The newest title in the phenomenally successful Worst-Case Scenario series provides kid-friendly, hands-on, step-by-step instructions for surviving one of the scariest times in a tween's life-the first day of middle school. Illustrations.
Turn an in-flight magazine into an engaging game, transform your mid-flight snack into an instant work of art: with 52 ways to keep kids busy, happy, and occupied in the air or at the boarding terminal, this revised and updated deck is the traveling child's essential carry-on item.
These 52 entertaining activities include a wide range of games that will amuse family members of all ages and interests. They're perfect for any family that finds itself stranded on a desert island, trapped in a tent, or restless on a rainy day.
Whether you're a traditional bride, a modern bride, or a downright outrageous bride, these tidbits and strategies will help you realize the wedding of your dreams. These 52 cards include tips on managing expectations, trimming the guest list, and balancing the budget. If used as directed, may help prevent jangly nerves and loss of humor.