两只小老鼠晚上喜欢看月亮。一天早晨,它们忽然想知道月亮白天会去哪里,就决定出发去寻找月亮。找啊找,两个小家伙找到的是一个橙子、一个气球还是一个美妙绝伦的月亮呢? 这本图画书插图精美,色彩鲜艳,两只小老鼠形象可爱;它们的历险故事,紧张兴奋,充满勇于探索的好奇心。适合3-6岁孩子阅读。
You can't breathe underwater, but afish can. You can't eat underwater, but a fish does it every day. Afish's body is designed for life in water, just as your body isperfect for living on land. Read and find out how a fish's sleekbody, fins, scales, and gills keep him in the swim! Then read on tolearn how to set up your own goldifish bowl.
The fan-favorite chapter-book series sends Jack and Annie backto India over 400 years ago to search for a rare and preciousemerald. Once there, they discover an amazing and exotic worldfilled with great danger. Will they find what they're looking for?Will they avoid the wrath of the all-powerful Great Mogul, survivea crazy ride on a wild elephant, escape an attack by kingcobras—and make it back to the magic tree house alive? Mary Pope Osborne brings together just the right combination ofhistory, magic, and fast-paced adventure to satisfy kids, parents,teachers, and librarians all over the world with her New York Timesbestselling series.
Leaping lizards--the Cat and Co. explore the world ofreptiles! The Cat in the Hat travels the globe--in his trusty crocodilecar--to explore the world of reptiles: lizards, snakes, turtles,and crocodilians. Along the way, young readers learn thecharacteristics shared by most reptiles; basic information abouteach group; quirky, fun facts about individual species; and much,much more. Cool creatures featured include komodo dragons,chameleons, geckos, cobras, leatherback turtles, frilled lizards--avirtual Who's Who of the World's Most Remarkable Reptiles. Youngreaders will slither in delight!
Holidays Heroes(《美国的纪念日》)系列介绍了美国的纪念日、节日,以及与之相关的历史人物、社会事件等,文字简洁生动,图片丰富多样,适合小学生学习历史,了解美国文化,关注社会进步。免费赠送英语朗读音频,地道的英文表达帮助孩子扩充英语词汇量,提高英语阅读能力。 本册Let sCelebrateVeteransDay(《退伍军人节》)讲的是有关美国退伍军人节的知识。书中介绍了美国的男性和女性参军的多种形式。小读者可以从中了解退伍军人节的来历以及为什么美国人每年11月11日要向老兵致敬。
Traces life on earth through the geological strata, from the arrival of man back to the first plants. Gives us a remarkable grasp of the fossil record. Illustrates the geological periods from the present back to the earliest or Precambrian Era, and includes major developments and life forms of each time frame.
This busy family needs a vacation, but they don't know whereto go.Mom and Dad want peace and quiet. Grandma wants to gosomewhere hot. Fluffer wants to go somewhere that pets can go, too!The pig-tailed narrator gathers all this data and makes a chart tohelp determine the perfect vacation destination. Learning math isfun when a vacation is the answer!
The Cat in the Hat takes Dick and Sally on a Seussian safari to observe (and pontificate about) the many different kinds of mammals. An invaluable tour for all animal lovers!
Everyday activities such as sharing a meal, sorting socks, andgetting ready for school can be part of learning math. In theMathStart series, everyday life is the basis for each entertainingstory. Simple math concepts are embedded in each story so thatyoung children intuitively understand them. Adults can use thecreative suggestions for activities in the back of each book toextend learning opportunities with children. Developmentally appropriate and correlated to school grade levelsand the curriculum standards of the National Council of Teachers OfMathematics, MathStart can give children a head start!
Keep an eye on the clock as the Huskies and the Falcons gearup for their championship soccer match. Weeks, days, hours,minutes, and seconds--it's all game time!
Set off to the Short-Shaggy-Tail-Waggy Super Dog Show withSally, Nick and "The Cat in the Hat"! You can meet dogs of alldifferent shapes and sizes and learn all about how tails help dogsto balance; that they can see better in dim light than we can; theamazing things they've been trained to do; and much, much more.There are tons of fascinating dog facts, all told in a rhythmicallyrhyming story that will keep children captivated for hours! Thisfun and exciting story is perfect for early readers who arecomfortable tackling new words and starting to read on theirown.
Don't move a muscle--read all about them Did you knowthat... Without muscles you couldn't blink--or even breathe Nearly 700 muscles control your life. Big or small, a muscle is made up of just one cell. Exercise doesn't give you more muscles, but it strengthens theones you have. Discover how muscles make us move--and see what it really lookslike under your skin.
Ever wondered how bubbles get into fizzy drinks? Or how weknow what the dinosaurs looked like? And just how many ants can ananteater eat? This book answers a wide range of 'how' questions andprovides further information with fun-filled facts. Appealingartworks help explain the answers, allowing children to build uptheir knowledge on a variety of subjects.