Walter Wick has ingeniously redesigned photos from I SPYSCHOOL DAYS, and Jean Marzollo has matched them withage-appropriate rhymes, making I SPY LITTLE LETTERS the perfectalphabet book for toddlers.
School's open for I Spy fans, with a fun learning activity onevery page. Readers will find a blackboard scene with brainteasersto solve, a classification puzzle to ponder, a nature scene toexplore, and much, much more!
Created by Elizabeth Carpenter, Mazeology founder and authorof the award-winning "Mummy Mazes", DinoMazes features several newmazes and redrawn original mazes. You can work your way through theskeletons of a Stegosaurus, Velociraptor, T. Rex, Triceratops, plusgiant sloths and a saber-toothed tiger. You can discover theearliest known turtle, Proganochelys - unable to retract its head,it grew fierce spikes on its neck - and Acanthostega, an ancient"fish" with feet instead of fins. The dazzling illustrated mazesare challenging - start at a tail, find your way through the ribcage, and exit at the mouth. Interspersed are miniature speed mazes- how fast can you get through the Styracosaurus head? Each mazecomes with sidebars and captions about the animal, includingmeaning of the name, when the creature lived, and its lifestyle andhabitat.
"I spy a great big yellow two,/ a pair of scissors,/ and abutton that's blue." Preschoolers adore perusing A Drop of Watercreator Walter Wick's crisp, colorful photographs to find objects,and in I Spy Little Numbers, they'll develop number identificationand counting skills while they're at it. On the number five spread,children will find not only the three main objects (an airplanewith five windows, a soccer ball made up of pentagons, and afive-wheeled choo-choo train), but five-pointed sea stars, anickel, a pea pod with five peas, and more. Other sturdy boardbooks in the interactive I Spy Little Book series include I SpyLittle Book, I Spy Little Wheels, and I Spy Little Animals. (Babyto preschool) Card catalog de*ion Rhyming text invites the reader to find hidden objectsrepresenting the numbers from one to ten.
Wherever you're going, however you're travelling - join thespectacular search for Wally!
A modern classic that no child should miss, Mike Mulligan andHis Steam Shovel continues to delight generations of children. Mikeand Mary Anne work together to dig deep canals for boats to travelthrough, cut mountain passes for trains, and hollow out cellars forcity skyscrapers—there is nothing they can’t handle! This lasting testament to friendship, old-fashioned hard work,and ingenuity will now be available in a sturdy, oversize lapboard-book edition with abbreviated text, perfect for reading toand sharing with young children.
Build the adventure. With LEGO Friends Brickmaster you can read and play all at thesame time, creating 18 fantastic models with the help of anexciting and instructional book to guide you. Go on a real adventure with LEGO Friends Brickmaster! Join theFriends on their journey and follow the fun photo scrapbook to findout what they get up to. With an exclusive minifigure, over 100bricks, and a brand new adventure to go on, all you need isfriendship, team work and a sprinkling of creativity to reach theend! LEGO Friends Brickmaster contains fascinating facts and DidYou Know? sections throughout and has a stylish new box design,making it the perfect present for any LEGO lady.
Young readers first met the Pigeon, a beleaguered birddesperate for a shot behind the wheel of a bus, in 2003. Don't Letthe Pigeon Drive the Bus! went on to sell millions of copies,receive a Caldecott Honor, and spawn additional picture books,apps, games, and even silly bands. But did you know the Pigeon was born many years earlier in thepages of a sketchbook? In Don't Pigeonhole Me! Two Decades of the Mo Willems Sketchbook,readers are given a rare glimpse into the mind of the man the NewYork Times described as "The biggest new talent to emerge thus farin the '00s." Since he was a teenager, Mo has been creatingcharacters and scribbling ideas in the pages of sketchbooks. In theearly 1990s, he started self-publishing collections of hisdrawings, and The Mo Willems Sketchbook was created. What began asa calling card for his work has morphed over the years from a formof therapy, to an opportunity to explore and experiment, to a giftfor friends and loved ones. But these sketchbooks have always be
Easy-to-read riddles by Jean Marzollo are paired with 46object-filled photographs by Walter Wick to create the mostengaging alphabet book ever! Young readers can use the simplepicture clues to recognize the letter and letter sound featured oneach page. There are more than 30 million I Spy books in print!
A favorite Potter character comes to life in this popularsticker storybook format. Children will enjoy adding stickers tothe illustrations to complete the story of Jemima’s encounter withthe foxy-whiskered gentleman. Includes 3 pages of bright, funstickers and features the classic new look for Beatrix Potter onthe cover.
Play hide and seek on every page with this surprise pop-up book filled with colourful toys You and your toddler will enjoy finding the toy elephant hiding throughout Little Hide and Seek Colours . Help your child turn the pages as they solve riddles and spot fun surprises. Your child will want to return to the book again and again as they try to find the colourful toys and help them get back to their owners. With five themed hide-and-seek scenes and a different coloured item hiding from their toy owner on each page, your toddler will love learning about colours. Blue doggy has lost his blue spoon! Help him find his spoon and more of his missing items. The sturdy, compact format is perfect for preschoolers to hold as they read and learn about colours. Look, learn and play together with Little Hide and Seek Colours .
This bestselling book features riddles that send readerssearching through 13 photographs with a fun house theme.
Who better than Waldo to be pictured on a postcard boasting of world travels? Armchair tourists, real-life travelers, and Waldo aficionados will want to get their hands on these thirty pull-out postcards, featuring artwork from some of the best-loved spreads in the Where’s Waldo? books. True to form, each postcard features prompts on the back to get the recipients searching for the bespectacled traveler and a few other items as well.
Eight spectacular full art posters selected by MartinHandford; comprising of a scene from each of the seven classicWhere's Wally? books, plus one extra character poster of Wally andhis friends. Display the posters on a wall or keep them safe in thContinue
A favorite subject of kids, nature lovers, scientists, andcollectors, Butterflies takes full advantage of Fandex's uniquefull-color die-cut format to celebrate 50 butterfly species, fromthe enormous Queen Alexandra Birdwing, with its 11-inch wingspan,to the Blue Morpho, whose stunning metallic-blue color is caused bytiny prisms in its wings. Each entry includes the Latin name,range, plants used for laying eggs and drinking nectar, migrationand mating habits, and how to recognize the species in itscaterpillar, pupa, and adult stages. Includes 50 die-cut cards.
Ten years after its original publication, the first book inthe I Spy series still has all of the magic and wonder thatcaptured readers in 1991. Each brilliantly composed spread is atreasure trove of intriguing items. Rhymes present hide-and-seekchallenges for young readers in a lively and accessible way. Likeeach best-selling title that followed, I Spy: A Book of PictureRiddles is a true feast for the eyes. This special edition is amust-have for I Spy fans both old and new.
It's a busy week for Max and Ruby: there's shopping to do, teaparties to throw, and cakes to bake for Grandma's birthday. FromMonday to Sunday and every day in between, the fun never stops whenyou're hanging out with these two funny bunny siblings.
LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia includes exclusive LEGOStar Wars minifigure! DK is bringing two of the world's most popular propertiestogether again in a fun, chunky format that kids and adults aresure to love! This illustrated encyclopedia features in-depthprofiles showing interesting and never-before-seen elements of allyour favorite LEGO Star Wars minifigures. With more than 400 captivating images and tons of fascinatingfacts, the LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia is sure to keepboth LEGO lovers and Star Wars fans reading for hours!
Doodle Doodle Do! is a spectacular drawing book withcolor-changing paper! By using the two pens included with the book,every scribble turns into a truly original creation. When childrendoodle on the yellow paper with the white pen, they’ll get a reddrawing. And when they use the white pen on the purple paper,they’ll get a white doodle! Children can try out the black pen onthe white paper too.Budding artists can draft their own cityskylines and space stations, design the magnificent monsters of ahaunted house, and even make a racing car look like a milliondollars—with the fun prompts in Doodle Doodle Do!! And withinstructions on simple shading and lettering techniques, kids canenhance their art even more. With these helpful prompts and themagic color-changing paper, they’ll learn to tell stories, createcharacters, and bring their ideas to life.Perfect for kids ages 6and up, Doodle Doodle Do! is an exciting new way for every kid todraw the perfect picture!