Mouse Math(《鼠小弟爱数学》)目前共20册,每本书讲了一个幽默的故事、解释了一个数学概念,还有一组趣味活动。故事涉及的数学重要基础概念包括数字大小、顺序、空间运动、容量和体积、加减法等。 同时,每个故事都蕴含着成长的道理,把数学概念、思维方式和绘本故事、生活技能、品格培养巧妙地结合在一起。 Mouse Math(《鼠小弟爱数学》)将数学概念自然融入到小老鼠们的日常生活中,让孩子不知不觉地主动思考,将数学转化为宝贵的生活工具。 本册Albert Starts School(《阿宝上学去》)讲的是 星期 的数学概念:Albert终于要上学啦,翘首以盼的开学日正是周一,他发现上学和在家有很大的区别。可是,别急,这一周里还要发生不少让他吃惊的事呢!
English for Beginners is a Ladybird series designed for young people learning English worldwide. The emphasis is on word recognition and word learning through simple, clear text and colourful pictures and activities. Each workbook is accompanied by its own hardback title, re-enforcing the learning process in a structured but entertaining way. First 100 Verbs Workbook contains more than twenty stimulating and enjoyable activities based on the vocabulary presented in First 100 Verbs. Each activity is clearly illustrated and each encourages writing, drawing, reading and understanding.
Engage your young readers with this great-value collection of books! Everyday Book Box includes fiction and nonfiction titles for independent reading and developing fluency. Brightly colored illustrations and photos help students develop vocabulary and build comprehension skills. Includes a CD with 100 reproducible activities, parent letter with reading tips and more! * 50 titles per box * Fiction and non-fiction books ideal for independent reading and developing fluency * Teacher Resource CD is loaded with activities, lesson plans, and reading tips for teachers * Brightly coloured illustrations and photographs help students develop vocabulary and build comprehension skills
阅读年龄2-5岁 Magic School Bus 神奇校车自然拼读书,共12本书,含出12本书正版进口音频1张。 每本书都包含语音学习、科普故事和延伸阅读,3个部分。音频包括慢速朗读故事一遍,快速配乐朗读故事一遍。 孩子们不仅可以在书中了解冬眠的狗熊、神奇的鸟巢、蜘蛛网、垃圾的回收利用、血液的秘密、雪花、秋天、风的作用、北极、月球、海底和牙齿等12个方面的科普故事和知识。 同时,根据每册书的语音和语法重点,配合音频,孩子还可以学习短元音a,e,i,u;长元音a,e,i,o;以及y,sh,th的发音规律。 *后,读完书中的故事,你还需要了解那些有趣的知识呢?请看看延伸阅读吧。