Join Katie as five famous Pointillist paintings come alive forher! On a hot, sunny day, a painting of some bathers in a coolriver proves too tempting for Katie, and so she dives straight intothe picture! But Katie doesn't just cause a splash - she causes aflood! Paddling with new friends might be fun, but how will Katiestop the water pouring into the gallery? A wonderful introductionand explanation of the Pointillist art style, featuring fivemasterpieces from three famous artists: Bathers at Asnieres byGeorges Seurat Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte byGeorges Seurat Port of Honfleur by Georges Seurat Woman Hanging upthe Washing by Camille Pissarro Portrait of Felix Feneon by PaulSignac
This long-awaited ?little sibling? of Abbeville?s bestsellingHow Artists See series shows preschoolers the varied and beautifulways in which artists see the world around them. The How ArtistsSee Jr. board books are a child?s first introduction to the magicand beauty of art. Like a miniature museum exhibit that parent andchild can explore together, each book features twelve diverse worksof art from around the world, centered on a theme that little oneslove: Babies, Dogs, Horses, or Trains. This enlightened and provenapproach for bringing art to children is ideal for the board bookset. The ?apples to apples? comparisons will engage young children,helping them see the familiar in unfamiliar ways, while the books?comfortable size and colorful presentation will make them lastingfamily favorites. Designed specifically to encourage parent-childinteraction, the books also feature a ?Parents? Guide? on theirback covers suggesting questions for Mom or Dad to ask whilebrowsing. Adapted from the acclaimed How Arti