An all-new edition of the essential dictionary for childrengrades 3-5, ages 8-11. . Includes more than 36,000entries with expanded usage sentences and phrases . Hundreds of new illustrations,photographs, and diagrams . More than 220 word historyparagraphs and 120 synonym paragraphs clarify meaning . New features includepronunciation paragraphs at the beginning of each letter . Special sections includegeographical terms, signs and symbols, and a Guide forWriters.
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guidepublisher* Follow up to the best-selling Not-For-Parents TravelBook , Extreme Planet is a whirlwind tour of the globe,seeking out the highest, deepest, widest, narrowest, coolest,hottest, scariest, smelliest... things on the planet. What's thelongest place name? The oldest fossil? Most treacherous road in theworld? Most dangerous food to eat? Scariest place to stand becauseyou're most likely to be struck by lightning? It's all here! Authors: Written and researched by Lonely Planet About Lonely Planet: Started in 1973, Lonely Planet hasbecome the world's leading travel guide publisher with guidebooksto every destination on the planet, as well as an award-winningwebsite, a suite of mobile and digital travel products, children'sbooks, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet's missionis to enable curious travellers to experience the world and totruly get to the heart of the places where they travel. TripAdvisor Travellers' Choice Awards 20
It's a Roald Dahl extravaganza! Interesting diseases, the mostheroic animals, beards, disguises, quizzes and pirates - yes, it'sa second fun-filled collection of facts, activities and jokes tocelebrate Roald Dahl Day on 13 September! "Dahlmanac 2" isjam-packed with treats - some disgusting, some delicious - stuffthat EVERY Roald Dahl fan should know! With black and whiteillustrations by Quentin Blake and inspired by Roald Dahl's love ofodd facts and curiosities, this is the perfect book to dip into fora quick chuckle - and it contains some long-forgotten writing fromRoald Dahl!
Cool stuff to know about every country in the world. Everyone knows which is the world's highest mountain, but do youknow which country banned chewing gum? Or what's the world'sstinkiest fruit? Or who invented roller skates? Or which buildingleans more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Or where can you eatfried spiders as a snack? Here at Lonely Planet we decided to make a book about the world'scountries for children, not parents. The world is a very big place,and in The Not-for-Parents Travel Book we've concentrated on thereally interesting bits to create a snapshot of what each countryis like. (Warning to parents: these might not be the same "reallyinteresting bits" that you like...where to buy coffee, how manystars the hotel has, what's the phone number for the airport, blah,blah, blah. In this book are the epic events, amazing animals, hideoushistories, funky foods, and crazy facts that make the world's 200countries so fascinating. Each country has a page to itself--sotiny Tuvalu ge