出版社: Dial Books (2015年3月10日) 丛书名: Roller Girl 平装: 240页 读者对象: 9 - 12 岁 语种: 英语 ISBN: 0803740166 条形码: 9780803740167 商品尺寸: 13.8 x 1.9 x 21 cm
In this fourth title featuring Ramona, Mr. Quimby is out of workand everyone in the house is grumpy. Ramona tries to cheer up thefamily as only Ramona can—by rehearsing for life as a rich andfamous star of television comercials, for instance—but her bestefforts only make things worse. Everything works out in the end,though, when Mr. Quimby tells Ramona that he wouldn’t trade her fora million dollars. Ramona and Her Father explores serious issuesthat real families face, but is levened by Beverly Cleary’strademark humor and warmth. It is a Newbery Honor b
The intriguing story of Eleanor Roosevelt traces the life ofthe former First Lady from her early childhood through thetumultuous years in the White House to her active role in thefounding of the United Nations after World War II. A Newberry HonorBook.
Pa Ingalls decides to sell the little log house, and thefamily sets out for Indian country! They travel from Wisconsin toKansas, and there, finally, Pa builds their little house on theprairie. Sometimes farm life is difficult, even dangerous, butLaura and her family are kept busy and happy with the promise oftheir new life on the prairie.
"Vivid firsthand de*ions by persons who lived through the 1871 Chicago fire are woven into a gripping account... Absorbing and riveting reading." The Horn Book, starred review
"Outstanding book with beautiful colored illustrations andmarginal drawings similar to those in his previous books. Wideinterest level including adults." School Library Journal,Starred
The ocean has always flowed through Sophie's life. It promisesjourneys of adventure and discovery and she is drawn to it. Andwhen she gets the chance to cross the Atlantic on board her uncle'sboat, The Wanderer, she can't wait to set sail. But troubled Sophiehas a secret, and deep down she's terrified of where, The Wandererwill take her. For this storm-tossed voyage will also be a journeyinto the mysterious past of her forgotten childhood. And she, andthe rest of the crew aboard, may not survive it.
八岁的雷梦拉,再开学就要上小学三年级了。她在学校里爱出风头,却又担心别人说她是讨厌鬼;对家里的食物挑挑拣拣,却在自己被罚亲手做过一次晚餐之后理解了妈妈;她生病时,会装出很痛苦的样子引起他人的同情;她有着丰富的想象力,写出了一篇精彩绝伦的读书报告……总之,当你读这本书的时候,你会真切地感受到雷梦拉就是你身边的人,而且她是那么真实、聪明、可爱。 Ramona likes being big enough to be counted on, but musteverything depend on her? Mrs. Quimby has gone back to work so thatMr. Quimby can go back to school, and Ramona is expected to be goodfor Mrs. Kemp while her parents are away, to be brave enough toride the school bus by herself, and to put up with being teased byDanny the Yard Ape. In Ramona’s world, being eight isn’t easy, butit’s never dull! Ramona Quimby, Age 8 is the sixth instalment inthe Ramona series and the second to receive a N
《偷书贼》是本相当推荐一看的小说,故事讲述的是9岁小女孩莉赛尔和弟弟在战乱中被迫送到寄养家庭,但弟弟不幸死在旅途中,莉赛尔在弟弟冷清的丧礼后偷了一本掘墓工人的手册,为的是要纪念自己永远失去的家庭。寄养家庭位在慕尼黑凋蔽贫困的区域,大人彼此仇恨咒骂,老师狠毒无情,战火时时威胁人命。莉赛尔每晚抱着掘墓工人手册入睡,恶梦不断。养父为了让她安眠,于是为她朗诵手册内容,并开始教她识字。 学会认字进而开始读书的莉赛尔,尽管生活艰苦,吃不饱穿不暖,却发现了一项比食物更让她难以抗拒的东西 书,她忍不住开始偷书,用偷来的书继续学习认字。从此莉赛尔进入了文字的奇妙世界,让她熬过了现实的苦难,也不可思议地帮助了周围同样承受苦难的人:读书给躲在养父家地下室的犹太人听,在空袭时为躲入防空洞中
A Newbery Honor Winner. An ALA-ALSC Notable Children's Book. A Bankstreet Best Book of the Year. A BookPage Best Children's Book. For fans of To Kill a Mockingbird, The King's Speech, and The Help. A boy who stutters comes-of-age in the segregated South, during the summer that changes his life. An 11-year-old boy living in Memphis in 1959 throws the meanest fastball in town, but talking is a whole different ball game. He can barely say a word without stuttering, not even his own name. So when he takes over his best friend's paper route for the month of July, he knows he'll be forced to communicate with the different customers, including a housewife who drinks too much and a retired merchant marine who seems to know just about everything. The paper route poses challenges, but it's a run-in with the neighborhood junkman, a bully and thief, that stirs up real trouble--and puts the boy's life, as well as that of his family's devoted housekeeper, in danger. "[Vawter
出版社: Amulet Books (2014年9月1日) 平装: 248页 读者对象: 8 - 12 岁 语种: 英语 商品尺寸: 15.2 x 1.3 x 22.9 cm
Inspired by family stories, two-time Newbery Honor winner and"New York Times" bestselling author Jennifer L. Holm beautifullyblends family lore with America's past in this charming gem of anovel, rich in historical detail, humor, and the unique flavors ofKey West. Life isn't like the movies, and eleven-year-old Turtle isno Shirley Temple. She's smart and tough and has seen enough of theworld not to expect a Hollywood ending. After all, it's 1935, andjobs and money and sometimes even dreams are scarce. So whenTurtle's mama gets a job housekeeping for a lady who doesn't likekids, Turtle says goodbye without a tear and heads off to Key West,Florida, to stay with relatives she's never met. Florida's likenothing Turtle has ever seen. It's hot and strange, full of wildgreen peeping out between houses, ragtag boy cousins, and secrettreasure. Before she knows what's happened, Turtle finds herselfcoming out of the shell she has spent her life building, and as shedoes, her world opens up in the most unexpected w
小说主人公是克隆人马特——他一出生便触犯了两条天律:,他是三十六个冷冻百年的人体细胞植入母牛体内存活下来的惟一一人;第二,他是反抗他所在的鸦片王国法律、拒绝终止智力成长天条的惟一一人。全书围绕马特与“天罪”的殊死抗争展开——全书充满惊心动魄的故事情节,奇特迷人的幻想描写,人物复杂多变,性格色彩分明,故事惊心动魄,情节扣人心弦,具有暴风雨般的冲击力和震撼力。赋予当代生物遗传学领域前沿技术栩栩如生的生命,注入了令人心跳的感觉。 《蝎子之屋》是一部堪称天才的小说,它描写一个克隆人在充满敌意同时又喧嚣纷乱的世界里努力探求生存的权益和自我的价值的传奇故事,探析克隆技术给人类带来的道德与伦理的困惑,肉体与灵魂的冲突以及生命的价值和本质。《蝎子之屋》同时又是一部特色鲜明的科幻小