The day D Foster enters Neeka and her best friend’s lives, the world opens up for them. Suddenly they’re keenly aware of things beyond their block in Queens, things that are happening in the world—like the shooting of Tupac Shakur—and in search of their Big Purpose in life. When—all too soon—D’s mom swoops in to reclaim her, and Tupac dies, they are left with a sense of how quickly things can change and how even all-too-brief connections can touch deeply.
Cats. Jessica's never liked them. Especially not a skinny, ugly kitten that looks like a worm. Worm. Jessica wishes she'd never brought Worm home with her, because now he's making her do terrible things. She's sure she isn't imagining the evil voice coming from the cat, telling her to play mean tricks on people. But how can she explain what's happening? Witches. Jessica has read enough books to know that Worm must be a witch's cat. He's cast a spell on her, but whom can she turn to? After all, no one will believe that Worm has bewitched her...or worse!
这是一部描写家人亲情和姐妹情深的感人至深的力作,也是吐露漂泊异乡的追梦者孤独和寂寞之感的代表作。 姐姐林恩教会凯蒂说的个词是“基拉-基拉”,它在日语中是“亮晶晶”的意思。凯蒂喜欢这个词!长大一些后,她就用“亮晶晶”来形容自己喜欢的所有东西:蔚蓝的天空啊,皑皑的白雪啊,可爱的小猫小狗啊,美丽的蝴蝶啊,还有那五颜六色的餐巾纸啊,等等。 十岁那年,凯蒂全家从美国艾奥瓦搬到东南部佐治亚的一个小镇,日常生活的艰辛和周围人的对他们一家的歧视,像阴山一样笼罩在凯帝的心头,是姐姐教会了她如何勇敢地面对一切的不如意,努力去发掘和欣赏生命中各种各样美好的事物,而维系家庭成员的浓浓的亲情,更是为她增添了无比的勇气和力量。不幸的是,姐姐后来得了重病,凯蒂无微不至地照顾她,直到她生命的后一刻
There's nothing unusual about the Brockets. Normal, respectable and proud of it, they turn up their noses at anyone different. But from the moment Barnaby Brocket comes into the world, it's clear he's anything but ordinary. To his parents' horror, Barnaby defies the laws of gravity - and floats. Barnaby tries to keep both feet on the ground, but he just can't do it. One fateful day, the Brockets decide enough is enough. They never asked for a weird, abnormal, floating child. Barnaby has to go . . . Betrayed, frightened and alone, Barnaby floats into the path of a very special hot air balloon - and so begins a magical journey around the world, with a cast of extraordinary new friends.
1955年3月2日,阿拉巴马州一个热情洋溢的黑人女孩,因为受够了种族隔离制度的种种不公,拒绝在巴士上给一个白人妇女让座。仅仅九个月后,著名的罗莎·帕克斯因同样的行为,引发了蒙哥马利市长达381天的黑人抵制公交车运动。然而九个月前刚满15岁的克劳戴特·科尔文,并没有得到任何支持,反而在学校和社区遭到了孤立与指责。科尔文并没有因此而退缩,一年后,民权律师弗雷德·葛雷将蒙哥马利市的威廉·盖尔勒市长(Mayor William A.Gayle),告到美国联邦地区法院:他和蒙哥马利市的巴士公司,侵犯和剥夺了他的客户美国联邦宪法赋与的不可让渡的权利。这就是美国近代民权运动史上著名的艾瑞丽亚·包尔德对威廉·盖尔勒案(AureliaBrowder V. William A. Gayle),科尔文作为一名关键的原告出席了此案,并终赢得了“种族隔离”的废止。 本书以对科尔文的深入采
Joel Goss knows that Little Bub is a special colt, even though he's a runt. And when schoolteacher Justin Morgan asks Joel to break the colt in, Joel is thrilled! Soon word about Little Bub has spread throughout the entire Northeast -- this spirited colt can pull heavier loads than a pair of oxen. And run faster than thoroughbreds! This is the story of the little runt who became the father of the world-famous breed of American horses -- the Morgan.