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    • Kaplan LSAT 2010 Premier Live Online (Kaplan Lsat Premier Li
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Kaplan 著 /2009-06-01/ 东方联合
    • The Kaplan LSAT Premiere Live Program is a groundbreaking test prep program that uses the latest technology to maximize a student’s score. Essential practice is needed to achieve the highest scores, along with proven score-raising strategies. You will have free, online access to an interactive, state-of-the-art online companion that gives you exclusive, unprecedented access to an online classroom in real-time, diagnostic quizzes and many other exceptional features including: LSAT Premier Live Exclusive Free Online Features: LSAT LiveOnLine: A real-time online classroom including audio, video, instant chat, whiteboards, screen-sharing. Fast Fact Videos: Three to four minute video sessions featuring Kaplan’s best tutors. Diagnostic Quiz: Designed to target areas to help you improve your score. Customizable study plan & progress report New practice quizzes every month Comprehensive LSAT Preparation Program Features: ·Kaplan exclusive Q-Rater system which assigns difficulty ratings to real LSAT question

    • ¥316.8 ¥360 折扣:8.8折
    • 新东方 GRE/GMAT/LSAT学术英文200句
    •   ( 1134 条评论 )
    • 陈虎平 编著 /2015-09-01/ 浙江教育出版社
    • 《GRE/GMAT/LSAT学术英文200句》由新东方名师陈虎平潜心创作,是对考试研究和课堂教学的经验总结,经过了学生学习效果的检验。本书对传统的长句阅读法——语法划分进行了革新,开创性地提出长句解析新方法——长句结构法(识别基本结构+提取语义重点),并运用此方法详细分析了200个来自GRE/GMAT/LSAT阅读文章的学术长难句。全书共四个部分,部分是方法论介绍,以及60个基础句子的讲解,第二部分是75个GRE长难句,第三部分是25个GMAT长难句,第四部分是40个LSAT长难句,每个句子包含三个内容,分别是结构分析、语义分析和译文。

    • ¥27.4 ¥38 折扣:7.2折
    • Cracking the LSAT with DVD, 2009 Edition LSAT考试指南2009版(含DVD)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Princeton Review 著 /2008-06-01/ 江西人民出版社
    • Cracking the LSAT offers major features on DVD, including engaging video tutorials from The Princeton Review’s top instructors. We also bring you full length practice tests in the book and exclusive free access to additional practice exams and expert advice online. Of course, you’ll also get all the test-prep techniques you expect from The Princeton Review. In Cracking the LSAT, we’ll teach you how to think like the test writers and ·Master specific strategies for answering every question type ·Solve even the toughest questions in Arguments, Reading Comprehension, and Games ·Get the most out of your prep time with the study plan that’s right for you. ·Practice online with full-length LSAT practice tests ·Learn directly from our teachers and tutors in an LSAT strategy session on DVD We give you plenty of practice problems to help you master our proven techniques. In addition, this book contains 2 full-length, “paper and pencil” practice tests.

    • ¥269.3 ¥296 折扣:9.1折
    • Cracking the LSAT, 2010 Edition (Graduate School Test Prepar
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/ 江西人民出版社
    • The LSAT is a major factor in the law school admissions process, and if you are an aspiring lawyer, Cracking the LSAT has everything you need to prepare for this crucial exam. The test prep experts at The Princeton Review bring you proven techniques in this new 2010 edition of our popular guide. It includes 2 practice tests in the book and exclusive free access to an additional practice test and more practice questions and review online. In Cracking the LSAT with DVD we’ll bring you the key strategies and skills to ace every section of the test. The guide includes a rich array of resources, including Strategies to help you solve even the most difficult questions in Games, Arguments, and Reading Comprehension Detailed explanations for every practice question Helpful hints and law school information throughout the book Online, interactive tutorial lessons with extra practice problems Customized online study plans based on your schedule

    • ¥163.8 ¥180 折扣:9.1折
    • Kaplan LSAT 2009 Premier Program 2009 EDITION(光盘) 09年卡普兰LSAT
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Kaplan 著 /2008-06-01/ 东方联合
    • Kaplan LSAT 2009: Premier Program offers ALL OFFICIAL LSAT questions throughout the book, as well as 3 OFFICIAL LSAT practice tests! It also provides the most up-to-date content review, including strategies and practice for the new Comparative Reading passage set. This invaluable guide features: NEW! All samples and practice questions are OFFICIAL LSAT questions! NEW! Strategies and practice for the new Comparative Reading passage set 3 OFFICIAL LSAT practice tests from the test maker 2 additional full-length practice tests on CD-ROM Detailed answer explanations Fresh practice questions delivered monthly Downloadable content for PDAs and cellphones Personalized online progress report that adapts to a student's goals and schedule

    • ¥316.8 ¥360 折扣:8.8折