《示性类》内容简介:The text which follows is based mostly on lectures at PrincetonUniversity in 1957. The senior author wishes to apologize for the delayin publication.The theory of characteristic classes began in the year 1935 with almostsimultaneous work by HASSLER WHITNEY in the United States andEDUARD STIEFEL in Switzerland. StiefeI's thesis, written under thedirection of Heinz Hopf, introduced and studied certain "characteristic"homology classes determined by the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold.Whitney, then at Harvard University, treated the case of an arbitrary spherebundle. Somewhat later he invented the language of cohomology theory,hence the concept of a characteristic cohomology class, and proved thebasic product theorem.
《莫尔斯理论(英文)》主要内容简介:This book gives a present-day account of Marston Morse's theory of the calculus of variations in the large. However, there have been Im-portant developments during the past few years which are not mentioned.Let me describe three of these.
《莫尔斯理论(英文)》主要内容简介:This book gives a present-day account of Marston Morse's theory of the calculus of variations in the large. However, there have been Im-portant developments during the past few years which are not mentioned.Let me describe three of these.
《示性类》内容简介:The text which follows is based mostly on lectures at PrincetonUniversity in 1957. The senior author wishes to apologize for the delayin publication.The theory of characteristic classes began in the year 1935 with almostsimultaneous work by HASSLER WHITNEY in the United States andEDUARD STIEFEL in Switzerland. StiefeI's thesis, written under thedirection of Heinz Hopf, introduced and studied certain "characteristic"homology classes determined by the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold.Whitney, then at Harvard University, treated the case of an arbitrary spherebundle. Somewhat later he invented the language of cohomology theory,hence the concept of a characteristic cohomology class, and proved thebasic product theorem.
《国外名校名著·化学工程单元操作(英文改编版)》是在美国著名教材《Unit OperaUons of Chemical Engineering 》的基础上,按照我国化工原理教学大纲要求改编而成的,重点介绍化工单元操作的基本原理、典型设备结构特性及其计算。根据知识点之间的关系,《国外名校名著·化学工程单元操作(英文改编版)》在内容编排上力求逻辑严谨,同时兼顾工程实用性。《国外名校名著·化学工程单元操作(英文改编版)》主要内容包括:流体流动、流体输送、非均相体系的流动和非均相混合物的分离、传热、蒸发、扩散原理及相间质量传递、平衡关系和平衡级、气体吸收、蒸馏,浸提和萃取、物料的干燥、板式塔和填料塔的设计等,每章末均附有习题。《国外名校名著·化学工程单元操作(英文改编版)》可作为高等院校化学工程与工艺专业及制药工程、生物工程。过程装备与控制、环境
《简明量子场论(第2版)(英文)》用略带口语化的语言写成,作者似乎是面对面与你谈论有关的物理学话题。体现作者深刻物理学智慧的内容,俯拾皆是。用最简洁的数学工具,凸显物理学思想,结合轻松幽默的语言,不经意之间,将你引入物理学问题的核心。阅读此书给你带来的喜悦,和喜悦之后的收获,似乎只有“The Feynman Lectures on Physics”,与之在伯仲之间。如果想体念和分享,量子场论之美,量子场论之优雅,你不可不读此书。