Two years earlier, Brian Robeson was stranded alone in the wilderness for 54 days with nothing but a small hatchet. Yet he survived. Now the government wants him to go back into the wilderness so that astronauts and the military can learn the survival techniques that kept Brian alive.
这是一部有关现代科学发展史的既通俗易懂又引人入胜的书,作者用清晰明了、幽默风趣的笔法,将宇宙大爆炸到人类文明发展进程中所发生的繁多妙趣横生的故事一一收入笔下。惊奇和感叹组成了本书,历历在目的天下万物组成了本书,益于人们了解大千世界的无穷奥妙,掌握万事万物的发展脉络。 书中回溯了科学史上那些伟大与奇妙的时刻,引用了近年来发现的*科学史料,几乎每一个被作者描述的事件都奇特而且惊人:宇宙起源于一个要用显微镜才看得见的奇点;全球气候变暖可能会使北美洲和欧洲北部地区变得更加寒冷;1815年印度尼西亚松巴哇岛坦博拉火山喷发引发的海啸夺走了10万人的生命;美国黄石国家公园是“世界上*的活火山”……而那些沉迷于科学的科学家们也是千奇百怪:达尔文居然为蚯蚓弹起了钢琴;牛顿将一根大针眼缝针插进眼窝,为的
Grank raises the hatchling deep in a forest far from owls that would kill the royal chick named Hoole to end the kingly line. His mother comes to visit, in disguise, and departs again. Not even the chick must know his mother's identity. It would give him away as Hrath's heir. Sent by an evil warlord, a hagsfiend attempts to lure young Hoole away when he first learns to fly. Grank realizes that the same evil forces that killed Hrath are after Hoole, and know where he is. To keep him safe, Grank brings him to Beyond the Beyond, a strange land of fiery volcanoes in a barren, icy landscape.(more)
Book De*ion Harry Potter is midway through his training as a wizard and his coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup. He wants to find out about the mysterious event that's supposed to take place at Hogwarts this year, an event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. But unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal - even by wizarding standards. And in his case, different can be deadly. From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the long-awaited, heavily hyped fourth instalment of a phenomenally successful series that has captured the imagination of millions of readers, young and old, across the globe. For J K Rowling the pressure is certainly on to continue to come up with thrilling, pacey storylines that allow her hero to mature into a young man without detracting from the magical secret that
In the midst of war, Eglantine unwittingly becomes a spy for Kludd, leader of the Pure Ones (a group of evil owls). She is brainwashed by an owl sent by the Pure nes to infiltrate the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. Her odd behavior eventually attracts attention, and Soren and his friends vow to find out what's wrong with Eglantine. They ultimately learn what happened and help her reverse the effects of the brainwashing. Kludd continues to battle against the Guardians of Ga'Hoole for control of their tree. In the end, Kludd and his forces are defeated. But his conflict with Soren is not yet over.
幽默 想象力 有趣!有趣!有趣! 激动人心=科学? 是的!这就是《可怕的科学》!本丛书三度荣获国际科普图书奖 安万特青少年奖,全球热销,版权销售至25个国家和地区,美国亚马逊网五星级评论,名校名师特别推荐。 当你听到科学家侃侃而谈的时候,你是不是觉得他们上知天文、下晓地理 好像什么都懂?可别被他们唬住了,科学家并不是什么都懂。要真是那样,他们就不用做什么实验了,一天到晚跷着二郎腿坐着就行了。实际上,我们的科学家还有很多疑难没解决,我们还有很多不知道或不理解的事。 2004年7月,《可怕的科学》获得了霍金《果壳里的宇宙》曾获得过的安万特科学书籍奖。安万特奖一向来被称作"科普诺贝尔奖"。《可怕的科学》这次获得的是安万特青少年奖,要获得这个奖是很不容易的,除了要由英国皇家科学院院士提名,还得由
Piper McCloud lives with her normal ma and pa on a normal farmin normal Lowland County. But Piper isn't your normal girl. Eversince Piper was a baby she's been able to hover a few feet off theground, and if the people of Lowland County knew she could fly,they would have something to say about it. So it only seems bestthat Piper be sent away to I.N.S.A.N.E., the top secret school forchildren with extraordinary abilities like hers. Her new friendshave powers like telekinesis, X-ray vision, and the ability tocreate their own weather. Piper likes her new life at school, butsoon, she realizes things aren't as they seem. Now, the school shewas sent to for her own protection might be the most dangerousplace she's ever been.
Beautiful box set of J.K. Rowling's classic Harry Potter series in new hardback editions, with stylish jacket art by Andrew Davidson to appeal to adult readers Hardcover: 4544 pages 出版社: Bloomsbury Childrens (8 Oct. 2015) 语种: English 商品尺寸: 22.6 x 15.3 x 27.9 cm
It begins, as the best superhero stories do, with a tragic accident that has unexpected consequences. The squirrel never saw the vacuum cleaner coming, but self-described cynic Flora Belle Buckman, who has read every issue of the comic book Terrible Things Can Happen to You!, is just the right person to step in and save him. What neither can predict is that Ulysses (the squirrel) has been born anew, with powers of strength, flight, and misspelled poetry and that Flora will be changed too, as she discovers the possibility of hope and the promise of a capacious heart. From #1 New York Times best-selling author Kate DiCamillo comes a laugh-out-loud story filled with eccentric, endearing characters and featuring an exciting new format a novel interspersed with comic-style graphic sequences and full-page illustrations, all rendered in black-and-white by up-and-coming artist K. G. Campbell.