For cliffhanging suspense and thrilling action read THENANCY DREW MYSTERY STORIES-the worlds most popular mystery seriesfor young readers! Millions of fans have matched wits with NancyDrew, helping her solve more than fifty baffling cases.
A girl has mysteriously run away from home and her parents arefrantic with worry. Can the Secret Seven follow the clues and catchup with the girl, or will Susie, Jack's troublesome little sister,get in the way?
Something mysterious is going on at Tigger's Barn, and theSecret Seven are intrigued. Peter thinks it's all just gossip, butJack isn't so sure when he overhears a strange conversation. Lookslike the Seven are on the trail of another excitingadventure...
They can't have moved away without saying a word!' Winter iscoming, and the Fillyjonk, the Hemulen, Toft, Mymble, etc. are allwaiting in Moominvalley to see the Moomins return home. Winterdoesn't seem right without them.
The irresistible Paddington Bear, who was found on Paddingtonstation, returns in this reissued novel, with a brand new coverdesign. Up until now, Paddington has managed to avoid school. But theInspector himself catches up with him and packs him off. After oneday, even the teacher wonders whether there is anything he canteach a certain bear from Darkest Peru. And when it comes to dancing the rumba as always, Paddingtontakes the cake! Stories of Paddington Bear have delighted children all overthe world for fifty years.
For cliffhanging suspense and thrilling action read THE NANCYDREW MYSTERY STORIES-the worlds most popular mystery series foryoung readers! Millions of fans have matched wits with Nancy Drew,helping her solve more than fifty baffling cases.
For cliffhanging suspense and thrilling action read THENANCY DREW MYSTERY STORIES-the worlds most popular mystery seriesfor young readers! Millions of fans have matched wits with NancyDrew, helping her solve more than fifty baffling cases.
Four English children return to Narnia to help the dwarfsbattle the evil forces which have seized the kingdom. 故事发生在彼得等四兄妹回到自己的世界一年后。他们四人在假期回校时坐在火车站的长椅上等车,忽然感到有股特殊的力量将他们拉进纳尼亚。他们得知,自从他们离开纳尼亚后已经过去了1300年。纳尼亚原国王的弟弟弥若兹篡夺了王位,杀害兄长。在他的残暴统治下,所有会说话的动物和精灵们都隐藏起来了。然而老国王的儿子凯斯宾王子渴望解放纳尼亚,他逃离王宫,在森林里找到了纳尼亚的老居民,并得到他们的支持。正邪双方展开激战。王子在寡不敌众的时候吹响了苏珊的魔法号角,将彼得四兄妹唤回这个世界帮助他们。他们领导纳尼亚的动物和精灵们战胜了邪恶的国王,凯斯宾王子继承了王位,纳尼亚又恢复了以往的生机勃勃。彼得四兄妹又重返自己的世界。
From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deepforests, the Brothers Grimm collected a treasury of enchanting folkand fairy stories full of giants and dwarfs, witches andprincesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics suchas "The Frog-Prince" and "Hansel and Grettel" to the delights of"Ashputtel" or "Old Sultan", all hold a timeless magic which hasenthralled children for centuries.