The perfect book to while away a rainy day on the farm . . .or time in the car, at the airport, or whenever kids need a little fun and discovery Thisfun-filled sticker and activity book includes - mazes - drawing prompts - matching - seek-and-find - counting - coloring - a recipe for the goslings' favorite birdseed - more than 100 stickers
Meet the minifigures from the LEGO[registered] Harry Potter'Magical World. "LEGO Harry Potter Characters of the Magical World"is an exciting character encyclopedia featuring every minifigureand creature from the LEGO Harry Potter range of toys. From Harry,Hagrid and the Hungarian Horntail to the first ever reversible LEGOminifigure heads and the glow-in-the-dark figures, there's anexclusive Harry Potter figure minifigure to collect. Eachminifigure has a full-page profile, full of fascinating HarryPotter facts and never before seen photos. It's the ultimate guidefor Lego and Harry Potter fans.
Hey, Waldo fans! Sharpen your eyes and your wits, because Waldo is taking you on a whole new star-studded adventure. That's right, you're going to Hollywood! Follow Waldo—if you can find him—through a cast of thousands on the bustling streets of the great movie classics. Is he there in the chorus line of that musical in production, or up on the ramparts of that epic war film? Or is our elusive, bespectacled hero right in the middle of the swashbuckling escapades of the Three Musketeers? Waldo and all his lost objects are harder to find than ever in this hilarious new challenge for eager Waldo-hunters everywhere!
LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia includes exclusive LEGOStar Wars minifigure! DK is bringing two of the world's most popular propertiestogether again in a fun, chunky format that kids and adults aresure to love! This illustrated encyclopedia features in-depthprofiles showing interesting and never-before-seen elements of allyour favorite LEGO Star Wars minifigures. With more than 400 captivating images and tons of fascinatingfacts, the LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia is sure to keepboth LEGO lovers and Star Wars fans reading for hours!
You can enter the world of LEGO Batman with this incrediblevisual dictionary. LEGO[registered] Batman the Visual Dictionary isthe complete visual guide to all things LEGO Batman, and includesan exclusive minifigure with every copy. This is the ultimate guideto every LEGO set and minifigure to be found in theLEGO[registered] DC Universe, including all of your favouritegoodies (and baddies), from Catwoman, The Joker and Poison Ivy, toRobin and Alfred. You can take a look inside amazing locations -from the spooky Arkham Asylum to the brilliant Batcave. You caneven get up close to the Batmobile and relive major events such asMr Freeze and The Penguin's invasion. An illustrated timeline showsevery LEGO Batman set ever produced. Fantastic comic-strip featuresbring the models to life, as you learn about them all from thepoint of view of the amazing universe of LEGO Batman. Go beyond thebricks to look at the world of the LEGO Batman computer game,merchandise and the fan community. What's more, the corners of e
Search for Wally inthis 25th anniversary reissue of the original eye-boggling classic!Wally, along with his friends, is fiendishly hidden in everyintricately-detailed scene. Hours of fun and games await in thisclassic activity book which kick-started a worldwide phenomenon.And the celebration starts here! This super special deluxe editionof "Where's Wally?" is packed with new fantastic extras such as aspectacular jacketed cover, great gatefolds revealingnever-seen-before artwork in each scene and an additional visualchecklist to extend the entertainment of all happy hunters. It'sabsolutely amazing!
Be inspired to create and build amazing models in LEGO(R)!"The LEGO Ideas Book" is packed full of tips from expert LEGObuilders on how to make jet planes reach new heights, createfantastic fortresses, swing through lush jungles, have fun on thefarm and send space shuttles out of this world! This book isdivided into six themed chapters - transport, buildings, space,kingdoms, adventure and useful makes. With over 500 models andideas, this book is perfect for any LEGO fan - young or young atheart - who wants to make their models cool, fun andimaginative.
This is the seventh classic title in theinternationally famous "Where's Wally?" series, featuring aside-splittingly hilarious fold-out game - with press-out countersand tongue-twister forfeit cards - and a press-out circus to put onyour very own show. Plus, even more astounding scenes where thesearch for Wally and his friends continues. It's an uproar! Haveyou found Wally yet? "The Where's Wally?" books are a worldwidephenomenon, selling more than 47 million copies worldwide in over30 countries and 25 languages, including Egyptian, Korean andHebrew. Wally has reached celebrity status; such is his popularitythat he has appeared in the primetime American TV shows Frasier,"The Simpsons and Friends", as well as on the 1000th anniversarycover of "Rolling Stone" magazine as a cultural icon of the last 40years.
A perfect marriage: bugs, kids, and Fandex. Meet SouthAmerica's Hercules Beetle, as big as a dollar bill and thestrongest creature on earth, able to lift 850 times its bodyweight. (That's like a 100-pound person lifting four school buses!)The Black Widow Spider, whose females, contrary to reputation,rarely eat their mates. And the wonderfully bizarre Walking Stick,sometimes called "Frankenstick" for its ability to reattach its ownsevered head. Plus Treehoppers and Leafhoppers, centipedes andmillipedes, stealthy Assassin Bugs, and twelve thousand varietiesof ant. Bringing the world's most fascinating creepy-crawlies—insects,spiders, scorpions, and other Arthropoda—to your fingertips, Bugscombines fascinating information about 48 creatures with die-cut,full-color photographs that reveal their subjects' shimmery wings,iridescent shells, vivid hues, and bold shapes in astonishingdetail. Every card includes a detailed de*ion, habitat andscientific name, lore, field notes on lifecycle, identifiers,
Curious George is exploring some of his favourite places - atown, a playground, a circus, a farm, and a campground - and heneeds your help to reach his destination! With your assistance,George can navigate the magnetic mazes, and once you've helpedGeorge, you can show his friends how to get to the places they'relooking for, too. With five mazes and six magnetic pieces, thisbook has many uses and many ways to move around the pages. And witha handy, reclosable case for the magnetic pieces, George and hisfriends are always right there when you need them - perfect for athome and on the go!
Rediscover the Magical Adventures from LEGO HarryPotter! Based on LEGO's most popular range of toys, this LEGO Harry Potter Magical Adventures Ultimate Sticker Book is packedwith colourful images and easy-peel stickers. This ultimatecollection features more than 250 stickers taken from the popularsets and scenes of LEGO Harry Potter. Join Harry as hefights a Hungarian Horntail dragon and takes a dramatic flight toHogwarts with Ron in the Ford Anglia they stole from MrWeasley! This is a must-have companion for any LEGO Harry Potterfan.
Doodle Doodle Do! is a spectacular drawing book withcolor-changing paper! By using the two pens included with the book,every scribble turns into a truly original creation. When childrendoodle on the yellow paper with the white pen, they’ll get a reddrawing. And when they use the white pen on the purple paper,they’ll get a white doodle! Children can try out the black pen onthe white paper too.Budding artists can draft their own cityskylines and space stations, design the magnificent monsters of ahaunted house, and even make a racing car look like a milliondollars—with the fun prompts in Doodle Doodle Do!! And withinstructions on simple shading and lettering techniques, kids canenhance their art even more. With these helpful prompts and themagic color-changing paper, they’ll learn to tell stories, createcharacters, and bring their ideas to life.Perfect for kids ages 6and up, Doodle Doodle Do! is an exciting new way for every kid todraw the perfect picture!
A modern classic that no child should miss, Mike Mulligan andHis Steam Shovel continues to delight generations of children. Mikeand Mary Anne work together to dig deep canals for boats to travelthrough, cut mountain passes for trains, and hollow out cellars forcity skyscrapers—there is nothing they can’t handle! This lasting testament to friendship, old-fashioned hard work,and ingenuity will now be available in a sturdy, oversize lapboard-book edition with abbreviated text, perfect for reading toand sharing with young children.
Bringing the world of dogs to the palm of your hand, FANDEXpresents a field guide to 48 top breeds, from best family pets tonoble hunting companions to classic dogs for show. Discover theexemplary character of the Airedale, the working-class backgroundof the aristocratic York-shire Terrier, the spiritual aurasurrounding the Lhasa Apso, and the Rottweiler's ancient origins inretreating legions of Roman soldiers. Includes a complete guide toeach breed's appearance and temperament. 50 individually die-cutcards, full-color throughout.
Build the adventure. With LEGO Friends Brickmaster you can read and play all at thesame time, creating 18 fantastic models with the help of anexciting and instructional book to guide you. Go on a real adventure with LEGO Friends Brickmaster! Join theFriends on their journey and follow the fun photo scrapbook to findout what they get up to. With an exclusive minifigure, over 100bricks, and a brand new adventure to go on, all you need isfriendship, team work and a sprinkling of creativity to reach theend! LEGO Friends Brickmaster contains fascinating facts and DidYou Know? sections throughout and has a stylish new box design,making it the perfect present for any LEGO lady.
Rhyming verses ask readers to find hidden objects in thephotographs.
Take a page from Waldo’s sketchbook — but first you’ll have to find it! In this new classic title, fans follow the wily guy through more astounding scenes, each containing a maddeningly hard-to-find piece of paper torn from his sketchpad. Add in an exciting parade, a confounding maze, the trickiest spot-the-difference challenge in history, and Martin Handford’s incomparable artwork, and you’ve got one extraordinary hands-on expedition. Waldo lovers will have tons of fun with: — A fold-out Muddy Swampy Jungle Game with press-out counters — and tongue-twisting forfeit cards — A press-out circus for fans to put on their very own show
All the fun of LEGO Minifigures in an incredible, super-sizedsticker collection. What do a robot, the Statue of Liberty, a punk rocker, a mummy,and a guy in a gorilla suit have in common? The answer: Absolutely nothing! That is, other than that they're all included in DK's LEGOMinifigures Ultimate Sticker Collection. With more than 1,000reusable full-color stickers to discover, you never know who you'llfind next! Guarantee yourself the whole LEGO Minifigures set, withwith this fantastic sticker collection you will have access toevery single minifigure!