature lived, and its lifestyle andhabitat.

    • ¥51.2 折扣:5折
    • Fandex Family Field Guides: Butterflies of the World 趣味卡片书:蝴
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Rick Mikula 著 /2002-08-01/ Workman
    • A favorite subject of kids, nature lovers, scientists, andcollectors, Butterflies takes full advantage of Fandex's uniquefull-color die-cut format to celebrate 50 butterfly species, fromthe enormous Queen Alexandra Birdwing, with its 11-inch wingspan,to the Blue Morpho, whose stunning metallic-blue color is caused bytiny prisms in its wings. Each entry includes the Latin name,range, plants used for laying eggs and drinking nectar, migrationand mating habits, and how to recognize the species in itscaterpillar, pupa, and adult stages. Includes 50 die-cut cards.

    • ¥38.7 折扣:4.1折
    • I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles [Hardcover] 视觉大发现 (精装) ISBN
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Jean Marzollo 著 /1992-06-02/ Scholastic
    • Ten years after its original publication, the first book inthe I Spy series still has all of the magic and wonder thatcaptured readers in 1991. Each brilliantly composed spread is atreasure trove of intriguing items. Rhymes present hide-and-seekchallenges for young readers in a lively and accessible way. Likeeach best-selling title that followed, I Spy: A Book of PictureRiddles is a true feast for the eyes. This special edition is amust-have for I Spy fans both old and new.

    • ¥59.2 折扣:4.9折
    • LEGO· Star Wars Character Encyclopedia 乐高系列:星球大战角色大全(精装) ISB
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Dorling KindersleyDK出版社) 著 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia includes exclusive LEGOStar Wars minifigure! DK is bringing two of the world's most popular propertiestogether again in a fun, chunky format that kids and adults aresure to love! This illustrated encyclopedia features in-depthprofiles showing interesting and never-before-seen elements of allyour favorite LEGO Star Wars minifigures. With more than 400 captivating images and tons of fascinatingfacts, the LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia is sure to keepboth LEGO lovers and Star Wars fans reading for hours!

    • ¥100.1 折扣:4.9折
    • LEGO· Hero Factory Ultimate Sticker Collection 乐高系列:英雄工厂贴纸集
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • . /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • Meet all the heroes and villains of the LEGO[registered]Hero Factory universe in this amazing Ultimate Sticker Collection.LEGO[registered] Hero Factory Ultimate Sticker Collection isjam-packed with over 1,000 reusable stickers. Join these robotheroes on their exciting missions, race after the bad guys,discover new weapons and vehicles to play with, and learn thesecrets of the Hero Factory itself. You've got to be careful though- as this is the year of the brain attack, and evil alien brainshave been released and are trying to take over the Hero Factory!Follow the story, play the games, and try to save the day with funsticker activities. With a new series of the LEGO[registered] HeroFactory animated television series starting on Cartoon Network thisyear, plus a new online movie, LEGO[registered] Hero FactoryUltimate Sticker Collection is a must for all fans ofLEGO[registered] Hero Factory.

    • ¥54.9 折扣:5折
    • I Spy: Treasure Hunt 视觉大发现:寻宝 9780439042444
    •   ( 25 条评论 )
    • Jean Marzollo 著 /1999-10-01/ Scholastic
    • Can you spy "a tortoise, a hare, a tea bag, a key/ a clock,and a flag on a house in a tree"? It's not easy--but readers of allages will have a whole lot of fun trying. With more than a dozen ISpy picture books under their belts, including I Spy GoldChallenger, the award-winning photographer/riddler team of WalterWick and Jean Marzollo are masters of their art form. And inTreasure Hunt, they've outdone themselves. Readers search forsubtly hidden objects on every beautifully composed andphotographed page. At first glance the setting seems like any otherquaint seaside town. Take a second look and discover that it's infact a very realistic model, with giant pencil erasers fillingtruck beds and gargantuan pennies nestled among the boulders of anisland. The result is stunning, a surrealistic adventure. Children will love to pursue the mystery of the pirate's hiddentreasure, narrowing their search with every delightfully clutteredpage. Looking for an additional challenge? Try the extra-creditriddles. Fo

    • ¥59.9 折扣:5折
    • LEGO· Ninjago Character Encyclopedia 乐高系列:幻影忍者角色大全(精装) ISBN9
    •   ( 48 条评论 )
    • 本社 编著 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • With every minifigure, weapon, vehicle and dragon, this titlelets you master the world of LEGO[registered] Ninjago. You can goon the ultimate LEGO[registered] Ninjago adventure withLEGO[registered] Ninjago Character Encyclopedia, plus there's anexclusive and fully-armed minifigure so you can put your Ninjagoknowledge into practice. You can meet every single LEGO Ninjagocharacter, including Kai ZX, the Ninja of Fire; learn about theirweapons, the vehicles, the dragons and the exotic locations fromthe Ninjago universe. You can follow the action as they battle theSkeleton Army and fight to defeat the evil snake villains, theSerpentines. With story pages taking you through the events thatshape the Ninjago world, fact boxes on every page telling you thecoolest facts and a Ninja file for each character, LEGO[registered]Ninjago Character Encyclopedia is a must-have for any buddingNinja.

    • ¥102.9 折扣:5折
    • Fandex Family Field Guides: Cats 趣味卡片书:猫 ISBN9780761112051
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Tetsu Yamazaki 等著 /1998-10-01/ Workman
    • A celebration of America's #1 pet, breed by breed, from thefriendly neighborhood Silver Classic Tabby to the exotic Korat, theCornish Rex Cat to the Somali, the Chartreux and the Egyptian Mau,once worshipped in ancient Egypt as the living form of thecat-goddess Bastet. Learn all about their mysterious ways,fascinating and often legendary history, unusual quirks--one breed,the Norwegian Forest Cat, has special claws allowing it to climbrocks; another the La Perm, is a face-kisser--appearance,temperament, and more. 50 individually die-cut cards, full-colorthroughout.

    • ¥47 折扣:5折
    • LEGO· Star Wars Minifigures Ultimate Sticker Collection 乐高系列
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Dorling Kindersley 著 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • Bring LEGO[registered] Star Wars Minifigures to life. Basedon the most coveted of Minifigures, those that are part of LEGOStar Wars, the LEGO[registered] Star Wars Minifigures UltimateSticker Collection is packed with colourful images and easy-peelstickers based on everyone's favourite LEGO brand, Star Wars. Thisbumper collection features over 1,000 reusable stickers from theLEGO Star Wars Minifigure toys including their of accessories,weapons, vehicles and more. From Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker andevery character inbetween, if they love LEGO and love Star Wars,the LEGO[registered] Star Wars Minifigures Ultimate StickerCollection will be a winner.

    • ¥54.9 折扣:5折
    • LEGO Legends of Chima: Warriors Unite! Sticker Activity Book
    •   ( 36 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • This "LEGO Legends of Chima Sticker Activity Book" is themust-have for any LEGO fans. Following in the footsteps of LEGOAtlantis and LEGO Ninjago comes an incredible new LEGO theme -"Legends of Chima"! Step into the mystical land of Chima, wheretribes of animal warriors battle for control of the precious CHI.It is packed with loads of stickers and activities from the land ofChima. You can also enhance your LEGO Chima experience with ourfantastic "Legends of Chima: Wolves and Crocodiles" activitybook.

    • ¥43 折扣:5折
    • LEGO· Legends of Chima Brickmaster the Quest for CHI 乐高系列:赤马
    •   ( 67 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • Brand new from the Lego[registered] universe - lose yourselfin the incredible world of Lego[registered] Legends of Chima InLego[registered] Legends of ChimaT Brickmaster the Quest for CHIget ready to discover a brand new adventure from the incredibleLego[registered] world. You can learn about the tribes of animalsthat rule the mystical world of Chima and compete for control overthe magical natural resource known as 'CHI'. You can follow thestoryline that sees Cragger the crafty crocodile and Lennox theheroic lion go head to head in their quest for 'Chi'. You can buildvehicles that will help them reach the CHI first, then embark on abattle that will leave your Lego[registered] Chima models inpieces, ready to follow the clear step-by-step instructions andrebuild a brand new vehicle to try again. You can follow theexciting storyline of Lego[registered] Legends of ChimaBrickmaster, with two minifigures and many exclusive Lego models tomake. You can embark on the adventure to Lego[registered] Legendsof Chim

    • ¥130.5 折扣:4.8折
    • LEGO· Ninjago Fight the Power of the Snakes! Brickmaster 乐高系
    •   ( 37 条评论 )
    • Dk 著 /2012-09-01/ Penguin
    • Are you up to the challenge of LEGO[registered] Ninjago Fightthe Power of the Snakes! Brickmaster? Join the Ninjas on theirquest to defend the four mystic weapons of Spinjitzu and make 12exclusive LEGO models as you go. With two different minifigures,over 100 bricks, and a brand new set of scenarios for the Year ofthe Snake, you can read and play all at the same time, with thehelp of an exciting and instructional book to guide you.LEGO[registered] Ninjago Fight the Power of the Snakes! Brickmastercontains fascinating facts and Did You Know? sections throughoutand boast a brand new box design, making them the perfect presentfor any LEGO fan.

    • ¥124.8 折扣:4.8折