两只小老鼠晚上喜欢看月亮。一天早晨,它们忽然想知道月亮白天会去哪里,就决定出发去寻找月亮。找啊找,两个小家伙找到的是一个橙子、一个气球还是一个美妙绝伦的月亮呢? 这本图画书插图精美,色彩鲜艳,两只小老鼠形象可爱;它们的历险故事,紧张兴奋,充满勇于探索的好奇心。适合3-6岁孩子阅读。
人们是怎么知道地球是圆的的?你也许会说是哥伦布航海发现的,但其实远在古希腊时期就有了地球是圆的的理论。 从船上的?t望台能看到在甲板上看不到的远方,月相变化,时差的产生,不同地方的人能看到不同的星空等等,这些都表明地球是圆的。 这本英语原版科普绘本提供了丰富有趣的知识,穿越历史,进入太空,启发孩子观察、思考有关地球形状的现象与知识,培养孩子独立思考的精神。 书后有简单的小实验,引导孩子自己动手、观察。
You can't breathe underwater, but afish can. You can't eat underwater, but a fish does it every day. Afish's body is designed for life in water, just as your body isperfect for living on land. Read and find out how a fish's sleekbody, fins, scales, and gills keep him in the swim! Then read on tolearn how to set up your own goldifish bowl.
This book is one of a new series of books, "Read andDiscover", designed to encourage children to learn about the worldas they learn to read. You can use it for fishing, hunting, tying,pulling, lifting and carrying - a piece of string is a wonderfulthing! It supports KS1-2 Science and Literacy. It is written inconsultation with the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education. Itoffers non-fiction for developing readers. It features texts andillustrations which support children learning to read. It containsextra information section at the back of the book with index,author and illustrator biography.
Leaping lizards--the Cat and Co. explore the world ofreptiles! The Cat in the Hat travels the globe--in his trusty crocodilecar--to explore the world of reptiles: lizards, snakes, turtles,and crocodilians. Along the way, young readers learn thecharacteristics shared by most reptiles; basic information abouteach group; quirky, fun facts about individual species; and much,much more. Cool creatures featured include komodo dragons,chameleons, geckos, cobras, leatherback turtles, frilled lizards--avirtual Who's Who of the World's Most Remarkable Reptiles. Youngreaders will slither in delight!
Christmas in Camelot It begins with a simple invitation to spend Christmas Eve inCamelot, a magical place that exists only in myth and fantasy. WhatJack and Annie don’t know is that the invitation will send them ona quest to save Camelot itself — not from destruction, but frombeing forgotten forever. Haunted Castle on Hallow’s Eve The castle looms dark against the light of the moon. Giant ravenscircle in the sky. Merlin the magician needs someone to find outwhat has happened. But who is brave enough to brush the cobwebsaside and go through the heavy doors? Merlin thinks he knows theanswer to these questions–Jack and Annie. Summer of the Sea Serpent Jack and Annie are off on another mythical mission at the requestof Merlin the magician. Luckily, they have a young sorcerer, Teddy,to help them. From underwater caves to a Spider Queen, frommystical selkies to a magical sword, this is a Magic Tree Houseadventure kids won’t want to miss! Wint
How are an octopus and a squid different? What kinds ofcreatures live in the deepest abyss of the ocean? What doscientists say some legendary sea monsters really are? Find out theanswers to these questions and more in this Magic Tree HouseResearch Guide: Sea Monsters.
The Cat in the Hat takes Sally and Dick for a ride through thehuman body where they visit the right and left sides of the brain,meet the Feletons from far off Fadin (when they stand in the sunyou can see through their skin), scuba dive through the bloodsystem, follow food and water through the digestive tract, and awhole lot more!
Set off to the Short-Shaggy-Tail-Waggy Super Dog Show withSally, Nick and "The Cat in the Hat"! You can meet dogs of alldifferent shapes and sizes and learn all about how tails help dogsto balance; that they can see better in dim light than we can; theamazing things they've been trained to do; and much, much more.There are tons of fascinating dog facts, all told in a rhythmicallyrhyming story that will keep children captivated for hours! Thisfun and exciting story is perfect for early readers who arecomfortable tackling new words and starting to read on theirown.