Milo's gone missing, but where can he be? Help search for Milo by lifting the flaps on every page revealing other characters hiding along the way! With colourful illustrations throughout and large sturdy flaps making it perfect for small hands, Missing Milo will stimulate and entertain the youngest of toddlers, right to the final reveal!
This book lets you explore an array of fantasticallydetailed, fun-packed scenes and find the hidden accessories in thisterrific LEGO CITY search-and-find book. Featuring ever-popularthemes such as Fire, Police and Trains, this is brilliant fun forLEGO fans of all ages.
The perfect book to while away a rainy day on the farm . . .or time in the car, at the airport, or whenever kids need a little fun and discovery Thisfun-filled sticker and activity book includes - mazes - drawing prompts - matching - seek-and-find - counting - coloring - a recipe for the goslings' favorite birdseed - more than 100 stickers
Hey, Waldo fans! Sharpen your eyes and your wits, because Waldo is taking you on a whole new star-studded adventure. That's right, you're going to Hollywood! Follow Waldo—if you can find him—through a cast of thousands on the bustling streets of the great movie classics. Is he there in the chorus line of that musical in production, or up on the ramparts of that epic war film? Or is our elusive, bespectacled hero right in the middle of the swashbuckling escapades of the Three Musketeers? Waldo and all his lost objects are harder to find than ever in this hilarious new challenge for eager Waldo-hunters everywhere!
亲爱的小勇士,你准备好迎接挑战了吗?这本书里面准备了100多个动脑游戏,可以测试你大脑的每个部分。每一个游戏都是一个独立的挑战,建议大家按照从前到后的顺序,循序渐进地来玩。 你可以在每一页的左上角写下你用多长时间破解了这个谜题。不用害怕在这些书页上写写画画,其实,这是一个在你解题时帮你梳理思路的好方法。书的最后特别预备了一些空白页,给你用来演算。 解谜之前,请先阅读每一页上面的简单介绍。如果解题过程中遇到困难,可以再来读一遍介绍,看看是否遗漏了什么关键点。解题时,可以用铅笔作答,这样你可以随时擦掉错误的部分重新尝试一下。 当然,你也可以请大人帮忙。但是你知道吗,其实你的 小 大脑比大人的大脑能力要强。在你长大的过程中,大脑会渐渐抛弃很多的东西,因为它以为你不需要这些东西了。所以这也