One day Greg Mortenson set out to climb K2 - the world's second highest mountain - in honour of his younger sister, but when another member of his group fell ill, they turned around and Greg became lost in the mountains of Pakistan. He wandered into a poor village, where the chief and his people took him in. Moved by their kindness, Greg promised to return and build a school for the children. This is the remarkable story of how, against all the odds, Greg built not only one but more than sixty schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and how he dedicated his life to establishing literacy and peace, and understanding.
《人类的故事》是亨德里克·威廉·房龙的成名作。房龙以平铺直叙的手法、幽默风趣的语言、俏皮睿智的文笔、独具匠心的构思,从人类登上历史舞台、史前人类、早的文字、尼罗河流域、希腊的故事、罗马帝国、十字军东征、文艺复兴,一直到近代的美国革命乃至科学时代,为我们展示了人类历史的浩荡长卷。其中有节奏明快的“大历史”叙述,也不乏真正影响人类文明进程的事件和细节。让我们每个人都可以从这本经典的通俗人类史中获得启发和阅读快感。 《人类的故事》是一部以通俗的手法描写人类文明发展史的巨著,1921年刚一出版,就为房龙赢得了世界性的声誉。该书一度被美国中学选为历史教科书,还曾获得美国著名的儿童文学奖——纽伯瑞奖,在世界上影响很大。从人类的起源,到每一个历史时期的精辟论述,精彩的历史场景重现,扼要的历史人物