When you're with me, Geronimo Stilton, it's always a fabu-mouse adventure Sally Ratmousen broke some shocking news: "The Rodent's Gazette" was out of money and in danger of closing. Then Grandfather William broke even worse news to me: I needed to sell my comfy, cozy house in order to save our paper How terrible But could I sell it -- and find a new home -- in time to help
Teen witch Tiffany Aching returns for a new Discworldadventure -- along with her ever-present allies, the Nac MacFeegle. Tiffany Aching, the young witch from The Wee Free Men, A Hat Fullof Sky and Wintersmith is back in a new adventure featuringDiscworld characters both familiar to fans (like Granny Weatherwax)and new (meet Wee Mad Arthur, the Nac Mac Feegle on the CityWatch). Oh, and there's a shambles, a twist through time, a CunningMan -- and a Giant Man of chalk.--From the Hardcover edition.
Two years earlier, Brian Robeson was stranded alone in the wilderness for 54 days with nothing but a small hatchet. Yet he survived. Now the government wants him to go back into the wilderness so that astronauts and the military can learn the survival techniques that kept Brian alive.
The gift of anoriental rug with a coded message woven into its border and thedisappearance of a Turkish client start Nancy Drew on a new searchfor a missing mannequin.
This large, deluxe hardcover edition of the first title in theclassic Chronicles of Narnia series, The Magician's Nephew, is agorgeous introduction to the magical land of Narnia. The manyreaders who discovered C.S. Lewis's Chronicles through The Lion,the Witch, and the Wardrobe will be delighted to find that the nextvolume in the series is actually the first in the sequence--and astep back in time. In this unforgettable story, Britishschoolchildren Polly and Digory inadvertently tumble into the WoodBetween the Worlds, where they meet the evil Queen Jadis and,ultimately, the great, mysterious King Aslan. We witness the birthof Narnia and discover the legendary source of all the adventuresthat are to follow in the seven books that comprise theseries. Rich, heavy pages, a gold-embossed cover, and Pauline Baynes'soriginal illustrations (hand-colored by the illustrator herself 40years later) make this special edition of a classic a bona fidetreasure. 《纳尼亚传奇》(The Chronicles ofNarnia)是
Nancy Drew's latest involvement in a mystery begins in herhome town and concerns a synthetic sapphire with a spider embeddedin it, and the strange disappearance of Ned Nickerson.
Tiffany Aching is a trainee witch — now working for theseriously scary Miss Treason. But when Tiffany witnesses the DarkDance — the crossover from summer to winter — she does what no onehas ever done before and leaps into the dance. Into the oldeststory there ever is. And draws the attention of the wintersmithhimself. As Tiffany-shaped snowflakes hammer down on the land, can Tiffanydeal with the consequences of her actions? Even with the help ofGranny Weatherwax and the Nac Mac Feegle — the fightin’, thievin’pictsies who are prepared to lay down their lives for their “bigwee hag.” Wintersmith is the third title in an exuberant series cracklingwith energy and humour. It follows The Wee Free Men.--From theHardcover edition.
"Don't judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins." As Salamanca Hiddle travels cross-country with her eccentric grandparents, she tells them the story of Phoebe Winterbottom, who met a "potential lunatic" and whose mother disappeared. Beneath Phoebe's story is Salamanca's own: Her mother left for Idaho, and although she promised to return, she has not. Sal hopes to bring her mother home, despite her father's warning that she is "fishing in the air." This novel is in turns funny, mysterious and touching, as Salamanca comes to a new understanding of aspects of her life.
When Young Tenar is chosen as high priestess to the ancientand nameless Powers of the Earth, everything is taken away -- home,family, possessions, even her name. For she is now Arha, the EatenOne, guardian of the ominous Tombs of Atuan. While she is learningher way through the dark labyrinth, a young wizard, Ged, comes tosteal the Tombs' greatest hidden treasure, the Ring of Erreth-Akbe.But Ged also brings with him the light of magic, and together, heand Tenar escape from the darkness that has become her domain.
Introducing the fith book of the newly designed Narniaclassics. Perfect for those seeking a contemporary take on TheChronicles of Narnia.Book five in the Chronicles of Narnia sees theintrepid Edmund and Lucy returning to Narnia–with their beastlycousin Eustace in tow–on the ship The Dawn Treader where their oldfriend Prince Caspian is searching for lost friends of hisfather's. As the children take to the Eastern Seas in their huntfor the friends they find themselves embroiled in a dangerousadventure that leads them once again into the arms of Aslan thelion.
Cats. Jessica's never liked them. Especially not a skinny, ugly kitten that looks like a worm. Worm. Jessica wishes she'd never brought Worm home with her, because now he's making her do terrible things. She's sure she isn't imagining the evil voice coming from the cat, telling her to play mean tricks on people. But how can she explain what's happening? Witches. Jessica has read enough books to know that Worm must be a witch's cat. He's cast a spell on her, but whom can she turn to? After all, no one will believe that Worm has bewitched her...or worse!
Even grownups enjoy a bedtime story every now and then,especially one that combines, as does this one, the sophisticationof a novel with the whimsy of a fairy tale. Gaarder, the Norwegianformer professor of philosophy who brought us The Solitaire Mystery(1996) and the bestselling Sophie's World (1995), is up to hisusual tricks here, serving up a metaphysical brainteaser thatunfolds into a warm?but not preachy?meditation on God and theChristian doctrines. Set in an unnamed town in present-day Norway,it tells the story of Joachim, a young boy who finds a faded,handmade Advent calendar in a bookstore on the eve of Decemberfirst, and begs his father to let him take it home. The nextmorning, when he opens the calendar's first door, Joachim discoversnot just the expected picture but also a tightly folded piece ofpaper, the first installment of the fantastic tale of a littlegirl's journey through time and space to be present at theNativity. Soon the girl's story is making unexpected intrusionsinto Joachim's o
Darren Shan is just an ordinary schoolboy who enjoys hanging outwith his three best friends. Then one day they stumble across asinvitation to visit the Cirque du Freak, a mysterious freak show.Only two tickets are available, so they draw straws to see who willgo. As if by destiny, Darren wins one, and what follows is hishorrifying descent into the dark and bloody world of vampires. Thisis Darren's story. "吸血侠达伦·山传奇"系列小说是英国青年作家达伦·山(原名达伦·奥肖内西)目前正在全心投入创作的一套大型儿童读物系列,计划共创作二十余部,读者对象为10岁以上青少年。小说以人称的手法,讲述了我--达伦·山如何由人变成吸血鬼,如何在人与鬼,在生与死,在正义与邪恶的抉择中所经历的传奇而恐怖的成长历程。
故事讲述了一位名叫塔兰(Taran)的少年,为了维护家乡和平,而与魔王The Horned King对抗,阻止其利用黑神锅的魔力危害世人。 The Newbery-Winning Fantasy Series Now Available In Gorgeous New Paperback Editions! Since "The Book Of Three" Was First Published In 1964, Young Readers Have Been Enthralled By The Adventures Of Taran The Assistant Pig-Keeper And His Quest To Become A Hero. Taran Is Joined By An Engaging Cast Of Characters That Includes Eilonwy, The Strong-Willed And Sharp-Tongued Princess; Fflewddur Fflam, The Hyperbole-Prone Bard; The Ever-Faithful Gurgi; And The Curmudgeonly Doli--All Of Whom Have Become Involved In An Epic Struggle Between Good And Evil That Shapes The Fate Of The Legendary Land Of Prydain. Released Over A Period Of Five Years, Lloyd Alexander'S Beautifully Written Tales Not Only Captured Children'S Imaginations But Also Garnered The Highest Critical Praise. "The Black Cauldron" Was A Newbery Honor Book, And The Final Volume In The Chronic
Dive in to the ultimate tale of shipwreck and survival in this illustrated, finely crafted keepsake edition of the classic adventure story that has thrilled readers for nearly three centuries. After a fierce storm at sea, Robinson Crusoe is marooned on an uncharted island, with only a few bits of his wrecked ship’s flotsam and jetsam to sustain him. For more than two decades, he faces the wrath of nature and the struggle to stay alive with little more than his wits to save him. Then, following an encounter with cannibals, a tribesman named Friday becomes Crusoe’s only ally. As their relationship develops, the line between servant and friend begins to blur, and the possibility of freedom for them both at last looms on the horizon. This collectible edition of a beloved adventure includes a soft-touch cover, gold foiling, and luminous illustrations from N.C. Wyeth, whose oil paintings perfectly depict the roiling seas, baking sun, and vast expanse of open space.
Geronimo's cousin Trap enters the Super Chef Contest, which determines the best cook on Mouse IslandNand he's bringing Geronimo along as his assistant However, neither Geronimo nor Trap know the first thing about cooking fancy dishes. What an appetizing adventure Full color.