Josh’s best friend, Rosa, loves mud soup. What’s worse, she keeps trying to get Josh to taste it. He’s been able to escape so far, but that’s all about to change. In this simple, multicultural story, kids will relate to Josh’s food anxiety, and page by page, their anticipation will grow along with his until they find out what’s really in mud soup. Recipe included!
This HARRY POTTER POSTER BOOK includes 32 high-quality posters, each featuring a different character or scene from HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS. Movie stills from the movie that's destined to be another blockbuster hit from Warner Brothers bring this exciting poster collection bring this exciting poster collection to life.
Children pout when the rain begins, but, soon, properly dressed, they enjoy playing outdoors in the rain.
It's baseball season,and Charloie Brown is the team manager once again.How can he help his team win?Will he trade Snoopy or Lucy?
Don t go into the river,dont get dirty,and make sure you arent late back.This is what the friends are told as tey run off to play with little Bear But when they return later have they done as they were told? Embossed pictures throughout add to the fun of this charming riverside adventure.
Hello Reader!books have been designed—— for parents to read to children for children to read to parents for children to read to themselves ——to make you child a better reader
Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse! Welcome to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy and Pluto in stories that teach valuable lessons about letters, numbers, shapes, decision-making, and friendship. Kids love rainbows! In this colorful tale, Minnie Mouse simply explains how these beautiful apparitions are formed. Soon, she and her Clubhouse pals begin to see a world of rainbows around them. Young readers will enjoy a hands-on learning experience as they use the included mylar wand to make a rainbow of their very own. The premiere of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse delivered the highest ratings ever for a Playhouse Disney series premiere among Kids 2-5, Girls 2-5, Households, and Total Viewers. It also premiered at #1 among all basic cable networks in its time period for Kids 2-5. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows no signs of slowing down as it settles in to its first season. It is the number one show among preschoolers!
A new edition of the classic illustrated storybook, ideal forchildren just beginning to read on their own. This exciting storyabout a procession of animals chasing a fly, is pacy and ideal forencouraging even 'non-reading' children to read. This Green BackBook will boost the confidence of children who have just started toread on their own. Perfect for encouraging children to read!
Mia has hit an all-time isn't speaking to her; someone is posting horrible things about her on,and michael,the love of her life,has dumped her. But Mia has more on her mind than recruiting a new prince charming.Like solving a 400-year-old mystery that could mean BIG changes for Genovia.But is Mia really ready to throw away her tiara-and destroy a dynasty?
After learning about hibernation, George decides that the bestway to spend the cold winter months is the way that bears do it -fast asleep But first it's too bright in his room; then it's notcave-like enough; and then it's too loud. When George finally doesget to sleep, he wakes up to discover that he only slept one night,not the whole winter Will George be convinced that winter can be awonderland of fun after all? Includes a question-and-answeractivity on hibernation as well as a make-your-own teddy-bear-cavecraft project.
Inside this book you’ll find the words,actions and pictues to 42 fantastic rhymes。From Little Bo Peep to fack and Jill,Hey Diddle Diddle to Wee Willie Winkie,all your favourites are here。so take your music with you and sing along wherever you go.
When Biscuit meets a little piglet, his new friend wants to follow him everywhere!
In this tale of mishap and misadventure, Dr Seuss reminds us that there is always someone, somewhere, worse off than ourselves. The book has been branded a "Yellow Back Book", which indicates that it is suitable for fluent readers aged five and over, or for reading aloud to younger children.
Horrid Henry has got nits - again! But as an impending visitfrom Nitty Nora the Nit Nurse looms, Henry's determined he won't bethe only one...
Join the SCHOLASTIC READING CIRCLE-children will love to read together, read with assistance, and read alone!