Flower delivery! Featuring five amazing pop-up bouquets, Paper Blossoms brings floral cheer to any room. Display any of the bouquetsa garland of roses, a tropical arrangement, a lotus watergarden, a springtime bouquet, or a vase of liliesas a beautiful centerpiece or room accent. A triumph of pop-up artistry and a sure conversation-starter, these bouquets burst forth with color, joy, and lasting beauty.
Welcome to the world of Blop! A Blop is a simple shape,somewhere between a flower and a butterfly, a sponge and a drawingof a little man -- above all Blop is whatever you want it to be.Using very few woods and handwritten text "I AM BLOP!" explore manyconcepts encountered for the first time by young children,including up and down, single and plural, individual and family,city and countryside etc. This single shape represents anything achild's mind can imagine. With 110 illustrations in varying colorsand patterns, little or sometimes no words at all, each page has aunique Blop that brigs a whole new dimension to children's reading."I AM BLOP!" is an invitation to discover and explore everyday lifeand hundreds of ideas through one simple shape.
Join Katie as five famous Pointillist paintings come alive forher! On a hot, sunny day, a painting of some bathers in a coolriver proves too tempting for Katie, and so she dives straight intothe picture! But Katie doesn't just cause a splash - she causes aflood! Paddling with new friends might be fun, but how will Katiestop the water pouring into the gallery? A wonderful introductionand explanation of the Pointillist art style, featuring fivemasterpieces from three famous artists: Bathers at Asnieres byGeorges Seurat Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte byGeorges Seurat Port of Honfleur by Georges Seurat Woman Hanging upthe Washing by Camille Pissarro Portrait of Felix Feneon by PaulSignac
With no text, this board book takes youngsters on a visualwalk through the countryside. Readers can tell the story aloud asthey OwalkO through the book. Full color.
This fully illustrated volume on the life and work of EricCarle contains autobiographical writings of his life and childhoodin wartime Germany, giving a glimpse of the people, circumstancesand events that shaped his life and encouraged his bold, freeformstyle. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable editionof this title.
Known in France as Othe Prince of pre-school books, O Tulletpresents a fun and interactive game of finger puppets at thecircus. Full color.
This 128-page doodle book includes activities based many of Roald Dahl’s most famous stories, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and features the iconic artwork of Quentin Blake.
孩子,这是你的本艺术书!快抓住它,翻开里面神奇的书页,在艺术的世界里翻转吧!这里没有你不能做的,你能看到潦草的线条和圆点,各种形状、字母和符号。你可以在这里变身小小艺术家,翻开书页把图画进行搭配混合,充分发挥你的创造力和想象力,重要的是,看看你能用这本书创造出什么样的东西! 这本互动图书鼓励孩子用自己的能力搭配众多的颜色、形状和图案,从而创造出属于孩子的艺术,它为孩子创造自己的故事预留了很大的空间,鼓励孩子表达自己的思想,无论是孩子还是家长,只要参与到这本书中,一定能获得无穷的乐趣。
This is one of a series of books on modern art created to help very young people learn the basic vocabulary used by artists, a sort of ABC of art. This book isolates lines to show how they are used by artists and how they contribute to meaning in art. By looking at lines and discussing what thoughts and feelings they convey, adults encourage children to develop creative thinking skills. Notes at the back of each book provide brief background information that adults will find useful when talking with children about the images reproduced in these books.
Taro Gomi is back with a new addition to the wildly popular Scribbles, Doodles, and Squiggles series. Playful drawings plus fun-to-follow instructions will have kids of all ages doodling, drawing, and stretching their imaginations in too many ways to count
An introduction for young readers to some of thegreatest paintings of all time. Here are twenty world-famous artworks featured in easy-to-followchronological order, including: Jan Van Eyck’s The ArnolfiniPortrait, Paolo Uccello’s The Battle of San Romano, SandroBotticelli’s Primavera, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, PieterBruegel the Elder’s Children’s Games, Jan Vermeer’s The Artist’sStudio, John Constable’s The Hay Wain, Winslow Homer’s Breezing Up(A Fair Wind), Auguste Renoir’s La Loge, Berthe Morisot’s Summer’sDay, Georges Seurat’s A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, Paul Cézanne’sMont Sainte-Victoire, and Paul Gauguin’s Where Do We Come From?What Are We? Where Are We Going? All of the works are remarkable paintings with remarkablehistories that have been chosen specifically to appeal to a youngaudience. The illustrations include a portrait or self-portrait ofeach artist, as well as a reproduction of their masterpiece, alongwith carefully selected details and other paintings
Learning about colors has never been so hip! In Andy Warhol's imagination, horses are purple and golden monkeys wear pink baubles on their tails. Through Andy Warhol's Colors, children will learn their colors as they discover that in modern art, anything is possible.
Beginning with his early days in Syracuse, N.Y., and hischildhood in wartime Germany, this autobiography gives readers aglimpse at what shaped the artist's life, including essays on hiswork by his editors, a speech for the Library of Congress, and morethan sixty full-color illustrations.
A comprehensive and delightful look at Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, The Burrow, Azkaban prison and all of the memorable places, both loved and feared, that brought the Harry Potter movies to life—a keepsake treasury bound in a debossed leatherette case and featuring a removable poster and interactive booklet. Grand in its design and package, Harry Potter: Magical Places from the Films: Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, and Beyond offers an unprecedented look at the creative process that transformed the magical locations of the wizarding world from the page to the big screen. Inside, readers will discover the many challenges the studio faced to build the fantastical sites depicted in Rowling’s books, from Hogwarts castle and its many classrooms and dormitories, to Diagon Alley and the Ministry of Magic. Organized by film appearance, Harry Potter: Magical Places from the Films: Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, and Beyond takes readers on a behind-the-scenes visual journey through all eight of the Harry Potter fil
Nina Laden''s illustrations complement this f unny story that not only introduces children to two of the w orld''s most extraordinary modern artists, but teaches a valu able lesson - how to creatively resolve a conflict. '
These bright, compact hardcovers introduce young readers andtheir parents to six visual building blocks--Lines, Shapes, Colors,People, Places and Stories--via an assortment of the greatmasterpieces of twentieth century art. Author Philip Yenawine, thelongtime Director of Education at The Museum of Modern Art, iscurrently co-director of Visual Understanding in Education, adevelopmentally based education research organization. He has alsobeen affiliated with education programs at the Metropolitan Museumof Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. In ShapesYenawine asks questions like, "Can you find buildings? And roofs?"while looking at a Picasso study. Other Shapes artists includeSeurat, Gauguin, Malevich, Mondrian, Arp, Klee, Smith and Dali.Colors looks at Monet, de Kooning, Kandinsky, Albers, Stella andJohns, among others. Places includes 21 artworks by artists such asHopper, Munch, Klimt, and Bonnard, while People highlights works byBalthus, Degas, Freud, Cezanne, Neel and Rivera. Lines featur
Five famous Italian Renaissance paintings come alive for Katiewhen she steps into the picture frames. What makes the Mona Lisasmile? Katie wants to find out so she climbs into the Leonardo DaVinci painting. But the Mona Lisa is not really feeling very happy,so Katie tries to cheer her up ...with disastrous results! Includesfive masterpieces from five Italian Renaissance artists: Mona Lisaby Leonardo Da Vinci, An Angel in Red with a Lute by an associateof Leonardo, St George and the Dragon by Raphael, Primavera bySandro Botticelli, The Lion of St Mark by Vittore Carpaccio
50 Tear-Off Placemats for Mealtime Fun Break out your pens and markers, and help characters get dressed up, tell jokes, choose a pet, go on vacation, and more with this really giant colouring and doodling pad of 52 big place mats Picky eaters and fidgety diners of all ages will love Taro Gomi's signature humour and invitation to imagine and create at mealtime.
Toss this irrepressible doodle book into a bag, leave in the back of the car or tote it onto the plane for instant mood adjustment and therapy for any case of boredom. Draw an embarrassed moon in the sky, a confused cow, a sheepish umbrella and just see if your day doesn't get better! Moody doodlers of all ages will love Taro Gomi's signature humour and his invitation to imagine and create; wherever the mood takes you!
Katie has the best tour of London in town when a friendly lionshows her the sights! When Katie and her cousin Jack visit Londonwith Grandma, they don't think there's much to see and do. AtTrafalgar Square they meet a talking stone lion, and he takes themon a wonderful tour of the city taking in such sights as The Towerof London, Buckingham Palace and the London Eye!