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    • 尼亚加拉大瀑布在哪里?英文原版 Where Is Niagara Falls?
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • Megan Stine /2015-09-15/ Grosset & Dunlap
    • Where Is Niagara Falls? 作品简介 While traveling through Canada in 1678, a French priest came across the most gigantic waterfalls he'd ever seen. Stricken with both awe and fear, he began to shake, fell to his knees, and prayed. Ever since, people from all over the world have come to explore Niagara: among them the daredevils determined to tumble down or walk across the falls on tightrope. Kids will get a kick reading about the hare-brained stunts and will also learn how the falls were formed and how--one day--they will disappear. 作者简介 Megan Stine has written several books for young readers, including Where Is the White House?, Who Was Marie Curie?, Who Was Ulysses S. Grant?, Who Is Michelle Obama?, and Who Was Sally Ride? 基本信息 作者: Megan Stine 出版社: Grosset Dunlap (2015年9月15日) 丛书名: Where Is...? 平装: 112页 读者对象: 8 - 12岁 语种: 英

    • ¥31.32 折扣:7.5折
    • 【中商原版】谁是玛丽 英文原版 Who Was Marie Antoinette? Penguin
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • Dana Meachen Rau /2015-10-06/ Penguin
    • Who Was Marie Antoinette? 作品简介 From the palaces of Austria to the mirrored halls of Versailles, Marie Antoinette led a charmed life. She was born into royalty in 1755 and married the future king of France at age 15. By 21 she ascended to the throne and enjoyed a lavish lifestyle of masquerade balls, sky-high wigs, and extravagant food. But her taste for excess ruffled many feathers. The poor people of France blamed Marie Antoinette for their poverty. Her spending helped incite the French Revolution. And after much public outcry, in 1793 she quite literally lost her head because of it. Whether she was blameless or guilty is debatable, but Marie Antoinette remains woven into the fabric of history and popular culture. ? 作者简介 Dana Meachen Rau has written more than 300 books for children, including picture books, early readers, nonfiction, and biographies. ? 文摘 Who Was Marie Antoinette? ? On April

    • ¥31.5 折扣:7.5折
    • Junie B. Jones #15 Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 编 /2000-05-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion The world's funniest kindergartner is back, in her 15thbook! It's almost the end of the school year, and Room Nine is taking afield trip to a farm! There's lots of fun farm stuff there. Like areal actual barn. And a real actual farmer. There's even real aliveanimals you can pet! Only, where's the gift shop? That's what JunieB. Jones would like to know. Surely no one would want Junie B. togo home empty-handed. . . .

    • ¥29.1 折扣:7.7折
    • Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth (Junie B. Jones #03 )
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 著 /1993-08-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion Sometimes life isP.U. Junie B.'s having a rough week. First she got punishment forshooting off her mouth in kindergarten. And now she's in bigtrouble again! 'Cause Monday is Job Day, and Junie B. told herclass that she's got the bestest job of all. Only, what the heck isit? From Booklist Gr. 2-4. In another hilarious, easy chapter book about Junie B.Jones, the irrepressible kindergartner veers from catastrophe torapture and back again. This time she has trouble deciding what tobe on Job Day. Older kids will laugh at Junie's mistakes andmisunderstandings, especially with language, and they'll remembertheir own bewilderment and bloopers. She gets punished for shootingoff her big fat mouth ("Punishment is the school word for sittingat a big table all by yourself"). She's frank that the Pledge ofAllegiance is a jumble for her ("I don't know what that dumb storyis even talking about"). She's heartbroken to discover that MickeyMouse isn't real. When she hates, she hates (even her "bestest"fri

    • ¥30 折扣:7.9折
    • Junie B. First Grader #22 One-Man Band
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 著 /2004-12-01/ Random House US
    • Go Room One! It’s time for the first-grade kickball tournament!Only, here’s the problem. Junie B. has hurt her big piggy toe andshe can’t play on the team. So, now what? She definitely doesn’twant to be a cheerleader. But wait! Maybe she could be in Sheldon’shalftime show! Then all eyes would be on her! And she would be thestar! Hurray! Hurray! Junie B. . . . in the spotlight. What couldpossibly go wrong?

    • ¥30 折扣:7.9折
    • Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business (Junie B. Jones
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 著 /1993-02-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion It's pooey on B-A-B-I-E-Suntil Junie B. finds out that her new dumb old baby brother is abig fat deal. Her two bestest friends are giving her everythingthey own just to see him. And guess what else? Maybe she can bringhim to school on Pet Day. From Kirkus Reviews The fractious kindergartener of Junie B. Jones and the StupidSmelly Bus (p. 993) has a new baby brother her grandma calls ``thecutest little monkey!'' Junie hasn't seen him yet, but she has toldthe kids in her class that he's ``A REAL, ALIVE, BABY MONKEY,'' andshe's taking bids from her ``bestest'' friends for the first look.So far she's got Lucille's locket, Grace's ring, Lucille's redsweater, Grace's hightops, and Lucille's red chair. But when Junietries to turn in the extra snack tickets that she's also extorted,she finds herself in the principal's office. Kids who like literal-minded Amelia Bedelia's linguistic misadventures will probablyenjoy Junie's. Occasional sophisticated words (``confiscate'';``beauteous'') and Junie's

    • ¥30 折扣:7.9折
    • #18 Junie B.,First Grader(at last!)·Barbara Park
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 著 /2011-01-01/ Random House US
    • Only, for Junie B. Jones, things are not actually thatpleasant. ’Cause first grade means having to get used to a wholenew classroom. And a whole new teacher. And a whole new bunch ofstrange children. But here’s the worst thing of all: when Junie B.tries to read words on the chalkboard, she can’t seem to see whateveryone else is seeing! Is it possible she might actually end upwearing glasses?

    • ¥37.6 折扣:9.9折
    • Arthur and the Poetry Contest(Chapter Book 18)亚瑟小子的诗歌比赛 ISBN
    •   ( 81 条评论 )
    • Marc Brown 著 /2010-04-01/ Hachette Book Group USA
    • Three new chapter books feature Arthur and his friends for fans ready to read on their own. Each book features longer Arthur Adventures at a third-grade reading level and has loads of kid appeal. Arthur is in top form as he tries to figure out who Muffy's secret admirer is, enters a poetry contest with all his friends, and attempts to rein in Buster's ego when he becomes a local hero. Arthur fans will want to read and collect all of these new chapter books!

    • ¥28.4 折扣:7.9折
    • Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake (Junie B. Jone
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 编 /1995-09-01/ Random House US
    • "I'm the bestest winner in the world!" It's Carnival Night, and Lucille has already won a box of fluffycupcakes with sprinkles on them. But when Junie B. wins the CakeWalk, she chooses the bestest cake of all -- the one wrapped insparkly aluminum foil. How was she to know it was a lethalweapon? From Booklist Gr. 2^-4. Junie B. Jones is back, as intense, vulnerable, andfunny as ever, in this chapter book that's part of the FirstStepping Stone Book series. Always, she wants to be the "bestestwinner of anyone," but in her school carnival, she loses and loses,and when the kids laugh (especially that boy Jim that she HATES),it ruins her "self-steam." The innocent first-person narrative ofthis kindergarten kid will make lower-school readers laugh out loudat her mispronunciations as they recognize their own confusion andfailure, then and now.

    • ¥30 折扣:7.9折
    • Franny K. Stein #1 Lunch Walks Among Us 科学小超人弗兰妮 #1 会走路的午餐 I
    •   ( 113 条评论 )
    • Jim Benton 著 /2004-08-10/ Simon & Schuster
    • 一、《会走路的午餐》 小女孩儿弗兰妮来到新学校,为了让同学们喜欢自己,她喝下奇妙药水,让自己变得甜美又可爱。不料,此时一个突然诞生的南瓜螃蟹怪劫走了老师,吓傻了同学。面对危难,弗兰妮撕下小甜妞的伪装,恢复科学小超人的本来面目,制造出一个午餐肉巨人。于是,午餐 肉巨人大战南瓜螃蟹怪开始了? Franny K. Stein is not your average girl -- she's a madscientist. She prefers poison ivy to daisies, and when Franny jumpsrope, she uses her pet snake. The kids in Franny's class thinkshe's weird, wacky, and just plain creepy. Tired of being stared at, Franny decides to attempt her mostdangerous experiment yet -- she's going to fit in. but when a giantMonstrous Fiend attacks the class, everyone knows it's up to a madscientist to save the day. But has Franny lost her creepy, crawlyways?

    • ¥31.5 折扣:7折
    • Junie B. Jones #13 Junie B. Jones Is (almost) a Flower Girl
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 著 /1999-05-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion Junie B. is a verygrown-up little lady. So how come everyone treats her like a baby?It's not fair. But Junie B. knows just how to fix the situation.Her aunt Flo is getting married. What a perfect chance for Junie B.to show everyone how grown-up she is! Too bad she wasn't picked tobe the flower girl in the wedding so she could really show off. Butsurely Junie B. can still find some way to get everyone'sattention. From Library Journal Park is truly a funny writer. Although Junie B. is akindergartner, she's sure to make middle graders laugh outloud. Card catalog de*ion Six-year-old Junie B. is disappointed to find out that her aunthas asked someone else to be the flower girl at her wedding.

    • ¥32.1 折扣:8.4折
    • 拉莫尔山在哪里?英文原版 Where Is Mount Rushmore?
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • True Kelley /2015-02-05/ Grosset & Dunlap
    • Where Is Mount Rushmore? 作品简介 It was world-famous sculptor Gutzon Borglum's dream to carve sixty-foot-high likenesses of four presidents on a granite cliff in South Dakota. Does that sound like a wacky idea? Many at the time thought so. Borglum faced a lot of opposition and problems at every turn; the blasting and carving carried out through the years of the Great Depression when funding for anything was hard to come by. Yet Mount Rushmore now draws almost three million visitors to the Black Hills every year. This is an entertaining chronicle of one man's magnificent obsession, which even today sparks controversy. ? 作者简介 True Kelley is the author-illustrator of Who Was Pablo Picasso? and the author of Who Is Dolly Parton?, Who Was Abigail Adams?, and Who Was Roald Dahl? ? 基本信息 作者: True Kelley 出版社: Grosset Dunlap (2015年2月5日) 丛书名: Where Is...? 平装: 11

    • ¥30.6 折扣:7.3折
    • 【中商原版】谁是杰夫肯尼?英文原版 Who Is Jeff Kinney? Patrick Kinney
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Patrick Kinney /2015-08-18/ Grosset & Dunlap
    • Who Is Jeff Kinney? 作品简介 Even as a kid, everyone thought Jeff Kinney was talented. People loved his drawings, and when he went to college, his comic strip Igdoof was so popular that it spread to other universities! Still, Jeff faced challenges. His cartoons were rejected by syndicates that claimed his art was unprofessional. Then, an idea struck: Jeff would write a journal from the perspective of a child, illustrated with doodles just like a kid might do. And so, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series was born--and it was a hit! In this biography, Jeff's brother, Patrick Kinney, provides a knowledgeable look at the life of this best-selling author/illustrator. From Jeff's childhood pranks to his job developing online games, kids will love the chance to learn more about the creator of the popular Wimpy Kid books. ? 作者简介 Patrick Kinney is a freelance writer living in Northern Virginia. He has written two books for children and provides creative co

    • ¥30.6 折扣:7.3折
    • Junin B.Jones Loves Handsome Warren
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 编 /1996-10-01/ 人民出版社
    • Book De*ion There's a new boy in kindergarten, and guess what? He's thehandsomest guy Junie B. has ever seen. She and Lucille and thatGrace all want him for a boyfriend. Only, he thinks Junie B. is anutball. Just 'cause she couldn't stop laughing and rolling. So howis she supposed to get that boy to love her? From Booklist Gr. 1^-2, younger for reading aloud. Junie B. Jones fallsin love with the new boy in her kindergarten class in the latestFirst Stepping Stone Book about the eager pre-schooler and herfriends. As with Lois Lowry's See You Around, Sam (1996), olderkids will laugh at Junie's klutzy innocence, even as they recognizetheir own vulnerability in the classroom and the school yard.Brunkus' line drawings pick up the farce of Junie's desperateefforts in the world of romance and rivalry.

    • ¥33.8 折扣:8.9折