Trevor's mum has offered him GBP30 to walk the dog every dayof the holidays. But Streaker is no ordinary dog, she's a rocket onfour legs with a woof attached! Trevor enlists the help of bestfriend Tina to keep Streaker under control - with some hilariousresults! This is a favourite story from a prize-winning author.
一个患病的英国小男孩被送往乡间姑婆的老宅中休养。寂静中他发现了在古宅里的一个秘密:借东西的小人。借东西的小人只有铅笔一般高,他们把家安在房子的地板下,靠从楼上的“巨人”那里“借”东西为生。他们害怕的就是被“看见”。 借东西的小女孩阿瑞埃蒂在门外草丛里被小男孩看见。好心的小男孩弄好帮助这一家小人借东西,还充当信使,为他们和住在别处的亲戚送信。但好景不长,妇管家也发现了小人一家,她关住小男孩,找来警察、猫和捕鼠专家对付小人。万分危急之际,小人一家是如何成功逃脱人类的追捕的呢?他们在后来的颠沛流离的野外生活中又发生了哪些惊险和奇遇呢?
Twelve-year-old villain Artemis Fowl is the most ingeniouscriminal mastermind in history. His bold and daring plan is to holda leprechaun to ransom. But he's taking on more than he bargainedfor when he kidnaps Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon (LowerElements Police Reconnaissance Unit). This is a truly modernclassic, first published in 2002.