Diary of a Wimpy Kid ——《小鬼日记》系列图书,从一个中学生的角度,通过日记加漫画的形式,幽默地记述了一个典型美国小男孩的成长经历。 轻松一下吧!看看小主人公身上是不是有您幼年时候的影子呢 : ) The highly anticipated sequel to the #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling book! Secrets have a way of getting out, especially when a diary is involved. Whatever you do, don’t ask Greg Heffley how he spent his summer vacation, because he definitely doesn’t want to talk about it. As Greg enters the new school year, he’s eager to put the past three months behind him . . . and one event in particular. Unfortunately for Greg, his older brother, Rodrick, knows all about the incident Greg wants to keep under wraps. But secrets have a way of getting out . . . especially when a diary is involved. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules chronicles Greg’s attempts to navigate the hazards of middle school, impress the girls, st
Roald Dahl's life was as bizarre, exciting and funny as the stories he wrote, and here is the whole of his own extraordinary autobiography in one volume. With a new Quentin Blake cover and a whole new end section of fascinating facts about Roald Dahl.
It is Harry Potter’s sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As Voldemort’s sinister forces amass and a spirit of gloom and fear sweeps the land, it becomes more and more clear to Harry that he will soon have to confront his destiny. But is he up to the challenges ahead of him? In this dark and breathtaking adventure, J.K. Rowling skilfully begins to unravel the complex web she has woven, as we discover more of the truth about Harry, Dumbledore, Snape and, of course, He Who Must Not Be Named . . .
This is a new edition, with fresh Quentin Blake cover, of the superb sequel to the ever-popular "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" as well as a whole new exciting end section about Roald Dahl and his world.
There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books butmisery and despair. You still have time to choose something else toread. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charmingand clever Baudelaire children read on...The siblings endure a caraccident, a terrible smell, a deadly serpent, a long knife, a brassreading lamp, and the re-appearance of a person they hoped to neversee again. Then again, why trouble yourself with the unfortunateresolutions? Avoid these books in Lemony Snicket's internationalbestselling series and you'll never have to know what happens!
Harry Potter, along with his best friends, Ron and Hermione, is about to start his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry can’t wait to get back to school after the summer holidays (who wouldn’t if they lived with the horrible Dursleys?) But when Harry gets to Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There’s an escaped mass murderer on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school . . . The plot thickens and the dangers facing Harry multiply in this third thrilling instalment from J.K. Rowling.
"Are you a gifted child looking for specialopportunities?" When this peculiar ad appears in the newspaper, dozens of childrenenroll to take a series of mysterious, mind-bending tests. (Andyou, dear reader, can test your wits right alongside them.) But inthe end just four very special children will succeed. Theirchallenge: to go on a secret mission that only the most intelligentand resourceful children could complete. To accomplish it they willhave to go undercover at the Learning Institute for the VeryEnlightened, where the only rule is that there are no rules. As our heroes face physical and mental trials beyond their wildestimaginations, they have no choice but to turn to each other forsupport. But with their newfound friendship at stake, will they beable to pass the most important test of all? Welcome to the Mysterious Benedict Society.
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends. The main story arc concerns Harry's quandary involving the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents. The series has many cultural meanings and references. According to Rowling, the main theme is death, which has led to much criticism, as it is mainly a children's series. There is also many other themes in the series, such as love and prejudice.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, everyone's favorite reluctantViking hero, has three months, five days and six hours to discoverAmerica, get back to Berk, save his father, battle Polarserpents,and win the annual Inter-Tribal Friendly Swimming Race. Can he doit?
Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is desperate to get back to school and find out why his friends Ron and Hermione have been so secretive all summer. But before he even gets to school, Harry survives a terrifying encounter with two Dementors, attends a court hearing at the Ministry of Magic and is escorted on a night-time broomstick ride to the secret headquarters of a mysterious group called 'The Order of the Phoenix' ...This is a gripping and electrifying novel, full of suspense, secrets, and - of course - magic.