If laughter is what you're after, you'll love this masterpieceof mirth. Garfield's tenth collection of hilarious Sunday comics showcasesthe feisty fat cat in all his glory--and gluttony!
TO EAT, OR NOT TO EAT? That's a stupid question! The fat cat was born to binge, and whilesome might call it gluttony, Garfield prefers to think of it aseating proactively. Besides, someone needs to keep the surplusdonut population under control. In this latest collection ofcomics, the heavyweight of humor tips the scales with a veritablemetric ton of laughs.
This new format, crafted specifically for younger readers,features the original Tintin graphic novel plus brand-new content.Go "behind the scenes" with the true story about people, places andantiquities that Hergé drew from, filled with fun facts, lots ofpictures, and easy-to-read text! In this adventure: Tintin stumblesacross a model ship at the Old Street Market. Only it isn't justany model ship-it's the Unicorn, carved by one of Haddock'sancestors, and it holds a clue to finding pirate treasure!
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781401249359 Author 作者 Pak, Greg Pages Number 页数 224页 Publisher 出版社 DC Comics Publication Date 出版日期 2014年11月18日 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 16开 Language 语种 ENG Book Contents 内容简介 The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel uncover a plot by the Toymaster to use a secret, potentially deadly element in his new video game, the characters created by players manifest in real life. The ultimate fighting game results--and a world-wide network of players must team up to create the most powerful, skilled Super Heroes imaginable with one goal: To kill Batman. When Batman and Superman are corned by the Toymaster and Mongul, they are pitted against on another in a battle to the death, with their only hope being the The Worlds' Finest. Collects "Batman/Superman #5-9, Batman/Superman Annual #"1, " Worlds' Finest #20-21."
Garfield classic stripcollection from Davis,now repackaged in full color and in a new,larger format, contains vignettes from the life of the most lovablecat around.
The popular children's story appears in graphic novel form forthe first time in the U.S., with stories never seen in America.This time, Geronimo Stilton and friends must travel back in time toAncient Egypt The Pirate cats, jealous that the face of a man wasplaced on the body of the Sphinx, are determined to coerce thePharaoh into changing the face of this monument. It's up toGeronimo and co. to travel back in time and stop the Pirate Catsbefore it's too late.
平装 出版社: Scholastic India Pvt Ltd 语种: English 商品尺寸: 22.6 x16.5 x 0.5 cm 商品重量: 181.4g