两只小老鼠晚上喜欢看月亮。一天早晨,它们忽然想知道月亮白天会去哪里,就决定出发去寻找月亮。找啊找,两个小家伙找到的是一个橙子、一个气球还是一个美妙绝伦的月亮呢? 这本图画书插图精美,色彩鲜艳,两只小老鼠形象可爱;它们的历险故事,紧张兴奋,充满勇于探索的好奇心。适合3-6岁孩子阅读。
人们是怎么知道地球是圆的的?你也许会说是哥伦布航海发现的,但其实远在古希腊时期就有了地球是圆的的理论。 从船上的?t望台能看到在甲板上看不到的远方,月相变化,时差的产生,不同地方的人能看到不同的星空等等,这些都表明地球是圆的。 这本英语原版科普绘本提供了丰富有趣的知识,穿越历史,进入太空,启发孩子观察、思考有关地球形状的现象与知识,培养孩子独立思考的精神。 书后有简单的小实验,引导孩子自己动手、观察。
When the elevator goes down, the subtraction starts and so doesthe magic. Ben sees crazy things everytime the door opens. Ridealong as he subtracts his way down to the lobby, and decide foryourself if it's elevator magic.
Everyday activities such as sharing a meal, sorting socks, andgetting ready for school can be part of learning math. In theMathStart series, everyday life is the basis for each entertainingstory. Simple math concepts are embedded in each story so thatyoung children intuitively understand them. Adults can use thecreative suggestions for activities in the back of each book toextend learning opportunities with children. Developmentally appropriate and correlated to school grade levelsand the curriculum standards of the National Council of Teachers OfMathematics, MathStart can give children a head start!