An orange splotch can be a fat cat. Two pink circles can bethe eyes of a fuzzy monster. Blue blobs can be beautiful dancers.With an ink blot, there’s no limit to the things that might appear.But how can kids show their families and friends what they see? Atfirst, it might seem impossible. But it’s easy to reveal theirmagnificent creations when they imagine, doodle, and draw withSplat Doodles!Splat Doodles includes 128 pages of ink blots, blobs,and splotches in a range of brilliant colors. With their own pens,pencils, or markers, or with the 125 stickers included with thebook, kids can transform these plain pages into delightful doodles.From crazy creatures to mad machines to funny faces, theirimaginations will run wild.Splat! What’s that? A caterpillar? Asnowman? A forest full of trees? It can be anything kids want it tobe with Splat Doodles, a pen or pencil or sticker, and a dash ofcreativity!
School's open for I Spy fans, with a fun learning activity onevery page. Readers will find a blackboard scene with brainteasersto solve, a classification puzzle to ponder, a nature scene toexplore, and much, much more!
Created by Elizabeth Carpenter, Mazeology founder and authorof the award-winning "Mummy Mazes", DinoMazes features several newmazes and redrawn original mazes. You can work your way through theskeletons of a Stegosaurus, Velociraptor, T. Rex, Triceratops, plusgiant sloths and a saber-toothed tiger. You can discover theearliest known turtle, Proganochelys - unable to retract its head,it grew fierce spikes on its neck - and Acanthostega, an ancient"fish" with feet instead of fins. The dazzling illustrated mazesare challenging - start at a tail, find your way through the ribcage, and exit at the mouth. Interspersed are miniature speed mazes- how fast can you get through the Styracosaurus head? Each mazecomes with sidebars and captions about the animal, includingmeaning of the name, when the creature lived, and its lifestyle andhabitat.
Kids love to doodle the days away. And this sixth title in ourDoodle series offers hours of entertainment for eager imaginations.On each of the generous-sized pages Catlow has made a starta fewbeginning strokes of pictures and prompts like disguise me above apicture of a boy, or whose footprints? above various animal tracks.With over 200 pages to complete and create, this book invitesovertaxed adults as well as kids to play and enjoy in the spirit ofadventure, imagination, and creativity.
A modern classic that no child should miss, Mike Mulligan andHis Steam Shovel continues to delight generations of children. Mikeand Mary Anne work together to dig deep canals for boats to travelthrough, cut mountain passes for trains, and hollow out cellars forcity skyscrapers—there is nothing they can’t handle! This lasting testament to friendship, old-fashioned hard work,and ingenuity will now be available in a sturdy, oversize lapboard-book edition with abbreviated text, perfect for reading toand sharing with young children.
Easy-to-read riddles by Jean Marzollo are paired with 46object-filled photographs by Walter Wick to create the mostengaging alphabet book ever! Young readers can use the simplepicture clues to recognize the letter and letter sound featured oneach page. There are more than 30 million I Spy books in print!
Draw and Color: Cats and Dogs is just the book for anyonewho’s always wanted to draw his or her furry friends. If kids candraw a circle, a square, and a triangle, then they can draw aPersian Himalayan cat, a Pomeranian, a Maine coon, or a pug puppy.Draw and Color: Cats and Dogs takes kids step by step through theprocess of creating an image of each animal — from the first circleof of a Birman kitten’s head to the pattern in the golden fur of aretriever — and double-sided colored pencils allow children totruly bring each critter to life.Quizzes and fun facts abouteveryone from the Chihuahua to the Ragdoll complete this easy andfun package. Soon they ll be creating your own masterpieces — onepaw at a time!
This bestselling book features riddles that send readerssearching through 13 photographs with a fun house theme.
Who better than Waldo to be pictured on a postcard boasting of world travels? Armchair tourists, real-life travelers, and Waldo aficionados will want to get their hands on these thirty pull-out postcards, featuring artwork from some of the best-loved spreads in the Where’s Waldo? books. True to form, each postcard features prompts on the back to get the recipients searching for the bespectacled traveler and a few other items as well.
Eight spectacular full art posters selected by MartinHandford; comprising of a scene from each of the seven classicWhere's Wally? books, plus one extra character poster of Wally andhis friends. Display the posters on a wall or keep them safe in thContinue