A book that celebrates the joys of bedtime!There are so manythings to love at bedtime: playing, reading, talking, and dreaming!THINGS I LOVE ABOUT BEDTIME is a board book that celebrates thejoys of the bedtime process. From taking a bath to brushing teethto putting on pajamas to reading books in bed, follow one happylittle bunny through an adorably illustrated, classic bedtimeroutine that puts the "sweet" in "sweet dreams."
There are so many things to love about friends.Sharingideas, interests, feelings and fun times - and learning how to be agood friend.'The Things I Love' series celebrates the everydaysituations that form the basis of our children's experiences.Spending time with your children, giving them love and care, helpsthem tocelebrate who they are, building resilience and self-esteem.In Notes for Parents and Caregivers at the back of the book, somehelpful insights are shared.