Sally's stuffed bear Pammy the Panda is turning two, and Sallywants to give her a gift. But what kind of things do pandas like?Enter the Cat in the Hat. His friend Zhu Zhu is a real panda—he's bound to have some suggestions! So off the gang goes toBamwamabooboo, where Zhu Zhu teaches them about his favorite thingin the world: bamboo! Turns out that bamboo is not only a panda'sfavorite food, but it's an amazingly strong, lightweight, andflexible kind of grass—like the stuff on your lawn—that's good forbuilding all sorts of things that humans like, too. Almost as muchas they like a bargain—like a $3.99 Little Golden Book!
"Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. Book 2c follows Peterand Jane on a fishing trip and introduces 27 words such as'sweets', 'jump' and 'fish'. Once this book has been completed, thechild moves on to book 3a. "The Key Words with Peter and JaneBooks" work because each of the key words is introduced graduallyand repeated frequently. This builds confidence in children whenthey recognize these key words on sight (also known as the 'lookand say' method of learning). Examples of key words are: the, one,two, he. There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c."Series a" gradually introduces new words. "Series b" providesfurther practise of words featured in "The 'a' Series". "Series c"links reading with writing and phonics. All the words that havebeen introduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforced i
"Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. "Book 12c" providesthe link with writing for the words used in "12a" and "12b". Oncethis book has been completed, the child has finished the readingscheme. "The Key Words with Peter and Jane" books work because eachof the key words is introduced gradually and repeated frequently.This builds confidence in children when they recognise these keywords on sight (also known as the 'look and say' method oflearning). Examples of key words are: the, one, two, he. There are12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c. "Series a": graduallyintroduces new words. "Series b": provides further practise ofwords featured in the 'a' series. "Series c": links reading withwriting and phonics. All the words that have been introduced ineach 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforced in the 'c' books.
《我的第一本經典故事親子英文:從孩子到孫子,一本可以代代相傳的英文學習書(軟精裝.附親子共讀MP3光碟)》 作者: 李宗玥, 高旭銧 出版社:國際學村 出版日:2017/08/11 語言:繁體中文 ISBN: 9789864540440 叢書系列:page 1系列 規格:軟精裝 / 224頁 / 16k / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版 出版地:台灣 本書分類:童書/語言學習/英文
English for Beginners is a Ladybird series designed for young people learning English worldwide. The emphasis is on word recognition and word learning through simple, clear text and colourful pictures and activities. Each workbook is accompanied by its own hardback title, re-enforcing the learning process in a structured but entertaining way. First 100 Verbs Workbook contains more than twenty stimulating and enjoyable activities based on the vocabulary presented in First 100 Verbs. Each activity is clearly illustrated and each encourages writing, drawing, reading and understanding.
Let sReadTogether系列(《自然拼读一起学》)目前共15册,每册都通过一个简单押韵的故事引入相关的自然拼读知识,包括基础的短元音(a、e、i、o、u)、长元音(a、e、i、o、u)和元音组合(ar、oi、ou、oo、er、ai、au、aw)的读音和拼写。 孩子可以通过阅读有趣的故事学习自然拼读知识,积累词汇,轻松掌握英语基础。 每册故事后是精心设计的有趣活动,家长老师可以用它帮孩子进一步熟悉书中的自然拼读知识,然后举一反三,掌握有相同字母相同发音的其他单词,辨别单词间的不同之处,并逐渐学会组词造句。 本册BittyFish[《小鱼贝蒂(短元音i)》]的自然拼读知识点是 短元音i ,讲的是:押韵的故事中包含几十个含短元音i的单词,让孩子在听、读中掌握单词的发音及拼写。故事讲的是:BittyFish希望能在一个大鱼缸里自由地游来游去,还希望能有朋友和她一起
workbooks are high quality education resources based onmaterials developed by teaching professionals for teachingprofessionals. Each workbook is filled with age-appropriate andpedagogically sound activities that support children on the road oflearning and mastery. Writing Skills Builder workbooksprovide practice in essential writingstrategies. Children practice thesewriting strategies in a systematic wayand through meaningful writing activitiesto improve their writing fluency. For 90 years, teachers and parents haverecognized Scholastic as a trusted namein learning. Scholastic continues thissuccessful history by remaining focused onencouraging children to learn to read andlove to learn, helping teachers carry outtheir important jobs and supporting parentsin their role as their child's first teacher.
Scholastic LearningExpress系列练习册覆盖英语和数学两方面的学习内容,包含大量专业教师认可并推荐的练习,让儿童的学习变得既容易又快乐。ScholasticLearning Express练习册可以作为学期中的补充练习,也很适合作为寒暑假时的独立课程。 ScholasticLearning Express系列练习册包含以下特色内容: 1. 能让儿童喜欢上学习的有趣多彩页面;2.帮助家长指导孩子学习的教学建议; 3. 确保孩子掌握每个学习主题的快速小测验; 4. 鼓励儿童的有趣小贴纸;5.让儿童有成就感的终学习成果证书。6.附赠父母资源网站链接。网站中包含练习册的详细介绍、专家建议以及可作为补充的学习活动。
每个套装中包含50本英文原版图画书,用于培养孩子的英文阅读能力,书内鲜艳的插图和照片能吸引孩子的注意力,同时又能帮助孩子认知英文和培养阅读技能。另附1张CD光盘,内容为教学指南及练习题,用来正确指导孩子阅读。 The Everyday Book Box contains 50 individual book titles,fiction and non-fiction, each marked with a Guided Reading leveland a Lexile level. There are three leveled collectionsavailable: Red (ages 5-6), Yellow (ages 6-7), and Blue (ages 7-8).Schools may also choose between books printed in American Englishor Commonwealth English. In addition to the books, each Everyday Book Box contains aresource CD with activities, lesson plans, and reading tips forteachers and parents.
本册有三个故事,故事的核只有一个,即“极限”。 目之能及之处,远有多远?乌龟国王耶尔特坚信,他目光所及的一切就等同于他统治的疆域。以池塘边的石头为宝座,目力所及只有池塘,所见的范围极小,自然他的统治范围也小得可怜。耶尔特扩充疆域的办法就是站得高看得远,但是当他还在叫嚣着建筑一个由五千,五千六百零七只乌龟堆起的宝座,他脚下两百只乌龟堆起的宝座已经岌岌可危了。 尾巴上长出多少根羽毛才是关?小雌鸟绒绒以为自然是越多越美。如此疯狂强求的结果竟然是尾大不掉,画地为牢,只有忍痛退回原处之一途。 无庸置疑,物极必反。但苏斯博士显然远不就此止步。在接下来的《吹牛》中,老虫子的出现是《吹牛》一篇的结束,也是本册总体的一个收束。以世界上灵敏的听觉和嗅觉,究竟谁能抵达远?兔子和熊海
This Deluxe Step Ahead workbook, with 64 pages and stickers,provides at-home help in printing letters for ages 4-6.