It's a Roald Dahl extravaganza! Interesting diseases, the mostheroic animals, beards, disguises, quizzes and pirates - yes, it'sa second fun-filled collection of facts, activities and jokes tocelebrate Roald Dahl Day on 13 September! "Dahlmanac 2" isjam-packed with treats - some disgusting, some delicious - stuffthat EVERY Roald Dahl fan should know! With black and whiteillustrations by Quentin Blake and inspired by Roald Dahl's love ofodd facts and curiosities, this is the perfect book to dip into fora quick chuckle - and it contains some long-forgotten writing fromRoald Dahl!
Packed with all the zany humour and bizarre characters thatmake Dr.Seuss so popular with young readers, this wacky dictionarywill keep children laughing all the way from A to Z.Containing over1000 everyday words arranged in alphabetical order, The Cat in theHat Dictionary takes a typically Seussian approach, with a host ofcrazy animals and potty people doing some of the strangest things –from crocodiles nursing babies and goats playing horns to dogseating noodles and bears playing marbles.None the less, the bookhas a serious purpose in that it teaches young children aged threeupwards fundamental dictionary skills, without them even realisingit. While they laugh at the pictures and look at the words, theyare also learning about word and picture association, alphabeticalorder, word searching, word usage and alliteration, not to mentionlearning to read. All that from one book!
Turn an in-flight magazine into an engaging game, transform your mid-flight snack into an instant work of art: with 52 ways to keep kids busy, happy, and occupied in the air or at the boarding terminal, this revised and updated deck is the traveling child's essential carry-on item.
These 52 entertaining activities include a wide range of games that will amuse family members of all ages and interests. They're perfect for any family that finds itself stranded on a desert island, trapped in a tent, or restless on a rainy day.
A First Thesaurus is a reader-friendly reference book for youngreaders. This easy-to-use book contains 2,000 synonyms and willgive children accurate and interesting words to use, and help themexpand their vocabularies. Ages 8-11.
All new edition of a dictionary designed for people withlimited English language skills. Great for ESL students. More than36,000 entries with concise, easy-to-understand definitions. Morethan 20,000 usage examples with over 400 detailed line drawings,many revised. Also includes word histories, biographical names andgeographical names.
This colourful, easg-to-use introduction to over 1,300 words for goung chitdren will helpdevelop key vocabulary skiills.Over 1,300 everuadau words definedA colourful illustration accompanies each headwordA-Z guide on each page helps childrenfind words quicklySample sentences help explain meaning and usagePart of speech is given for each headwordSpecial themed pages provide extra word helpWritten bg Bettg Root.
The best-selling Worst-Case Scenario series returns with this "extreme" follow-up to the Junior Edition. Packed with funny, kid friendly instructions for the most extreme situations such as how to handle an encounter with a tarantula, how to navigate by the stars, how to build a snow cave, and more!
Braces. Bullies. Chores. Childhood is chock-full of perils but finally here's something to come to the rescue. The newest title in the phenomenally successful Worst-Case Scenario series provides kid-friendly, hands-on, step-by-step instructions for outwitting a nosy sibling, surviving a school dance, cleaning your room in a snap, dealing with an irritated parent (recognizing the tell-tale signs!), and more.
Kiss the roadtrip blues good-bye with the revised version of this best-selling activity deck featuring updated text throughout as well as a variety of new activities. From engaging games to creative art activities to mind-bending puzzles, this deck will make getting there all the fun.