When Marty Preston comes across a young beagle in thehills behind his home, it's love at first sight -- and also bigtrouble. It turns out the dog, which Marty names Shiloh, belongs toJudd Travers, who drinks too much and has a gun -- and abuses hisdogs. So when Shiloh runs away from Judd to Marty, Marty just hasto hide him and protect him from Judd. But Marty's secret becomestoo big for him to keep to himself, and it exposes his entirefamily to Judd's anger. How far will Marty have to go to makeShiloh his?
菲利普·霍尔是六年级聪明可爱的孩子,贝丝·兰伯特对他情有独钟。从功课到体育,菲利普几乎样样都比都贝丝强。一开始贝丝并不往心里去,后来她意识到,菲利普之所以能超过她,是因为她甘拜下风。贝丝决心向所有人证明自己可以当!这个故事二十年来深受读者喜爱,不仅因为它有趣,还因为书中描写了一个女孩自我意识的觉醒,能够引起读者的普遍共鸣。 Philip Hall is the cutest, smartest boy in thesixth grade, and Beth Lambert loves him. The fact that he beats herin classwork, sports, and almost everything else doesn't botherBeth at first. Then she realizes that Philip might be best becauseshe's letting him beat her. Beth knows that she deserves to beNumber One--and she's going to prove it! This funny, universalstory of a girl learning that she matters in the world hasdelighted readers for over twenty years. "Beth Lambert is an energetic and spirited youngblack girl whose
He was named "Sham" for the sun, this golden-red stallion bornin the Sultan of Morocco's stone stables. Upon his heel was a smallwhite spot, the symbol of speed. But on his chest was the symbol ofmisfortune. Although he was swift as the desert winds, Sham'spedigree would be scorned all his life by cruel masters andowners. This is the classic story of Sham and his friend, the stableboy Agba. their adventures take them from the sands of the Sahara.to the royal courts of France, and finally to the green pasturesand stately homes of England. For Sham was the renowned GodolphinArabian, whose blood flows through the veins of almost verysuperior thoroughbred. Sham's speed -- like his story -- has becomelegendary.
There is a Welsh legend about a harp of gold, hidden within acertain hill, that will be found by a boy and a white dog withsilver eyes -- a dog that can see the wind. Will Stanton knewnothing of this when he came to Wales to recover from a severeillness. But when he met Bran, a strange boy who owned a white dog,he began to remember. For Will is the last-born of the Old Ones,immortals dedicated to saving the world from the forces of evil,the Dark. And it is Will's task to wake-with the golden harp -- thesix who must be roused from their long slumber in the Welsh hillsto prepare for the last battle between the Dark and the Light. 《灰国王》是美国著名儿童文学作家苏珊·库珀的力作《黑暗蔓延》魔幻系列的第四部。该系列深受各国小读者欢迎,被誉为媲美哈利·波特的魔幻大作。而本书更是获得了美国纽伯瑞文学奖金奖。 故事发生在威尔士。患了一场大病后,威尔被母亲送到威尔士乡下亲戚家去休养。他在